AndyP's Trek building thread

Hey guys, it's been months since I've last posted here. Work has kept me busy to where I am constantly doing things from the moment I walk in the door until the moment I leave. When I get home from work and gym I really only get 2-3 hours before I have to be in bed, so I have not had a ton of energy to work on my 3d projects, which kind of sucks. Some people have told me, "Maybe you should get a hobby" which when I hear it, feels like a low blow because I already have one, just not the time to pursue it.

For medical reasons I need to take a month off of my fitness routines, so I am going to redirect that energy into my 3d work. And I am going to see what I can do in that time.

Not much progress has been made to my Galaxy class mesh, still working on hull textures, I did not realize how detailed the original model was. Since last update, I've added the escape pod hatches, and have textured the upper nacelle, which will also serve as the lower nacelle texture until I get around to that. :techman:



The past few nights I've made some material updates to my previous Nova class sets, updated carpet and upholstery materials, added backlight to the various displays, updated lighting materials. Sickbay after seeing on a few different screens, the next time I open it I will likely brighten the scene or adjust the exposure levels.

So far I have updated:


Mess Hall



Hey guys! It's not a huge deal, since the return of the Enterprise-D in season three of Picard has been heavily publicized and I'm sure there's not a ton of people who don't already know about it. But in order to keep the few who decided to stay in the dark for now blissfully unaware, I added a spoiler note to the thread title, just to be on the safe side. :)

@Michael, Has it been long enough for that to be removed? This thread is about my artwork and not Picard.
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Sorry to hear about the medical issues, hope everything's fine or on the road to being fine.

I love how you did those interiors, though I'm not the biggest fan of all that grey combined with other greys. But then again that's Voyager's fault, not yours :p

I've always enjoyed the color scheme of the Prometheus as well as the Dauntless. I'm not sure why.
Hey Guys, it's been awhile since I've posted here. To update you on things going on, in October I traveled to turkey for a hair transplant procedure, and the first day back from the trip I found out that the company I was working for was switching IT service providers, which meant that I was laid off in December. I am currently unemployed.

I had hoped to invest time in October towards working on my blender projects, however that time was spent burning the candle at both ends at work.

Currently I am job hunting for another IT position. When I am not, I am spending time working in Blender. It has been a good way for me to maintain a sense of a workday.

I've also started teaching myself inkscape, which is an opensource vector based program similar to Adobe Illustrator. After a few days of use, it is quickly becoming a quick way to create 2D displays such as LCARS. (go figure.)

I've returned to working on my TNG engineering set. Updates on this set since last post:

-Updated the warp core based off of information in the set blueprint thread indicating the warpcore was a re-use of the turbolift on the set.
-Created various LCARS most notably the MSD, pool table, Shield modulation display, as well as the other schematic display
-updated floor materials with carpet material

@Michael has enough time passed that my thread title can have the spoiler tags removed, and the title changed back to "AndyP's Trek building thread." ? It's been over 6 months since S3 ended.





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Great work!
The red warp plasma conduits - weren't they originally circular in cross-section? Your squared-off ones look good though, and they reflect the future Defiant/Sovereign design... was that deliberate?
@Michael has enough time passed that my thread title can have the spoiler tags removed, and the title changed back to "AndyP's Trek building thread." ? It's been over 6 months since S3 ended.
Sure, no problem. The premiere of the show is now more than six months in the past, so I removed the spoiler tag and changed the thread title. :)
@Michael thank you!!!

@blssdwlf, I've had multiple interviews with various organizations the past few weeks, so hopefully something soon.

@C-Dub I might revisit the power transfer conduits. they are not perfectly circular, as seen here and here, but it does look like when I modeled them I made them more rectangular than oval. Of course if someone has a better reference I'll gladly use it. :D

The Hathaway engine designs, do show a circular conduit.
Sorry to hear about the job, hope something new appears soon!

Engineering's looking good, though I do agree the power transfer conduits could use with another pass, as does the warp core in general. The circular hatch at the front looks way too small, for example.

Always glad to see more Inkscape users, it's an extremely powerful little program and we use it a ton at work, it has nothing to envy of Illustrator for digital stuff.
Based on feedback I have started a second pass at the warp core. For the Reaction chamber I based it off of measurements from the Picard S3 turbolift. From there I used this screenshot as a background image for a camera and made further adjustments to the core. Hopefully it is closer now to what was seen on camera.

For the power transfer conduits I started with the measurements from the Hathaway schematic, and added a central section to make the shape an ellipse.



@Redgeneral Thanks for that. The original MSD I modeled based on the blueprint in the archive, I have since remodeled it off of your blueprints, and then angled the display down by 10° so that it looked how it did for the later seasons.

Updates since last post:
I've been in perpetual ground hogs day with this funemployment time. I've spent a good amount of time job hunting, meeting with recruiters, getting sent to interviews, then passed up. I do have a job offer, and the pay is quite a lot, but it's a 45-90 minute drive to get there depending on traffic.

Updates on projects:
  • I spent a few days creating some static LCARS displays that will be used in future projects
  • -TNG Engineering
    • updated the console in the engineering office
    • Updated MSD display
    • added electrical tape details
    • updated warp core room materials to better match what is seen on the show (made it closer to a metallic brownish orange)
    • Begun placing set labels


