Announcing Ten Forward

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Thanks, I will! You try to do the same. It's Saturday, baby, yeah! Time to . . . hmmm, time *not* to be inside posting here. Adios, buds!

[This message has been edited by EEMeltonIV (edited July 29, 2000).]
Originally posted by stcommodore:
I still have no way to getting into the commander's louge someone help me!

Did you try just entering your Username and Password, similar to what you do when posting a new message, and leaving the Forum Password box blank?
Just checking to still see If I'm still a Captain. If this is what was said to be done. Yadda yadda yadda.......

"I never met a chocolate I didn't like!" Deanna Troi
"I have! In a health food store. Sugarless! ICK!" Slinky Frog

And now...
My moment of Zen!
[Huh!?!] Gotta luv it! :D
originally posted by WonderWall:
I've rarely before felt annoyed or disadvantaged because of my low post count before at this BBS. That is, until five minutes ago.

originally posted by Seven of Eleven:
This indicates that rank does hold prestige and the higher up you go, the more important you become. This will undoubtedly lead to more spamming. It also alienates those new to the BBS thinking that only a core elite are allowed to post. Some of the new members of the BBS think that the rank holds value and this will prove them right.
Wonderwall, do you think we commodores are having amazing discussions and parties that you are not allowed to have acess to? Your not missing much at the moment. And Seven, those who spam to gain access to these forums will be dealt with accordingly by the mods.

[This message has been edited by StarMan (edited July 29, 2000).]
I still think a regisration date- oriented format would be less discriminatory towards the members. I can, however see both arguements points well for using rank, at least the higher members can't post in the lower decks, that would've made it worse.
You stole my idea before I posted it!

But seriously, I was thinking about having something like this...but I didn't post it because I thought it might have been stupid.

*checks out the Commanders lounge while she still has a chance*
Right.... there's now also a Lower Decks forum for Cadets, Ensigns, Lieutenants etc.

Sorry if any of you felt left out at first - it didn't have anything to do with lack of appreciation, more with lack of intelligence on my side
Originally posted by StarMan:
And Seven, those who spam to gain access to these forums will be dealt with accordingly by the mods.

*fights urge to say something out of spite*


You mean like...

*still fighting*

*is controling urge*

By posting a simple Yeah! or
or "accidently" double posting the same message in each thread in each forum of the BBS does not constitute spamming, however everyone here can see where I am going with this.

*is happy with Edit: when I first arrived here, my gender was not a mystery. Now it is. Therefore a year after the fact I am editing thisself*

I am an individual; just like everyone else.

[This message has been edited by Seven of eleven (edited July 30, 2001).]
I find this is an awful idea that should be done away with.

This indicates that rank does hold prestige and the higher up you go, the more important you become. This will undoubtedly lead to more spamming. It also alienates those new to the BBS thinking that only a core elite are allowed to post. Some of the new members of the BBS think that the rank holds value and this will prove them right.

So, for this reason and more, I ask you to lpease remove this forum as I believe it will do more harm then good.

I am an individual; just like everyone else.
Originally posted by The Lone Ensign:
I still think a regisration date- oriented format would be less discriminatory towards the members.

How would you decide where the cut-off is for each forum? And how would people move on to the next forum? You'd have to change the dates everyday...
Originally posted by The Lone Ensign:
at least the higher members can't post in the lower decks, that would've made it worse.

I'm pretty sure higher members have been posting in the Lower Decks, just under different usernames.
As much as I really do hate to be negative - I told Chris that this may be divisive, and I meant it.

Chris - you made a mistake. I don't actually know how old you are - but your description of you just 'came up with the idea' and decided to implement it across the board makes you sound like a kid playing with a toy.

It stopped being a toy when real people started subscribing. And this kind of action is calculated to backfire into your face and turn it into bloody ribbons...

You keep saying that rank means nothing. This action will make rank mean everything.

There are already scum on this board whose attitudes you have legitimised by the addition of these fora. Just when we thought we'd got rid of them.

I can tell you know exactly what the conversation in the 'Admirals' lounge is about without even being there.

Someone will have started a thread about whether it really was better in the 'Good Old Days' - someone else would have replied that yes, it was blah de blah blah de bleeh. And the reason is that in the old days, Mods har so much more 'power' - now they were helpless pawns of the new policy.

My educated guess could even go so far as to name a former moderator and one who runs a New Trek forum.

Divisive or what? Maybe it isn't happening. But being a student of culture and observing the personalities involved for a long time leads me to believe that it's more than a vague probability.

I say get rid of the blemishes on this board. We have a chance now to get rid of the driftwood. The 'Lounges' should never have happened - they should be removed at the same time.

Make the grand statement - Chris. Remove 10 Forward before you now, before you have to.
I can tell you know exactly what the conversation in the 'Admirals' lounge is about without even being there.

Someone will have started a thread about whether it really was better in the 'Good Old Days' - someone else would have replied that yes, it was blah de blah blah de bleeh. And the reason is that in the old days, Mods har so much more 'power' - now they were helpless pawns of the new policy.

My educated guess could even go so far as to name a former moderator and one who runs a New Trek forum.

You're only part right. The post about the "good old days" was made by a member (never a moderator) however. The rest is wrong, suffice it to say.

Can't always be right though, right?

[This message has been edited by The Lone Ensign (edited July 30, 2000).]
originally posted by Seven of Eleven:
*fights urge to say something out of spite*
look Seven, I have noticed that you are becoming increasingly hostile to me lately. <-- ugh, should've been worded "You've become increasingly hostile towards me of late.". Now I admit to my wrong actions in the past. <-- Bollocks you did! But, your attitude is starting to annoy me a little.
But as I have a genocidal fury against spammers, trollers and flamers that can never be quenched
Yeah whatever. You have indicated that you don't like me, and have subtley flammed me whenever you see the chance. <-- Yes, yousa eeeeeevil 7/11! While I have no wish to return these flames and start a conflict, I will tell you that I intend to report you to a moderator next time you do it. <-- Yeah, you tell 'em!

There are already scum on this board whose attitudes you have legitimised by the addition of these fora. Just when we thought we'd got rid of them.
care to elaborate on whose these so called "scum" are? Lets not play games here, lets try and be open and honest about how we feel...
Chris - you made a mistake. I don't actually know how old you are - but your description of you just 'came up with the idea' and decided to implement it across the board makes you sound like a kid playing with a toy.
Twain, are you trying to get a banned? <--*LOL!

I do not think it is nessesary (necessary) to make this into such a big issue. Give ten foward a chance and see how it works out. <-- It didn't, delete it! If people genuinely feel discriminated over this, then I'm afraid you've got far too much time on your hands. I only have access to the commodore's lounge. I assure you that I don't a stuff (don't a stuff, wha?) about not being able to access the other forums in ten foward. <--Bullshit! While ten foward was not a nessesity, is it nessesary to get worked up over it, I mean come on...

[This message has been edited by StarMan (edited July 30, 2001).]
Twain are you trying to get a banned?

No I've already got a band thanks... Oh, sorry 'banned'! Of course not - I think Chris knows by now that my bark is worse than my bite. It's nothing compared to British politicians in the House of Commons.

As for the scum; relax Starbloke, you're quite fun to have around. I think I'll keep you.

[This message has been edited by Twain (edited July 30, 2000).]
Originally posted by StarMan:
Wonderwall, do you think we commodores are having amazing discussions and parties that you are not allowed to have acess to? Your not missing much at the moment.

That's not my point. It's not that I'm worried about missing out on something. I don't really mind what you do in there. Just make sure there's no loud music after 10:30 pm, and we'll all get along just fine

The way I see it, until now, ranks used to be an amusing novelty. Yet this is no longer the case, thanks to Ten Forward. It's placed a whole new emphasis on post count and rank that I'm not sure I agree with.

Also, rank has nothing to do with seniority. I'm more of a lurker than a poster, and I've been around longer than you think

And thanks to Christian for creating the...err..."Lower Decks" for us.

But personally, in my opinion, I think this is a bad idea. Just my opinion.

The World's Worst Starfleet Captain:

"Starboard...which one's that again?"

"Captain's Log, Stardate 4756747. I'm still experiencing those awful pains whenever I fart...oh, hang on...damn, that's meant to be in my personal log!"
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