
Back to the Sirius. I finished up the windows on the secondary hull. I also added the tail bit on the saucer and impulse engines. Something funky is going on with the impulse engines but I’ll figure it out.

Looks like a triangulation error on that top surface of the impulse engine. Quite common in Sketchup with that kind of face.
I like this ship - didn't really read back to see what it is supposed to be, though, so before I do, I'm going to mention the first thing I thought when I saw it: TOS Cardassian ship.

Carry on. :techman:
Not Cardassian. Although I have been thinking alot about what I TOS Cardassian ship might look like.

Since the old man has been in the hospital for Pancreatitis things are starting to go down hill. They took care of the Gallstone causing the problem and the infection. But there appears to be another infection they can’t track down and they think he might need more surgery but consider him at too high of a risk to do it. His dementia has progressed to what looks like the final stage. He doesn’t talk and won’t feed or cloth himself. But this could also be caused by the unknown infection.
Anyway back to the fun stuff.
Made the nav deflector and did a test texture.

This is how it looks behind the nav deflector.

I noticed some mesh errors on the forward window so I just cloned the ones behind them and replaced the bad ones.


I also did a negative extrusion to make the window I forgot to extrude last time. I think they match up well enough.
Just talked to the old man’s doctor again and his health appears to be declining but not rapidly. He is walking with some help but he still needs help to eat and is having trouble swallowing his food. He has also come down with pneumonia and they are treating for that. They can’t use a feeding tube because it could make it worse. They found a mass in one of his kidneys and think that it may be cancer. They can’t do a biopsy because he’s at too high of a risk of dieing from the surgery. So it looks like they can’t really do anything for him.
I lowered the warp pylons to make more room for the windows above them and added a torpedoe tube. I decided I liked the a single tube looked. For some reason I lost this save and will have to redo the tube.

And this is what the shuttle bay might look ike if I decide to go in this direction.

Started to work on a design of a Tholian ship that Atolm asked me to make. Unfortunatly it happened just about the same time my dad got sick so I had to put it off, till now. It’s not part of the Alt-Tos universe because it need to look closer to the original Tos so this new me.

Woke up this morning with some soreness on the left side of my back. Felt like a rubber band about to snap. So I didn’t really feel like sitting at the computer and doing too much so I played with a few texture ideas.

While I was at it the pain lessened and I started to do some work on the saucer. Just a few things here and there and a bridge.

Then I made my first mistake. I stood up. Felt like I was being bent in half. Went upstairs to get a drink and something snapped in my head. I sat back at the computer and started to finally block in the shapes for my version of a Constitution class ship. Also known as a Klingon buster. Then another really dangerous idea came to me. It might be fun to do my version of all the Enterprises. I must be a fool. :D


I have decided to put the old man into hospice care. I’ve been going over the Power Of Attorney and it looks like I might have the option of taking him off of food and water if it becomes needed. I would rather he die in two weeks than have him suffer for the next 6 months to a year while his cancer eats away at him. I’ll have to talk to the people who help me with his estate to make sure.
Anyway back to the fun stuff.
I thought that since this is an older ship I would take a shot at doing something closer to the original bussard collectors. Since I’ve always failed at doing something like that I had to use a texture that someone else made. I don’t remember who did this one but I’ll try and find out who did.

More detail to the saucer. I added windows to the back and started to put together the phaser turrets.

Just a shot to show the new windows by the bridge. I think they might be a little deeper than the other windows but I’m ok with that. Most of the work I need to do now is windows to the saucer rim and grid lines. Then I’ll start thinking about detailing the shuttle bay and maybe adding rooms behind the windows.
Nice work on the ship! Very different looking phaser turrets there.

I don't envy the choices you have to make concerning your dad. :(
Thought I’d do something special for this ship and add names to the three shuttles. If you watch Steve Neill’s videos you’ll know these three names. Also I will be making a mirror version of this ship like my ather Alt-Trek ships.

Thought I’d get some work done on Atolm’s Tholian ship. the drawing I got from Atolm wasn’t that clear to me so I tried doing two version of the back.



Well my dad has been moved to a nursing home for hospice care. And best thing is it won’t cost us a dime.
Starting to get to the more tedious parts of building. Windows and grid lines. So I’m not getting too much done. Just for fun I decided to add my cargo modules to the shuttle bay. I like it.

I started on some of the grid lines and added reaction control thrusters. I’ve also slowly started to unwrap one of the warp engines.

Ooops I for got to credit Steve Neill for the design of the ship. It won’t happen next time around.
Some have asked for a look at Atom’s pic for the Tholian. Here it is.
Not much really going on here. Just wanted to play around with photmetric lighting and some new textures. I also added an interior to the room in the of the ship.



I haven’t had a bunch of time to work on this but the secret project is almost over for now.
And this crappy heat over the week isn’t helping.
Anyway. I’ve added windows to the saucer rim and grid line to the top of the saucer.
Oh I forgot to give Steve Neill credit for the design. I will next time.

I’ve added rooms behind some of the windows. I’ve also finished the bottom of the saucer and started to work on the weapons. I don’t know if I’ll keep them as simple as I have them now or add a little more detail.


Not too much done. I realized there wasnt a lot of room for a room behind those windows near the back of the ship so I opened up the shuttle bay a bit more.
I’ve started to play around with textures. I’m not used to my new version of Photoshop and
figureing out the new UVunwrapping in Max. Not sure what’s going on with that red stripe and why it’s out of alignment but I can’t seam to fix it.

