Set blueprint exchange

Some concept art/blueprints of the Galileo shuttle here. There are multiple parts to the article that might have other art worth saving.

STAR TREK Modeling: A Brief History of the Shuttlecraft Galileo Pt.2 | Collector Model
In the article, Gary Kerr says Matt Jefferies says the 22 foot Galileo filming mock-op was 3/4 scale, so, the "real" shuttlecraft was suppose to be ~29.3 feet. He later says Richard Datin says in another article that the 22 inch Galileo filming model (and used on the Datin Hangar Model) was 1/12 scale, then the full size "real" shuttlecraft is back to 22 feet. Was the Hangar Model also 3/4 scale of a 1/12 scale? In either case, the Hangar Model does not fit into a 947 foot Enterprise as represented by the 11 foot Enterprise filming model (was this also 3/4 scale?). More like 1267 feet (1267 x 3/4 = ~947, hmm) for the Datin Hangar Model to fit, or 1690 feet for a 29+ foot shuttlecraft. I'm confused. :ack:
Latest Archive Updates

From the recent Treklandtrunk ebay auctions (now finished):
Defiant Mess Hall - Blueprints/Defiant/Defiant Mess Hall/index.html
Far Beyond the Stars: Benny's apartment and Cassie's Diner - Blueprints/Earth locations/Far Beyond the Stars/index.html
Voyager Holodeck - Blueprints/Voyager/Holodeck/index.html

From the deep dark depths of my disc drive:

Star Trek Universal Studios Tour - Blueprints/ST Experience and Tour/Universal/index.html
Added Universal Bridge 14 - 15 , Universal Engineering, Universal Klingon Bridge 01 - 03

Star Trek Experience - Blueprints/ST Experience and Tour/Experience/index.html
Added ST Experience LCARS 01 - 04

Promotional - Blueprints/ST Experience and Tour/Promotional/index.html
ST Generations theatre lobby display (designed to look like a console). I know its an odd thing to include, but I just felt it needed archiving.

Trek 3D models
I need to upload the latest version of the models from the the Galaxy Project, but in the meantime, here is Shuttlebay series 1-2 and shuttlebay 3-7

Trek Research

TNG Warp Core
I heard many years ago that the TNG turbolift form was repurposed to be the basis of the Warp core mould. This would have save both time and costs.

Using the most perspective free image I could find, I overlayed the original turbolift blueprint.

It may indeed be a match.

Original image:

Construction of warp core:

Phase II Research
I've written a few short pieces collating some of the images / photos and info about the phase II sets and their evolution.
Phase II Transporter:
Phase II Bridge:
Phase II Engineering:
Phase II model Blueprints:

These are also on my other social media (twitter, mastodon, blue sky) -

And finally an important message

Merry Christmas and happy new year
Very nice additions! I'm surprised more of the fan films didn't use the tricks they did for the Universal sets to build out a few of the TMP era sets.
I think the Universal bridge would be suitable for a fan film - it would stand up to scrutiny. Also we have 15 sheets of detailed blueprints for it vs 5 for TMP.
Though I would use the TMP bridge chairs instead of the Universal ones.
I think the Universal bridge would be suitable for a fan film - it would stand up to scrutiny. Also we have 15 sheets of detailed blueprints for it vs 5 for TMP.
Though I would use the TMP bridge chairs instead of the Universal ones.

That and you could use the TMP prints to fix any inconsistencies with the Universal set. I think only having to build like a third of a more expensive set build would definitely help. And the cheating with Engineering being a matte painting and a few physical props in front.
@ashleytinger thinking out tricks for fan films, transforming rooms to serve multiple sets could be the way to go.
Here was one concepted for Picard and ultimately not used. A room with angled windows that could removed and be flipped over. Also the room could be divided




The Picard Transporter room could also transform into other rooms with the aid of a false wall to cover the pad. It was turned into the nacelle room and environmental room.
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@ashleytinger thinking out tricks for fan films, transforming rooms to serve multiple sets could be the ay to go.
Here was one concepted for Picard and ultimately not used. A room with angled windows that could removed and be flipped over. Also the room could be divided




The Picard Transporter room could also transform into other rooms with the aid of a false wall to cover the pad. It was turned into the nacelle room and environmental room.

I think I might just steal that later on =)
Redgeneral, once again some great updates! Regarding the Treklandtrunk seller, he has some more blueprints, both completed and active, that you didn't mention. Don't know if you saw those.

I don't think it odd to include the Generations console. I'm glad someone is saving things like this, otherwise they'll be lost forever.

I think we maybe have talked about the turbolift/warp core connection in the past. I remember reading about it (not sure where) and have compared images in the past to satisfy me that they are the same but hadn't done an overlay like here; very cool!

BTW, I don't know if I've seen that under construction shot of the warp core before. Do you know the source for it?

Speaking of confirming things about sets, I love that the Universal bridge blueprints confirms that the movie turbos had carpet padding on their walls. I know other people have spotted this too, but it was something I remember my parents ripping up when we renovated our house when I was kid. So, I was already sure that was true, but still nice to see it in writing.

That Picard concept with the flipped windows reminds me of how they used the Ten Forward windows upside down in Janeway's ready room.

Merry Christmas!
I would have loved to have seen that Picard concept room, reminds me of what they did on DS9 with the quarters / wardroom.

Speaking of the TreklandTrunk they have posted a few more:
Worf's Rotarran quarters

Jungle from Change of heart:

Mila's basement (defiant engineering redress)|tkp:Bk9SR4SwzfWUYw
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@Lt. Washburn To be honest, I've always been sceptical of the warp core origins. I just couldn't visualise it. Its only now that we had both the perspective free pic and the blueprint profile I could go "well maybe... lets test it". Followed by "Woah!"

I'll be adding treklandtrunk's next set of blueprints with the next archive update - hopefully done in a few days.
One of things that will also be added is the Trade Ship from "Into Darkness" - 3 sheets.

I can't remember the origin of the warp core construction pic, but the file name seems to be a twitter style. Its possible that it came from Artoftrek on twitter.

TMP turbolift material - I've always wondered what that was

@batboy853 I never knew that the basement was a redress of the defiant engineering. It does makes sense - with the series at the end it wasn't necessary to keep the Engineering intact.

Also links to these auctions are great - if the item doesn't ship to the UK, then I can't see it without a direct link.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas
Latest updates

Into Darkness


Source: Treklandtrunk auction​

Misc alien sets

Source: Treklandtrunk auction​

Alley (s7e24 "Dogs of War") Blueprints/Cardassian/Alley/index.html
Basement (s7e24 "Dogs of War") Blueprints/Cardassian/Basement/index.html
Source: Treklandtrunk auction (finished)​

Defiant (new subfolders - Blueprints/Defiant/index.html)
Engineering redress - Blueprints/Defiant/Engineering/index.html
(its the Cardassian basement)​

Physical model

Enterprise D - Vertical Slice 7

Ferengi Dkora - master sculpt

Study Model NX Shuttle

Surak (27-29)

Type 6 (30)

Type Galileo Small (7)

Klingon Phase II (11)

Maquis Raider (11)

Ship Plaques
TNG Stargazer (14x10 inches)

Enterprise B



Movie era

Voyager - Voyager/index.html
Unknown A 1-4
Duty Roster
Delta Flyer A 1-6
Type 8 A1​

Other Ships


