Announcing Ten Forward

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You may have noticed the link at the bottom of the forum list already, but we just opened Ten Forward:

In Ten Forward, you will be able to find special lounges for each of the ranks, accessible only by the people who hold that rank - Captains will not be able to enter the Commodore's Lounge, Admirals will not be able to enter the Commander's Lounge, etc. The Lower Decks Lounge is intended for members with a reank lower than Commander. The three Fleet Admirals are still able to enter all three forums, however, though we won't actually be posting there - we know when we're not wanted
. In the forums, you'll be able to do whatever people of, shall we say, less exalted rank than us Fleet Admirals do, while still being able to do so without the crew on the Lower Decks watching your every move.

In order to be able to access your forum, you have to make one more post at the BBS - your status will be updated then so you can enter the appropriate forum.

Please note that posting to gain a higher rank is still not allowed, and will be dealt with by the moderators.

[This message has been edited by Christian (edited July 29, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Christian (edited July 29, 2000).]
Neener, Neener! I made the first post ever!
great big razz!

*dances the jig*
Interesting idea. I'm wondering what the reason for this is. I thought we were trying to put less emphasis on rank to discourage spamming?

Just wondering...


Uh, Christian? I tried to get in, but it won't let me! (Yes, I was trying the correct rank.)
It accepts my password but instead of forwarding me to the message board, it returns me to the password page.

If you go to Z'ha'dum, you will die.
The Gigantic Collection of Star Trek Minutiae

[This message has been edited by Dan (edited July 29, 2000).]
Groan... are you using Netscape or having cookies disabled?

You are listed as being able to get in, so this is actually a UBB bug.

Maybe I should finally be installing the new UBB version...
Christian, I am using Netscape 4.5 for Macintosh. I currently have it set to accept all cookies.

Isn't de-bugging code fun?

I think that's rather exclusionary and superfluous...

Actually, Paradox, I'm beginning to see the attraction of it. Some of the older members (not me-- I'm relatively new) might want to reminisce about the good old days when the BBS was a baby. I dunno. But it could also easily turn into a secret gossip society where everyone complains about the "younger" members. (No offense.)

[This message has been edited by Dan (edited July 29, 2000).]
I just tried to get into the Admiral's lounge... it won't let me in *sob*.

Any idea why?
I'm using IE 5.5 and I've never had problems with my cookies...
Some of the older members (not me-- I'm relatively new) might want to reminisce about the good old days when the BBS was a baby. I dunno. But it could also easily turn into a secret gossip society where everyone complains about the "younger" members.
Well, there are plenty of "younger"/newer members who are rapidly lifting up through those ranks. There are members of this board who have been here quite a bit longer than I have but who have a higher post count. Seems to me that it'll just be a clever novelty.
I just successfully posted a message to the Fleet Captain's section. I left the forum password field, uh, blank.
Where do I go?
I guess I'll try the Admiral's lounge...

Woo hoo! I'm in...
I'm glad too. It would have sucked if there would have been a Rear Admiral's lounge... I would have had one person to talk to.

[This message has been edited by Rob Hal (edited July 29, 2000).]
well, wont this be a boost to starmans ego

we'll see how it goes... hopefully it wont encourage posts for posts sake

im reserving judgement for awhile

Blonde Borgs have the same fun.

[shameless plug]
Take a look at the new Isoplex UBB Message Board
[/shameless plug]
This is because of those "lounge" threads in Misc, wasn't it?

A little pain never hurt anybody.
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