Big Brother 25 + Reindeer Games / Survivor 45 / The Amazing Race 35 (2023)

Cory and America have already identified Cirie’s dominance, good opportunity for them to push Cameron to attack that. I wouldn’t be shocked if Cameron does Cirie/Izzy.
I'm really hoping one of these two go home. They have held power since the beginning of the game and are just grating on my nerves.
I am happy with the nominations. I don't like Izzy, and while Felicia can give off "granny" vibes at times, there are other times when she has a pretty foul mouth.

Of course Cameron enjoyed himself. Being the target of everyone's hostility for as long as he has, he's entitled to enjoy himself. And it's not like he actually threw the pies.
Cameron is in a position where he's already seen as a target and a threat so he has no reason not to just go in guns blazing. I think he's really targeting Cirie, and I like the way he dealt with Jag.

If he's smart he'll try to pull in people like Cory, America, Jag, Blue who are clearly not in Cirie's inner circle so he has a chance in weeks he doesn't win HoH. The problem with that is he might assume Jared is in that group.
Yep. If Izzy or Felicia win the Veto, he can always backdoor Cirie.

Yes, he'd have Jared after him, but Jared is already after him. Ditto Matt.

If Izzy wants to offer some useful information, she could tell Cameron that Cirie is Jared's mother. She'd have to be desperate to use that, though.

Not sure where Mecole or Bowie Jane would fit in with this. Bowie Jane is really pissed at being left out of the loop. I think it's safe to say "The Professors" is toast.
Okay, last night was WILD. I don't think I've ever seen so many costumed punishments in the same week, ever.

Matt was cute, thinking he'd really get to spend a week with whatsisname (I have no idea who Josh Whoever is; never heard of him). But at least he's got a sense of humor about giving up money, vacations, and the veto for that.
"She's gone, she's gone, she's gone, she's gone, she's gone..." (just pretend I'm dancing happily around my computer)

Guys, it's getting to be me talking to myself here...
I would have rather seem Felicia go to be free of her cringe-worthy diary rooms. The season loves to highlight her and Cirie and Jared while keeping everyone else not named Cameron at arms length.

Jared being HOH again is annoying, considering he is just going to take the easy step of eliminating Cameron. I'm hoping that we can turn around and evict Jared & Blue, the two most unlikeable houseguests of the season.
Agreed, re your spoilered material. I really can't stand Jared. It's funny how some of the people I want to win in the early weeks turn out to be really obnoxious.

Not that Cameron hasn't had his bad moments. But so help me, I want him to win. At least now.

And when is Mecole ever going to say more than 6 words? I keep forgetting she's even there.

Note to Blue: Powder. Your. Face. Holy crap, even if it's just studio lights in the Diary Room, she looks awful in those scenes.
If Jared and Felicia went home and Cirie was on an island, I'd be super happy. I'd like to see her actually have to play. I don't think she has really made anyone feel threatened by her too much. They'd rather get rid of Jared.
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Yep. For all the ballyhoo, Cirie really hasn't done much except blather away to Izzy and Felicia and order Jared around. He's doing her dirty work for her, and what happens when the two of them are pitted against each other? Whoever wins the next HoH who isn't part of their alliance (whatever they're calling it) should put both Cirie and Jared up.
Cirie created big alliances with everyone in the house, you don't call that playing? The only problem is she got caught. She's been carrying Felicia and Jared, and was carrying Izzy until last week.

I'm surprised there's going to be a double elimination, mathematically it seems like they don't have enough weeks to do that. It seems like if any of Jag, Blue, Matt, Cory or America win HoH they will go straight at Cirie and Jared.

Mecole's game seems to just be to stay under the radar, which she's done a fantastic job of. Same with Bowie Jane. It kind of puts them in a really good position, because even if they get out Jared, then they get out Cirie, the new alliance of 5 isn't going to prioritize them over the threats within. Just if they don't turn it on and make real moves they won't have the resume at the end.
Cirie created big alliances with everyone in the house, you don't call that playing? The only problem is she got caught. She's been carrying Felicia and Jared, and was carrying Izzy until last week.
In most cases people who have alliances with everyone tend to get caught much sooner, so I'll concede that she's lasted longer with that than I expected.

But she sits there like a grande dame, ordering Jared around and shooting death glares at Blue, and pretending to be Felicia's friend. I liked her at first, but not anymore.

Btw, Survivor and TAR start next week, with 90-minute episodes. I'll change the thread title then if nobody minds, since it would be more convenient to keep it all together as it seems to be just our little group that watches this stuff.

So how does this twist work?
The zombie thing? Hopefully they won't have to wear a stupid costume (oh, wait... of course they'll have to wear a stupid costume).

I hope Cameron gets back into the house, and Jared leaves. But in the meantime, I look forward to the guys scaring the hell out of everyone who thought they were gone.
It explains why they had a double elimination week while drawing out the season as long as possible due to the strike.

I’m not sure who I hope comes back. They both deserved to leave. I guess Jared because he’s more dramatically interesting and wins comps less often. I don’t want a Frank situation where for weeks the game focuses on one person because he wins HoH or veto every week.
Jared is obnoxious. I'm curious as to why you think Cameron deserved to leave.
I've just changed the thread title, due to Survivor and The Amazing Race starting on Wednesday.

It's Survivor's 45th season and The Amazing Race's 35th season. Survivor episodes will all be 90 minutes.
I just watched Sunday's episode (Global takes its sweet time getting the episodes up sometimes). Are you going from the feeds, and know that Cameron won, or is this just an observation based on what's been shown on the regular episodes so far?

Holy crap, what a screechy, whiny squabble Cirie, Felicia, and Jared got into. That's it, I want all three of them gone.
Jared is obnoxious. I'm curious as to why you think Cameron deserved to leave.

Because he has totally failed the social aspect of the game. Players that need to win HoH or veto every week to stay in the game are not good players. He’s alienated every player that naturally could have been his ally. He couldn’t even sell Jared and Jag on the argument that they become next targets after him when he was right.

Felicia’s “With me or against me” approach to alliances will be her downfall.