Big Brother 25 + Reindeer Games / Survivor 45 / The Amazing Race 35 (2023)

With Cam gone, there's nobody left to root for.

I seriously hope the veto meeting blows up in some way they haven't anticipated.

Cory, at least, has interesting diary room segments.

Cirie could be interesting if she didn't seem so checked out.
Yeah, I guess I'd be okay with Cory winning. He's shown an ability to strategize and he's not obnoxious.

Cirie has said some rather obnoxious things so she can go any time. What did she think was going to happen - that she, Izzy, and Jared would sail to the final 3?

Now, about Survivor. Have there been any other seasons in which two people quit because they wanted to go home? And did anyone remind them that they wouldn't actually be going home right away because they'd be sequestered so the general public wouldn't know in advance that they hadn't won?

It must be awfully galling to the people who almost made it on the show to see people just up and quit like this. I could see if there was a medical issue or urgent family situation (ie. illness) or they were being bullied past being able to cope with it, but... good grief.
Cirie has said some rather obnoxious things so she can go any time. What did she think was going to happen - that she, Izzy, and Jared would sail to the final 3?

It feels like they begged her to be on the show & she thought it would be some kind of cakewalk or somehow stilted to her advantage. The only person in her alliance worth a lick of salt was Izzy. Jared was a freaking dummy and she didn't seem to notice. She just doesn't seem to care.
And as soon as I said it would be okay if Cory won, BOOM. He's out.

At least Cameron can say "I told you so."

Here's a prediction: Felicia wins "America's Favorite". Not because she's good at competitions, but simply for hanging on so long. Most people in her age group are usually gone by this point, aren't they?

I’m curious why you don’t see Jag and Matt as rootable, they’re who I’m pulling for.

I liked Cory but can’t defend his game. He became a threat instantly and only survived to now because other targets saw him as a shield.

What is up with everyone wanting to quit this season of Survivor?

Sucks one of my favorite teams lost in AR. Not a lot of teams stand out much yet.

I know nobody else is watching but want to call out Chris and Desi won The Challenge. Chris who won Survivor after getting voted out 3rd and coming back in at 6.
I’m curious why you don’t see Jag and Matt as rootable, they’re who I’m pulling for.
I just don't like them.

Sucks one of my favorite teams lost in AR. Not a lot of teams stand out much yet.
Yeah, that was too bad. I did like them.

The team with the screechy-voiced women can go, though. Or at least not speak. That's really ear-grating.

It's still too soon to pick a favorite, though maybe I shouldn't do that since the ones I pick almost always lose (Claire and Derek were an anomaly; I was rooting for them from the start and they won).
I think Cirie has been playing a great game in the last few weeks, everyone forgot all about her. She’s my third choice to win. My current rankings:


For Survivor, I can only think of one season where two people quit. I forget the exact year, but it happened at nine. “Purple Kelly” and one other woman who won a screening of a movie and was happy with that. Every other season hardly anyone quit.
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Well I'm caught up on Survivor and I have to say so far this is probably one of the worst casts in the history of the show

They're annoying, they're weak, they don't make very good strategical moves. It's all just pretty vanilla and lame

Hopefully things get better

Nice to see they have the intro again though
I think Cirie has been playing a great game in the last few weeks, everyone forgot all about her. She’s my third choice to win. My current rankings:

Blue needs to go NOW. I am so sick and tired of her poses that she thinks are cute/sexy (they aren't), the way she calls everyone "girl" (childish), the way she uses "Duh" even to Julie (I'm sure Julie Chen enjoyed essentially being called "stupid"), and her greasy face with dead eyes (normally I don't care about makeup, but come on... powder. Please.). I just find her completely unlikeable and cannot wait for her to be gone.

This season should be renamed The Matt & Jag Show. No, I don't want either of them to win, but Jag probably will. At this point the only person I would tolerate winning is Felicia, even though she has a foul mouth at times and the way she hoards food in her pockets is very off-putting.

Well I'm caught up on Survivor and I have to say so far this is probably one of the worst casts in the history of the show

They're annoying, they're weak, they don't make very good strategical moves. It's all just pretty vanilla and lame

Hopefully things get better

Nice to see they have the intro again though
The show has become so predictable and boring at times. It seems that every friggin' challenge is obstacle course - get the keys - undo whatever the puzzle pieces or catapult/throwing items are in - finish the puzzle/throw whatever into the basket/knock the targets down. Repeat ad nauseam.

They should bring back the auction. Those were fun sometimes. Or here's an idea for an immunity idol: Let everyone make one, and have a random draw to see whose is upgraded to a real one, while the rest are just colorful souvenirs. Let whoever made the real one be made aware of it secretly, so they might make a decision whether to keep it or play it.

And FFS, this withholding flint is ridiculous. Preventing people from having a fire for warmth, cooking food, and boiling water could lead to health issues.
We can at least be glad who left.

I wouldn’t mind Cirie winning at this point though prefer Matt or Jag. She managed to go from biggest target to completely under the radar.

I agree the Survivor cast is boring this year but there have been worse seasons. Like the first Colton season. There’s nobody reprehensible, just nobody that interesting either. I don’t mind taking away flint as this game has become less and less about the survival aspect and made the island location more an aesthetic background for the social game.

And yeah, every challenge either ends with throwing stuff or a puzzle. There used to be much more variety.
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I haven't seen Tuesday's Big Brother episode yet.

I'm not unhappy at who was voted out of Survivor, as I didn't like her.

I'm not happy about who was eliminated on The Amazing Race. I guess I'll have to cheer on the father/son team now.

The screechy-voiced "OUT OF TOWNERS!" can go any time. They're so friggin' annoying. Seriously, nobody cares that you're from "out of town" and it's absolutely obvious that you are anyway, so why keep shouting about it?
I wish they'd just get rid of the U Turn. It's total bullshit especially in the blind vote format, it's punishing teams for being too good.
Goodbye, Cirie, and good riddance.

I don't like Felicia (ugh, who does their toenails in someone else's personal space? Felicia has NO concept of personal boundaries), but holy crap, by this time I'm wondering if Bowie Jane is a real human or a robot programmed to only interact with creepy smiles and the word "yeah" uttered in a completely insincere tone of voice.

If Matt and Jag are smart, whichever of them has the chance to do so, they should take out the other, because the jury could go either way with them. Nobody really likes Felicia, and Bowie Jane, other than winning a couple of short-term memory competitions by guessing correctly in the tie-breaker round, has basically coasted in the game. She's shown minimal strategy, other than attaching herself to Jag.

There's not one person there who I would really like to see win, but would find it least annoying if Matt wins. He's at least wrestling a bit with his conscience at times.
I had not seen the Sunday episode at the time I wrote my previous post.

Felicia was delusional. There's no way she was ever going to make the finale, but that doesn't negate the fact that she's right about Matt and Jag. The jury could go either way, so one of them should have taken the chance to remove the other. Neither Bowie Jane nor Felicia have/had the competition wins to impress the jury and everyone's been mad at Felicia at some point.

Was that a hint about a Christmas edition of Big Brother?
Bowie Jane has 3 HoHs and I believe was never nominated so she’d have an argument against anyone but Matt & Jag.

It wouldn’t shock me if they did a winter BB due to the strikes. Last strike they did one. That’s one I didn’t watch last the first episode because of their silly computer dating gimmick.

I’m in the middle of Amazing Race now. It’s funny watching seven teams freak out about possibly being in last not realizing one team is hours behind them not even realizing they took the wrong ferry for the first clue yet.
Amazing Race won't be on for another 2 hours here - not that I'll be watching it tonight. Having these shows on now instead of earlier in the year means they conflict with NaNoWriMo. Since that has to be updated daily (for me), I'm working on my story tonight instead of watching TV.
When they finally got to the right ferry the guy had a look on his face like “I was told this would be a short assignment!”

Come to think of it all three of Bowie’s HoH wins are on “Guess the seconds” tiebreakers.
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Come to think of it all three of Bowie’s HoH wins are on “Guess the seconds” tiebreakers.
Which, to me, means they shouldn't count as much since she herself admits that she just guessed, rather than put much actual effort into them.
Which, to me, means they shouldn't count as much since she herself admits that she just guessed, rather than put much actual effort into them.

But she was tied for the best in every single “Remember the detail” comp.

It’s comical seeing the 6th and 7th place teams be like “We must be out!” when the last place team just now finished the first thing. The people giving the clues at the early tasks look as exhausted as the team.