Spoilers Captain America: Civil War - Grading & Discussion

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by Commander Richard, Apr 27, 2016.


Grade the movie...

  1. A+

  2. A

  3. A-

  4. B+

  5. B

  6. B-

  7. C+

  8. C

  9. C-

    0 vote(s)
  10. D+

  11. D

    0 vote(s)
  12. D-

    0 vote(s)
  13. F

    0 vote(s)
  1. Trekker4747

    Trekker4747 Boldly going... Premium Member

    Jul 16, 2001
    Ah, but they lived in an apartment, not a private home. So they couldn't add the deadbolt to the door because, it's not their door. And, I dunno, my parents wouldn't have let me add a deadbolt to my bedroom door no matter what my arguments, or age, were.
  2. Tosk

    Tosk Admiral Admiral

    Jan 7, 2001
    On the run.
    People put new locks on doors all the time, regardless of if they're allowed to or not. (I certainly have.) He's also not the first Spidey to have a lockable door.
  3. Mr Light

    Mr Light Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 1999
    While I was slightly disappointed Zemo didn't actually fight anyone or get powers, I did think his plot was very powerfully done and sinister. It reminded me strongly of the terrorists in The Sum of All Fears detonating a nuke to start a war between the US and Russia.
  4. Locutus of Bored

    Locutus of Bored Yo, Dawg! I Heard You Like Avatars... In Memoriam

    Jul 5, 2004
    Hiding with the Water Tribe
    I too found myself distracted by Spider-Man's door lock in the movie with the man who went from being two millimeters tall to a giant, the telekinetic flying Olsen sister, the crystal-headed android, the guy with the metal arm, and the dude dressed up like a cat. All I could think about is how Spider-Man could reasonably expect to enforce the Sokovia Accords when he so hypocritically and egregiously violates the Tenant/Landlord Rental Agreement on a daily basis. :p;)

    Other things that distracted me: Apparently, one of the qualifications for being on Team Cap is to literally wear the official Team Caps: plain, single-color baseball caps. It's like they bought in bulk from the "We're Totally Not Trying To Be Incognito" swap meet.

  5. marillion

    marillion Vice Admiral Admiral

    Sep 3, 2003
    Burque, baby!
    I loved the "not so" incognito look and kind of thought it was supposed to be a joke. I was half expecting Sharon to say something about it when she met them in the bar.

    Great movie and surprisingly more light hearted than I thought it would be. I was happy to see a bit of the "old Bucky" show through, and the scene where Cap kisses Sharon and the boys in the Bug give him knowing smirks.. Priceless!
  6. Tosk

    Tosk Admiral Admiral

    Jan 7, 2001
    On the run.
    That MCU Disguiseâ„¢ has been around a while now. Even though I've noted it before, I was especially amused when Cap and Sam had a convo while both wore their no-logo cap and sunglasses combo. :)
  7. UssGlenn

    UssGlenn Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 5, 2003
    New Orleans, LA
    Cap should wear an Anaheim Angels Cap, They used to be owned by Disney and It puts a big A on his forehead.
  8. DarthPipes

    DarthPipes Vice Admiral Admiral

    Mar 3, 2006
    It's insane for them to be holding New York and Washington against them. It was Shield who unleashed that alien invasion on New York by screwing around with alien technology and the Avengers had to clean up their mess. Being blamed for Washington is an even bigger joke. The government allowed Shield to become infiltrated by Hydra and helped them build massive helicarriers which were about to kill over 20 million people. Any collateral damage that the destruction of the helicarries caused, while regrettable, was negligible in comparison.

    Sokovia, yeah, you can pin that one strictly on Tony. But again, the worst damage in the MCU has come from the government and it's a joke that Ross, the man who created the Abomination who rampaged through New York, is the one lecturing them about it.
    Mr Light and Set Harth like this.
  9. Grendelsbayne

    Grendelsbayne Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 24, 2013
    So I just got back from this - don't have time to read the rest of the thread right now, but I thought I'd share my first reaction.

    I was very nervous going into it that it was going to suffer from too high expectations, that I might walk out disappointed even if the movie was good. I was also a little nervous about Spider-man, who used to be one of my favorite characters as a kid, but who I've been pretty much unable to muster any interest in the last few years (to the point that I wondered if I'd just somehow completely outgrown the character). Doubly so because his trailer appearance didn't really convince me at all.

    As it turns out, there was absolutely nothing to be nervous about. Not only did it meet my expectations, it pretty much blew them away. It's easily the best Marvel movie yet. And Spider-man was actually one of the best parts.This might actually be my favorite movie in the genre, though I'd want to rewatch a few times to be sure. Certainly it belongs in that very small group of superhero movies which I consider to be pretty much near perfect. Literally the only things I could possibly say against this movie would be that I thought Vision followed Stark's lead a little too easily (although Bettany's excellent performance still sold me, and in conjunction with him sort of evolving and having unclear emotional impulses towards Wanda, it's sort of understandable that his head might not be entirely on straight); that it was a little weird how Wanda was instantly feared for a mistake, yet no one mentioned her responsibility for the Hulk rampage (is that a secret still?) and apparently no one is afraid of the Vision, even though he seems almost comparable to Thor in power and was literally created by Ultron (I guess I can just write that off as the movie simply didn't focus on him, but someone somewhere must've still been wary of him); leaving Sharon Carter behind seemed like a minor 'DoFP Quicksilver' moment - she is a top shield agent who could probably help (but it's hardly a big deal at all); and those scene opening location tags were way too big. That last one was really the only thing in the entire movie that really bothered me at all. And it didn't bother me very much, because, well, they're just location tags.

    Some other random thoughts and reactions I had:

    Ant-man was far funnier in this movie than he was in his own. The introduction scene was hilarious.

    Black Panther felt sort of underwhelming in his earliest scenes, but he slow burned up to a stand out position in the movie. As I'd hoped, this movie really got me pumped for Black Panther. Especially the first glimpse of Wakanda itself (interesting that it's in a rain forest).

    Spider-man was far better than I'd dared hope. Not only did he not bother me at all, he actually got me excited for a new Spider-man movie. I didn't think that was possible. I also really loved Aunt May.

    Zemo was one of the best villains in the franchise, in part because he was so low-key and almost normal. I love (to hate?) the fact that he actually kind of did win in the end. Though I was surprised he had no connection to Hydra. Perhaps in phase 4?

    Also very interesting that it ends with Cap and 'his' Avengers on the run, potentially stretching the civil war storyline out a bit more. I wonder whether we'll see anything about the different teams of Avengers in Black Panther or Ant-man 2. And how this will set up Infinity war part i.

    Captain America might be the first trilogy I've personally ever seen which was fantastic all the way through without any disappointing installments.

    The Russo Brothers have officially layed to rest almost every possible worry I could have had about the feasibility of the Infinity War movies. The only hurdle left is to get Thanos himself completely up to snuff.

    Overall, absolutely great movie.
    Marsden, Trekker4747 and shapeshifter like this.
  10. F. King Daniel

    F. King Daniel Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Nov 5, 2008
    A type 13 planet in it's final stage
    Saw this two days ago. I enjoyed it, though it wasn't as good as Batman V Superman, IMHO. That felt like a special event, this felt like more MCU. Looks like we're going into Infinity War with two Avengers teams, the US Government-sanctioned ones and Cap's (Nomad's??) outlaws. I'm eager to see what's next.
  11. Admiral2

    Admiral2 Admiral Admiral

    Sep 14, 2004
    This was me throughout the movie:


    This was me when the credits started rolling:


    This was me at the mid-credit scene:


    This was me when the credits resumed.


    This was me at the post credits scene:


    I'm giving this movie an A+ because there's no A-infinity listed.
    Marsden and Jedi_Master like this.
  12. Kai "the spy"

    Kai "the spy" Admiral Admiral

    Feb 7, 2011
    Gotta say, though, when I first heard about Tomei playing Aunt May, I felt incredibly old.
  13. Admiral2

    Admiral2 Admiral Admiral

    Sep 14, 2004
    Actually, I saw it the way Kirk saw the Genesis planet.

    "Young...I feel young..."
  14. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    I'm going with Cap's Kooky Quintet.
  15. FPAlpha

    FPAlpha Vice Admiral Premium Member

    Nov 7, 2004
    Mannheim, Germany
    Missed half of it because of looking over to a friend but when the theater started laughing i quickly looked back and saw the last half second of Bucky grinning ear to ear.. that was so cool and the true Bucky came shining through (can't wait for him to reappear when all the mess has been sorted in his head and him tagteaming with Sam and making fun of Cap in stereo :D ).
  16. gblews

    gblews Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 13, 2004
    So. Cal.
    Saw it yesterday and like so many, loved it. SO much better than BvS. The movie managed to convey a fair amount of profundity and gravitas without becoming weighed down with pretentiousness like BvS. Someone should tell Warner Bros that a movie doesn't have to have it's characters standing around with "serious" and "important" looks on their faces in order to convey these things.

    After their two epiphanies, Tony, with the lady blaming him for her son's death, and Cap hearing Peggy's words interpreted by her niece at Peggy's funeral, it was easy to see both men's positions and the reasons they took those positions.. The movie, I thought, handled this so well.

    Loved new Spidey. That kid is likely to erase the blight that was Andrew Garfield's "performance". Good for Sony realizing that they'd gone as far as they could with the character and leasing him to the masters for further handling.

    I never cared much for Ant-Man or Giant-Man in the comics but I really am liking what Paul Rudd is doing with the characters.

    Chadwick Bozeman was great as Black Panther. He brought just the right dignity and regal bearing. I had a concern that (a small one) that we might not see this.

    A+ all the way.
  17. The Nth Doctor

    The Nth Doctor Infinite Possibilities... Premium Member

    Jul 20, 2000
    Lost in a temporal and spatial anomaly
    This right here is the core of the film along with the relationship between Steve and Bucky. These ideas were laid out organically and smoothy without ever feeling forced. One of the many reasons why I love this film so much.
  18. B.J.

    B.J. Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 14, 2004
    Huntsville, AL
    I didn't get the orange slices thing. I didn't see Ant Man, was it something from that movie?

    I've never understood this particular criticism. Parker is ~16 or 17 here (20s in other versions). I have a 16 year old son myself, and Tomei is 10 years older than me! So why is Aunt May supposed to look like a granny? (I don't read the comics, so if she's actually a great aunt in other versions, fine.) In some families, aunts and uncles are actually *younger* than their nieces and nephews!

    Where would you even find a plain baseball cap these days? That's something that bothers me about TV and movies today, is that you can't show *any* logos, and that's just not realistic. Set a movie somewhere in the South, and just about every other car should have a college logo on it somewhere, but they don't. I get that they are usually trying to blend in extras and set pieces into the background (also, *money*), but the absence of anything like that is just as noticeable to me as its presence. Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox now.
    Set Harth likes this.
  19. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    May was usually drawn to be very old and frail looking.
    Could be Ben ( and May) was a lot older than his brother, Richard. I know siblings who are a decade or more apart.

    Should have worn caps with the Stark logo on them.
  20. STEPhon IT

    STEPhon IT Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 27, 2010
    Sunny California
    No. Superman had a chance to save lives in Africa and didn't, and he didn't seem to care to make an attempt to save the innocent lives on Capitol Hill, and Batman is a cold blooded killer. There's not much of an ethical code I can respect from any of those sociopaths. I had no investment in neither of them and hoped LuTHOR created a mind altering machine which explained those heroes mental malfunctions.