AndyP's Trek building thread

Thanks everyone!

So finishing details on engineering has come to a halt as placing the set labels has killed my energy to work on it.

I've started working on my next TNG set which will be 10 forward. When building the Windows I first built them based off of the Picard recreation blueprints, only to realize that they are significantly larger than the original. From there I resized the dimensions based off what is listed on the prints @Redgeneral recently posted of Voyager's Ready room. The rest of the room is currently in a basic shape state, with measurements that are a best guestimate going off of the blueprints from the archive as well as stage drawings.

The acoustic panels I actually modeled rather than use a bump or normal map.

Currently for the colors of the room I am using colors from the Picard S3 TNG Bridge.


When building the Windows I first built them based off of the Picard recreation blueprints, only to realize that they are significantly larger than the original.
You know, when no one else said anything, I decided that it must be my imagination and the camera angles were playing tricks on me.

How are you handling the corners of the room, next to the windows? On the set, they're obviously mirrors, but I've wondered if they're intended to be cut-outs in-universe, peeking into the next compartments over from 10-Forward.
@Santaman, @Rekkert Thanks!

@David cgc I did not think anything of it at the time, but now looking at screenshots of the episode, it's very obvious. For now I am going to be using a mirror material in those sections, but it will not be perfectly smooth, it will have a bit of a fog to it. For blender users, a Glossy BSDF material, with roughness set to .06125.
I always assumed they were cutaway sections and there were other lounges/function rooms on the other side, as @David cgc mentions. The show presumably used mirrors like they did with jeffries tubes in order to extend the set without straining their budget, but I'd personally be tempted to model the area as a cutout.
@SCE2Aux I'm pretty sure for the Jeffries Tubes they used a matte painting, but for sure a mirror in 10 forward. In the version built for These are the Voyages, it appears to be black plexiglass.

Updates on the set
  • Modified the door light to a more plastic material, as well as modeled in the graphic detailing
  • Modeled the doors
  • Started working on the area behind the bar
    • I'm trying to find good references for the backsplash, I don't recall seeing it appear at an auction before. And for some reason I feel weird if I were to take a screen shot from the version for reference.
  • Modeled the side "booth" seating. For these seats I have loosely based off of the version that appears in Ent: These are the Voyages, however I have modified the dimensions so that they better fit the set.
    • Research notes: For the Enterprise recreation, they used less acoustic panels, and the seats where lower, but had more cushion than the original. I wish the blueprints for the sets built for this episode will someday surface at an auction.


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@Redgeneral Thanks for that. The original MSD I modeled based on the blueprint in the archive, I have since remodeled it off of your blueprints, and then angled the display down by 10° so that it looked how it did for the later seasons.

Updates since last post:
I've been in perpetual ground hogs day with this funemployment time. I've spent a good amount of time job hunting, meeting with recruiters, getting sent to interviews, then passed up. I do have a job offer, and the pay is quite a lot, but it's a 45-90 minute drive to get there depending on traffic.

Updates on projects:
  • I spent a few days creating some static LCARS displays that will be used in future projects
  • -TNG Engineering
    • updated the console in the engineering office
    • Updated MSD display
    • added electrical tape details
    • updated warp core room materials to better match what is seen on the show (made it closer to a metallic brownish orange)
    • Begun placing set labels




These are just so pretty...