Big Brother 25 + Reindeer Games / Survivor 45 / The Amazing Race 35 (2023)

She admitted that she was guessing most of those answers, so those were more accidental wins than because she actually knew the answers.

It won't matter in the end anyway. She's not going to get any jury votes even if she ends up in the final 2.

What I'd like to know is how so many evictions were unanimous.
What I'd like to know is how so many evictions were unanimous.

Because everyone is afraid to vote against somebody who's staying and become a target.

I might not watch the finale. If I'm home when it airs I usually watch it but if I am not home which I will not be tonight I sometimes don't bother to find it and just look it up. The finale's always kind of boring.

I'd like to think Bowie has no chance of winning but I've seen stranger jury votes in Big Brother. A lot of players whose strategy was just to coast by, not make enemies and be nonthreatening have won in the final. All you have to do is have a good narrative.
She clearly didn't deserve to win but if she had been the one to knock out Jag, she'd have had a better argument than Cirie, Felicia or America. I think you're underrating her social game.

I'm pretty happy with who won, I would have been equally happy with Matt or Jag.

Looks like the winter edition is not a full season so much as a game focused miniseries. Julie said one of the people in this season would be invited, I'm guessing it's Cameron.
Well, I've finally seen the finale, and BOOOOO!

Not happy with who won. That was one hell of a condescending, arrogant final speech.

I'm surprised and pleased that Cameron won "America's Favorite." If he turns up on the Reindeer Games edition, I'll be happy to cheer for both him and Derek (might as well just keep this thread going and change the title again since it's only a month away).

Still haven't seen Wednesday's Survivor or Amazing Race, but will try to soon. No TV tomorrow except for Remembrance Day stuff.
I'm now caught up with Survivor and Amazing Race.

Not happy about Kaleb. I liked him. And Sifu is one of the players I never noticed enough to know if I liked or disliked him.

Bruce can go any time, though. He's obnoxious.

The Amazing Race... BEAUTIFUL! :guffaw:

I am so relieved for those screechy-voiced women to be gone, with their shrill "Out of towners! Out of towners!" Seriously, nobody cares. Really.

I don't think I could cope with a mustard-tasting task. It's too bad they didn't get a chocolate-tasting one!
Well, I've finally seen the finale, and BOOOOO!

Not happy with who won. That was one hell of a condescending, arrogant final speech.

I'm surprised and pleased that Cameron won "America's Favorite." If he turns up on the Reindeer Games edition, I'll be happy to cheer for both him and Derek (might as well just keep this thread going and change the title again since it's only a month away).

If it makes you feel better, Matt on the feeds (according to my sources) was quoting Andrew Tate and saying some pretty sexist things. He also did himself no favours with his jury performance. Yes, Jag came across as arrogant, but he also came across as confident. Matt didn't really sound confident until the end and then he says aloud "what else can I say?" like he's trying to scrape together an argument. I feel like Jag has been practicing that in his head since they evicted Cory.

The season was just too long. It dragged and dragged and instead of an actual interesting battle back (remember BB18 when Victor had to fight challenge to challenge), they had the Zombie week, which brought the season to a screeching halt and it never really restarted.

I found that a lot of fandom online latched onto Cirie, Izzy and Felicia to the detriment of everyone else. I actively avoided social media about this season because most couldn't accept that Jag was playing a superior game to Cirie.

The Christmas show sounds painful, but of course, we will be watching.
I don't have access to the feeds, so I only have the aired show to go by. I get that the final two have to present a confident argument, but sometimes they take it all the way over into arrogance.

I watched a few interviews last night, and Izzy is revolting. When asked why she refused to hug Cameron, she stated something to the effect of why should anyone hug Cameron.

Granted, hugs seem to be expected on the show, even between people who obviously don't like each other. But to put it the way she did is obnoxious. Hello, Izzy, Cameron is a dad - don't you think his KID might want to hug him?

Apparently the Christmas show involves "elves" and people actually not living together in the BB house or anywhere else. So are they supposed to do the challenges in their own living room? Is it going to be a mashup of Big Brother and Amazing Race where they have to do competitions out in the community?

At least the show will only be 2 weeks long. Blink, and you'll miss it.

EDIT: I've changed the thread title to include Reindeer Games.
I was happy Jag won. His final speech was arrogant but he was objectively the best player.

I can be happy with any of the final 5 winning in Amazing race. I’m rooting a little more for Rob & Corey and the beards and a little less for Todd & Ashley. But nobody I dislike. I like Greg & John but always feel like when the cast professional athletes they have an unfair advantage.

This season of Survivor is pretty boring. Nobody I’m rooting for or against that strongly except against Bruce.
Bruce can go YESTERDAY. He is so clueless about how people really feel about him.

'Bye, Kendra, I won't miss your over-the-top expressions and your obsession with astrology.

I haven't seen the latest Amazing Race yet. I'm doing NaNoWriMo until November 30, and can't spare the 3 hours it would take to watch this stuff on TV (I watch it on the Canadian websites where I can see them without commercials).

For Amazing Race... I like the two bearded/moustached guys and the deaf father/son teams. The father/daughter team fights and whines too much.
Caught up on Amazing Race. I'm happy that team is finally gone.

Has any other team ever won FOUR FIRST PLACE FINISHES IN A ROW? :eek:

At this point I really want the father/son team to win. If they don't win, I want the two older guys to win.
I’m really happy about this final three. My two favorite teams and the objectively strongest team.

Survivor has finally got a little interesting. Four out of six players have a claim to deserve to win and I have no idea who will.
It may be a couple of days before I can watch these. I opted not to watch them on TV, since the TV is in front of my bed, and if I have to lie down to watch them, I'll just end up asleep and have to watch them online anyway.
I’m really happy about this final three. My two favorite teams and the objectively strongest team.

Survivor has finally got a little interesting. Four out of six players have a claim to deserve to win and I have no idea who will.
Which four do you think deserve to win?

Agreed on The Amazing Race. The brothers have the ability to do it, and the win would be deserved. But they're not the ones I want to win.

I like the beard/moustache team - they never give up and they never lose their tempers with each other.

I also like the dad/son team. For a deaf person to do this race and do it this well is phenomenal. Again, they don't give up and they don't lose their tempers.

Goodbye, constantly bickering dad/daughter. Glad you're gone, won't miss you. Good grief, I wonder if she'd keep on whining at him to hurry if he'd ended up having a heart attack when trying to swim in such cold water.
Reindeer Games...

Just watching anything Christmas.

Big Brother All-Stars competing for the right to help Santa (who is real, of course he's real, you monster.) and SAVE CHRISTMAS!

Seems fun, but I think they're all married, so no one is going to hook up unless something goes horribly wrong, but then they are not forced to cohabitate and there is no alcohol.

I was a little amused, when I recognized one of the contestants, as a Super-villain from the Nickelodeon Super Hero Sitcom "Henry Danger".
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Ugh. I just watched the first episode. My favorite got eliminated, so what's the point of watching the rest?

Especially with Cookout 2.0 starting up... :rolleyes:
Alrighty, I watched the second episode, and wow. I did not expect that to happen.

I'm wondering why casting stacked the deck in favor of the Season 16 people? They might as well have given Cameron a sweater with "Kick Me" embroidered on the back.

And Xavier mocking Cameron's tying his hair out of the way? Not cool. I'm trying and failing to find even one likeable person in that bunch now.

As for Survivor... they finally voted out a genuine threat. It's about damn time.

Next week is the Survivor finale. Predictions for the final 3? Predictions for the winner?

Unless something unlucky happens, I predict Austin will be in the final 3. If Jake's idol is still usable, it will probably be what gets him into the final 4. Whether he makes it into the final 3, I couldn't say. People might decide he'd make an excellent person to sit beside, since he hasn't done much that really stands out.

At this point I think the real showdown will be Austin vs. Julie, with Dee possibly being part of it (she's won challenges). Katurah (sp?)... I'm trying and failing to think of anything she's done.

I have not seen the Amazing Race finale yet.
I haven't watched any of Reindeer Games yet, worth watching at all?

I can't be upset Greg & John won. They are really nice and likable people, objectively the best team. But also they were athletes so it seems they had an advantage, I was hoping either of the other teams would win

The two people in Survivor I don't think have a claim to deserve to win are Katorah and Jake. I would be fine with Julie, Austin or Dee winning.

If I were to guess the final three, Austin, Dee and Jake.

If I had to predict a winner, I'd go with Dee. She's good with Julie AND Austin, she has an understated resume. There's an element of chaos that we don't know what Jake will do with his idol. But literally nobody is targeting Dee even though she's clearly a good player.
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I haven't watched any of Reindeer Games yet, worth watching at all?
If you don't mind an overdose of sugar, Christmas decorations, and seeing Frankie Grande wearing sparkly eye shadow. Julie Chen isn't on the show at all. It's "Santa" running things. There will be three other BB vets coming on as "elves." Jordan was the first, dressed as a Victorian-era Christmas caroler. Oh, and everyone wears ugly Christmas sweaters and pajamas.

I'll continue watching, even though I'm already annoyed. They should have cast at least one other person from the season that just finished, because what did they expect - that the veteran players with multiple seasons under their belts would welcome Cameron to their ranks? They treated him like shit.

At this point, I'd take it okay if Taylor won, and I never, ever thought I'd say that.

I can't be upset Greg & John won. They are really nice and likable people, objectively the best team. But also they were athletes so it seems they had an advantage, I was hoping either of the other teams would win
As winners go, they were gracious and non-confrontational to each other and the other teams. But I wanted one of the other teams to win, dammit.

Btw... did anyone get the impression that those three bands weren't real bands? The way the "singers" caterwauled and the way the "music" sounded like random noise makes me think they were fake. Or maybe that's what passes for music nowadays.

The two people in Survivor I don't think have a claim to deserve to win are Katorah and Jake. I would be fine with Julie, Austin or Dee winning.

If I were to guess the final three, Austin, Dee and Jake.

If I had to predict a winner, I'd go with Dee. She's good with Julie AND Austin, she has an understated resume. There's an element of chaos that we don't know what Jake will do with his idol. But literally nobody is targeting Dee even though she's clearly a good player.
I'd be okay with either Austin or Dee winning. I suppose Julie winning wouldn't be terrible, since she does have a credible resume.

Jake is perpetually walking around with a 'deer-in-the-headlights' look as though he's constantly expecting something awful to happen to him. And he'd be an idiot not to play the idol if he can, since that would be a proactive move to get into the final 3, rather than the others keeping him because nobody on the jury would vote for him.

Keturah... meh. I can't think of anything she's done other than not be voted out. If she ever won anything, it's unmemorable enough that I don't remember it.

And thank goodness they got rid of Drew. He reminds me of whatsisname from BB last year - so cocky and confident that he was in control of everything, and so pissed off when voted out.
Jake has an interesting redemption story after completely botching his blindside of Julia, losing all his allies and being stuck at the bottom. This past episode he padded his resume by working to get Drew out. If he does something tricky and good with his idol he could garner some votes

But I do think it's Dee or Austin's to lose