Announcing Ten Forward

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It says I need a password?
i reckon that must be something of a record for the longert amount of time between two posts in the same thread ^

Not again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop opening old threads !!!!!!!!!!!!
Not ONCE have these ever admitted me.

I log on, they give me a little confirming screen saying I will be forwarded, and I am popped back on to the login screen. It never fails me.

"All of us have violent instincts; we have evolved from predators. Well, not me of course... I've just been programmed by you predators." - The Doctor

The EMH Journal: For fans of Voyager's Holographic Doctor
Simulated Star Trek Voyager: Picking up where TPTB left off.

And yeah, resurrecting year old threads is wonderful...ugh. At least he resurrected it exactly a year after it started.
Somebody please close these threads.

And while you're at it, why not get rid of Ten Forward altogether?
!, just enter your own personal bbs password.

HolodocDR, you have to use Internet Explorer, Netscape won't cut it.
Must we resurrect threads containing dribblings from the starspam era? Ah!

*edits some of his posts*


[This message has been edited by StarMan (edited July 30, 2001).]
Who the hell is K'Ologh? Ok, so I'm new, but he's a Fleet Admiral for God's sake!! I clicked the profile, and it doesn't work... Whats wrong here??

"You can take the cat out of the bag, but you just can't take the bag out of the cat"

-Some Moron who Just Doesn't GAF.
Originally posted by gulcrapek:

And yeah, resurrecting year old threads is wonderful...ugh. At least he resurrected it exactly a year after it started.

I didn't even mean to do that!
Originally posted by susannah:
!, just enter your own personal bbs password.

HolodocDR, you have to use Internet Explorer, Netscape won't cut it.


So why didn't anyone mention I needed The Devil's Tool when I mentioned this months back?!

"All of us have violent instincts; we have evolved from predators. Well, not me of course... I've just been programmed by you predators." - The Doctor

The EMH Journal: For fans of Voyager's Holographic Doctor
Simulated Star Trek Voyager: Picking up where TPTB left off.
PS: Version 5 of The Devil's Tool yields this:

"Sorry, but you are not permitted to access this forum."

"All of us have violent instincts; we have evolved from predators. Well, not me of course... I've just been programmed by you predators." - The Doctor

The EMH Journal: For fans of Voyager's Holographic Doctor
Simulated Star Trek Voyager: Picking up where TPTB left off.
Wait scratch the second concept - apparently I've just become Fleet Captain (of all the timing).

Wait a minute. I thought we could enter forums of lesser rank?
Originally posted by HolodocDR:
PS: Version 5 of The Devil's Tool yields this:

"Sorry, but you are not permitted to access this forum."

I'm relatively certain version 5.5 works, but then again, I'm using 6.0 and Windows XP. I don't recommend using the beta of IE 6.0 with Windows ME, as its highly unstable.
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