Big Brother 25 + Reindeer Games / Survivor 45 / The Amazing Race 35 (2023)

Mecole hasn’t done much yet but she’s one of my favorites to win. Socially smart and well connected but not seen as a threat. She’s not interesting but she is a good player. If I had to make a guess now I’d guess her.

I like Red but don’t see much game acumen yet.

I like this season. Hisam is the worst player and even he’s not that bad.

Whereas this season of Challenge is weak so far. They let in 6 of the people from MTV Challenge and they are acting like MTV people and taking over the show. I do like a few of their Survivor and BB choices but not as good casting as last season. I don’t want the MTV people in the show.
I don't watch that.
Well, that was delightful. Hopefully everything goes according to plan and nobody has any notions of deviating.

(Hisam is so clueless.)
I wonder if the only reason they added that invincibility power is because Luke's ejection messed up their houseguest count.
If so, they would have had to put it in as a possibility from the get-go. This is a game show, and they can't legally change the rules on the fly, so I should think that some of the rules they have were already planned as a contingency in case a player leaves by some way other than normal eviction (illness, rule-breaking).

OMFG. After this, I wouldn't want Hisam as a doctor. He is so freaking CLUELESS about basically everything!

As a Canadian, I can't vote for the 4 people to compete for this invincibility thing. If I could, here are my picks:


No other reason than I just like these four. My current preference for a winner is Cirie.
I would vote for Felicia and Jag definitely, not sure about the other two. It would be interesting if Cirie were forced to use it on Jared and had to explain it.

They definitely have contingencies for player count. They made this season 99 days because of the writer strike, that’s basically 15 weeks of evictions. 16 - 14 = 2. In non lengthened seasons it would have just meant one fewer double evictions.

And clearly nobody evicted is coming back in since they told everyone about Cirie and Jared.
This season is 100 days. They've stated that several times.

I wonder if the jury members will be told about Cirie and Jared. That information could introduce bias.
Oh no I was off by one in a way that wouldn’t change the math. Such a horrible mistake I have made.

The later start to the season this year is meaning it gets preempted for football every single Sunday in unpredictable ways.
Simmer down, it's not a big enough deal to snark over. I just mentioned that BB itself has stated the "100 days" rule, when she said that the winner would have spent more days/season in the house than any other houseguest (in that one season, of course, not referring to multiple winners).
Hopefully Cameron doesn't let the HoH go to his head the way Hisam did.

BB doesn't torture them enough. If this had been Survivor, Jeff Probst would have been sitting there, gleefully torturing everyone with peanut butter and chocolate, beer, and whatever else.

(though I suppose those wouldn't have been so tempting on a show where they don't even have food competitions anymore - they should bring those back)
She does that sometimes.

What would be funny sometime is if Jeff Probst, Phil Keoghan, and Julie Chen swapped places as hosts.

Keoghan would be comfortable on Survivor, all of them would be comfortable on The Amazing Race, and it would be funnier than hell watching Chen strut in her pre-programmed movements at the Survivor challenges. And just watch the guys strut and pose on the Big Brother set...

I really wish we didn't need to have a reminder of everyone in an alliance each time someone mentions it.
I really wish we didn't need to have a reminder of everyone in an alliance each time someone mentions it.
Yeah, it's like they think we've forgotten who everyone is in the previous 3 minutes.

I'll admit that it's often a couple of weeks at least to learn everyone's name, particularly when there's a close resemblance, or one person isn't shown much.

But come on... I don't need reminding half a dozen times in one episode.
She does that sometimes.

Keoghan would be comfortable on Survivor, all of them would be comfortable on The Amazing Race, and it would be funnier than hell watching Chen strut in her pre-programmed movements at the Survivor challenges. And just watch the guys strut and pose on the Big Brother set...


You think Chen would be willing to travel to several difficult countries including 3rd world countries for a month?

I'm glad Jag didn't get sent home. Blue is getting more and more intolerable with her vanity. "Oh this cute little facey face!" But at this point I think I'm rooting for team Cirie.
Yikes, I had a computer malfunction yesterday so had no internet last night and no way to catch up with Wednesday and Thursday (the Canadian TV station that posts them is sometimes slow about this). But fortunately I got my computer back from the repair shop today and have caught up to everything other than tonight.

You think Chen would be willing to travel to several difficult countries including 3rd world countries for a month?
Of course not. She might break a nail or the heel of one of her fancy shoes. And I can't imagine her saying, "The tribe has spoken" without giggling hysterically.

It wouldn't be as bad for TAR, though. They don't have a mad scramble for airplane seats anymore, as they use a chartered plane to get people from country to country. It's not like she'd have to actually go to where the tasks are, just stand at the mat.

I'm glad Jag didn't get sent home. Blue is getting more and more intolerable with her vanity. "Oh this cute little facey face!" But at this point I think I'm rooting for team Cirie.
Blue is obnoxious. No, her face is not "pretty". No, her constant posing and hair tossing and gigantic curler are not cute. She needs to be gone, because I am really sick of looking at her and hearing her narcissistic Diary Room comments. And no, I don't care any more about her fancy outfits than I cared about Taylor's outfits last year (at least Taylor had a beauty contest to her credit, whereas Blue is just someone who prances around on social media, prattling of shallow things).

I like Jag, and am glad he was saved. The "Turbanator" quip was cute.

I'm starting to really dislike Izzy, and what's with Bowie Jane's pasted-on fake smile?

Interesting that Cirie doesn't consider Felicia to be among her preferred final 4.
I do think Blue's kind of pretty, the personality is the problem. Not any more pretty than the other young girls in the house. And Taylor had more personality than Blue once she got comfortable and started being herself.

Felicia's going to have trouble getting to the final 2 because everyone's going to think "The first 63 year old to do well" is unbeatable in the finals. Same with Matt's deafness.

Bowie Jane just seems oblivious in the game.
So I've had a chance now to watch Sunday's episode. I am REALLY disliking Izzy now.

Cameron... :sigh: That was stupid. Oh, well.

If they don't take the first opportunity to get rid of Cirie, she'll win. And while she was initially one of my picks, she's getting a bit smug for my liking. I predict that either she or Jared will end up voting the other off, kinda like the daughter did on Survivor when she voted her own mother off.
I guess there's a reason why Jared keeps wearing a hankie on his head (if I'm missing some cultural thing, feel free to enlighten me).

Too bad about Red. I liked him.

This having everyone else as have-nots is not going to endear anyone to Cameron, even his allies. And what about the houseguests whose turn it is to sleep but have to be up in order to do competitions?