Big Brother 25 + Reindeer Games / Survivor 45 / The Amazing Race 35 (2023)

It's possible to have a social game and still need to win competitions. Sometimes it comes down to how the alliances play out. Cameron did have a social game before the lies and shenanigans that got Red voted out.

Izzy's move of pushing Cameron away when he went to hug her? Not cool. He was willing to be a good sport even with someone he dislikes. When do the evictees become jury members? I predict this will be a bitter jury.

The alliances this time have been nothing but a huge mess. Every single one that Cirie has started or joined has either been a fake one or has crumbled because she eventually turns on her alliance members and then makes out like it's their fault.

I can't wait for people to know that Cirie and Jared are mother and son. It would make a raft of light bulb moments happen. Note that Cameron wasn't let in on this, since he might be rejoining the game.
But Cameron was pretty much on the block every single week he didn't win a comp. There's a difference between needing somebody in your alliance to have power and being gone, for sure, every single week if you don't win protection. He's awful at the game except for comps. He has been on the block or protected from the block every single week. The one ally he had, Red, he couldn't convince the worst liar in history was lying to him.

Jury starts at 9 this year, Julie told them that when they got to 11, the point it would usually start the jury.

I'm not a big fan of the Survivor cast so far. People babbling on and on about astrology, claiming the pyramids were built by aliens. 2/3 of the people are either scatterbrained mystics or negative jerks. Yellow is a complete trainwreck.
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I've been watching Big Brother online, on the TV channel's website.

I finally got the TV working again after 2 months, decided to watch everything on the TV last night, and promptly slept through most of it (the TV is in my bedroom).

So I'm going to have to watch it online anyway. I did catch some of that astrology nonsense, and it was nice to see Derek and Claire on TAR.

Though I honestly slept through about 95% of everything. I'll have a more coherent opinion later.

Except on the subject of Cameron. People aren't always on the block because they're hated. Cameron went up as a semi-willing pawn at first, because he mistakenly thought he could trust his alliance.

Remember the season when the dentist guy was on the block half a dozen times? He was everyone's go-to for a pawn, and it wasn't until the last time that they really were out to get him.

Though this time around, everyone was apparently out to get Cameron almost from the get-go. Honestly, I really don't get why he's so hated (Cirie made some stupid snark about his hair - has she looked at her own lately? It's not perfect either). Did he say or do something obnoxious that they showed on the feeds but not on the broadcast? Big Brother isn't part of Paramount+ Canada.
He was on as a pawn the first couple times, which means he had no strong allies and was considered an expendable. Then he kept winning comps and became an obvious threat. But also every time someone tried to ally with him he alienated them.

Derek and Claire are running again? I haven’t seen it yet, surprised they’d cast the same team two years in a row. Is it an all veteran season or just them?
Derek and Claire aren't one of the teams. They gave out the clues for one of the tasks (dunno what Claire thought about it - it was similar to the one that freaked her out so badly because she's scared of heights). The team member doing it had to cross a chasm of space on ropes from high-up, while unscrambling letters to form a phrase. This was in Los Angeles.

Most of this leg was spent in Thailand. They're not doing chartered planes anymore, so it's back to the scrambling at the airports.
I’ve seen AR now. They aren’t doing charters but it seems they have special flights picked out for people instead of having to try their luck with the actual flight schedules.

I like that they put a deaf person in the game who represents the deaf who can’t read lips and speak perfectly like all the deaf contestants on Survivor and BB, and they seem like one of the strongest teams. Just it means they can’t fairly have mandatory music challenges.

I hate they brought U turn back and made it a vote.
Oh, poor Jared. Boo-hoo-hoo.

Okay, I'll concede that was emotional. Yeah, he's going to miss his mom, and Cirie's only chance to stay now is to make up with Felicia and Blue, but I doubt they're going to trust her, given how she kept glaring daggers at Blue for daring to talk to her precious son, and how she threw Felicia out like garbage in favor of Izzy.

So I hope Izzy and Jared will be very happy wherever they are (do they sequester the pre-jury evictees as well, they way they do on Survivor?).

Speaking of Blue, I wouldn't trust her not to get back at people for evicting Jared. She and Cirie are the last people I'd trust in that house at this point.

I haven't fully watched Survivor and TAR yet. I'd prefer to watch online and not have to fuss with fast-forwarding through the commercials.
Okay, I'm caught up now.

So once again a Survivor player just up and quit because she wanted to sleep in a bed.

The yellow tribe is a disaster, between this, the guy who can't seem to do anything, and the belligerent loudmouthed woman who's paranoid about everything.

Aliens built the pyramids? Dropping a load of wood to squeal about "are we all Virgos?"... :rolleyes:

The blue and yellow teams are mostly idiots. I can't remember the last time I saw so many shallow-minded, vapid, dumb people on the same show at the same time.

Should be interesting to see what comes of that Beware Advantage.

Amazing Race... okay, I'm jealous of the people who won the first leg. They get to visit a penguin colony (Humbolts/Magellans are so cute, and not as bad-tempered as Adelies and Gentoos).

Something to remember: Big Brother is now Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Wednesday is Survivor and Amazing Race.
Oh, poor Jared. Boo-hoo-hoo.

So I hope Izzy and Jared will be very happy wherever they are (do they sequester the pre-jury evictees as well, they way they do on Survivor?).

They do, but nobody who has been evicted is jury yet. The day they went down to 11, Julie said this was the moment she'd normally congratulate them for making the jury, but this year jury isn't starting until 9.
Oh, poor Jared. Boo-hoo-hoo.

Okay, I'll concede that was emotional. Yeah, he's going to miss his mom, and Cirie's only chance to stay now is to make up with Felicia and Blue, but I doubt they're going to trust her, given how she kept glaring daggers at Blue for daring to talk to her precious son, and how she threw Felicia out like garbage in favor of Izzy.

So I hope Izzy and Jared will be very happy wherever they are (do they sequester the pre-jury evictees as well, they way they do on Survivor?).

Speaking of Blue, I wouldn't trust her not to get back at people for evicting Jared. She and Cirie are the last people I'd trust in that house at this point.

Felicia really has nowhere else to turn, unless she truly believes she has something with Cory and America.

Is anyone voting for Blue to win this game? Like she'd be a goat to bring to final two at this point.
I don't want Blue to win, and I doubt the houseguests do.

On the other hand, let's say that by a wild hypothetical scenario, the final two are Blue and Cameron. Would the jury respect Cameron's gameplay, or would they vote for Blue out of spite?
I'm not so tuned into the house that I can extrapolate what they think of Cameron outside of game talk, but frankly, I'd vote for him against the majority of the house right now based on the fact that he has fought his way out of every corner.
There had better be a backdoor plan for Cirie. He's right about keeping the adversaries off the jury. There's no way in hell Cirie would not be a spiteful juror if Cameron is in the final 2.
I looked up how the veto was used after that stupid cliffhanger.

I love the way Cameron was all ready to veto Felicia and put up Cory until Felicia stepped up and called out Cory. Felicia basically talked herself out the door by forgetting that Cam is a contrarian, he will always do the exact opposite of what you tell him to. If Felicia had said "I know you've made up your mind so I'm just not going to try to convince you", she'd be off the block right now.
Since I know people haven't watched it yet I'll just say, I'm always astounded when I see how bad most people are at math.

How many minutes are there in a week? 600, or 49000?!

The sad thing is, my guess would have gone just slightly over and given the win to the 600.
I literally slept through everything on Wednesday and Thursday, and had to catch up tonight.

Yeah, that was bad. But then we're talking about Felicia, who couldn't navigate herself through a haunted house.

I've been trying to figure out who Emily on Survivor reminds me of. She has a child's face on an adult body, and her face reminds me of the comic strip character Little Lulu. When you get down to it, so does her personality, since Little Lulu is bossy and selfish as well.

Two people lost a shoe in the lotus task. Since they didn't try to retrieve them, do they have a spare pair of shoes around? Do they have to buy a new pair?
Please let the nominations stay the same, pleasepleaseplease... I don't care which of them leaves, since I don't want either to win.

How small do the tribes have to get before they do a reshuffle?
I like Bowie's logic with her nominations.

"Cameron, Blue, Matt, Jag, Corey and America are all going at each other and not at me. So why would I put up ANY of them?!"
Yeah, she's been doing a very good job of sitting back and observing everyone else. She's one of the people who's been so quiet that I forgot she was even there.
With Cam gone, there's nobody left to root for.

I seriously hope the veto meeting blows up in some way they haven't anticipated.