Agents of SHIELD season 5

It's interesting that the Prophet is the little girl that Daisy saved-- and who saw Daisy's actions destroying the world, resulting in Daisy being thrown ahead in time and therefore not being around to destroy the world. Does that mean that the little girl changed the timeline but still sees the original timeline, or that Daisy will travel back in time to destroy the world, or that the timeline is in flux and the changes haven't been finalized yet (there's always one more signature to get), or perhaps that it was actually Daisy's absence that destroyed the world? Ow. My head hurts. :crazy:

So Enoch is an ancient alien anthropologist who must not interfere but must obey prophecy. Okay. And the base under the lighthouse was created by ancient aliens unknown to even Enoch. I guess we can suppose that the hidden base under the lighthouse is what becomes the human slave station of the future. And the future is only 74 years away. That doesn't seem long enough for the mass cultural amnesia that we've seen. Although, with all the chaos and confusion of the world being turned into a crescent....

I don't know why the government agents were so closed minded about Fitz's theory that everyone was abducted by aliens. That's a pretty plausible hypothesis in their world. And I actually really liked those two, so it was sad to see them get plugged by the general-- who is apparently anther alien, I guess. Maybe they will be alive again after the timeline is reset.

It was great to see Hunter return and hugging Fitz. It's too bad that he didn't get to go to the future with him, but he's always good for some comedic moments. The helicopter crash cracked me up. And, of course, "Release the ferrets!" :lol:

So now we at least know that Fitz hasn't gone to the dark side or been replaced by a clone or LMD. He's got a plan to rescue Daisy and the gang, and we'll find out what it is next month.
Does that mean that the little girl changed the timeline but still sees the original timeline, or that Daisy will travel back in time to destroy the world, or that the timeline is in flux and the changes haven't been finalized yet (there's always one more signature to get), or perhaps that it was actually Daisy's absence that destroyed the world? Ow. My head hurts. :crazy:
I suspect that something's going to happen to Daisy in the future that helps put her in the position to potentially destroy the world in the past. There's still the power level discrepancy to account for.

And the future is only 74 years away. That doesn't seem long enough for the mass cultural amnesia that we've seen. Although, with all the chaos and confusion of the world being turned into a crescent....
Take away the kids' smart phones and social media and they'd probably go Lord of the Flies overnight.

So now we at least know that Fitz hasn't gone to the dark side or been replaced by a clone or LMD. He's got a plan to rescue Daisy and the gang, and we'll find out what it is next month.
In two weeks. I find it funny that this was billed as the "Fall finale" given that the show is only taking one week off.
It's interesting that the Prophet is the little girl that Daisy saved-- and who saw Daisy's actions destroying the world, resulting in Daisy being thrown ahead in time and therefore not being around to destroy the world. Does that mean that the little girl changed the timeline but still sees the original timeline, or that Daisy will travel back in time to destroy the world, or that the timeline is in flux and the changes haven't been finalized yet (there's always one more signature to get), or perhaps that it was actually Daisy's absence that destroyed the world? Ow. My head hurts. :crazy:

So Enoch is an ancient alien anthropologist who must not interfere but must obey prophecy. Okay. And the base under the lighthouse was created by ancient aliens unknown to even Enoch. I guess we can suppose that the hidden base under the lighthouse is what becomes the human slave station of the future. And the future is only 74 years away. That doesn't seem long enough for the mass cultural amnesia that we've seen. Although, with all the chaos and confusion of the world being turned into a crescent....

I don't know why the government agents were so closed minded about Fitz's theory that everyone was abducted by aliens. That's a pretty plausible hypothesis in their world. And I actually really liked those two, so it was sad to see them get plugged by the general-- who is apparently anther alien, I guess. Maybe they will be alive again after the timeline is reset.

I guess once Enoch decided to act to stop the extinction level event the only clue he had was trying to decipher Robin's prophetic drawings. But going all in? It still doesn't explain how he got into position to have a black ops strike team, that act a lot more human than him on call.

Given the world they are now in anything weird and unexplainable by set science should have Inhuman or alien influence among the first theories. The female Lieutenant seems to have a lot of power for being General Talbot's aide de camp.

Probably because of Hunter I liked it much better than 4722 Hours. Yes a more conventional story telling but I like comfortable. My favorite moment would be the Firefly call back in Zephyr 1. It might have only been icers but Hunter's look when Fitz went Leopold mode reminded me of Kaylee being freaked out with River keeping base security out of Serenity.
There's another Lucasfilm reference in the episode -
The wooden crate from "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is in the warehouse Fitz and Hunter break into, it's on the top shelf!

Does this means Indiana Jones is part of MCU now? :D
I suspect that something's going to happen to Daisy in the future that helps put her in the position to potentially destroy the world in the past. There's still the power level discrepancy to account for.

I forget, did we ever find out what happened to all those Daisy LMDs? Maybe one of those is somehow the reason Daisy is blamed for the destruction of Earth? I'm not suggesting one of those actually did it mind, just that maybe one was in the right place at the wrong time? Frame job perhaps?
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There's another Lucasfilm reference in the episode -
The wooden crate from "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is in the warehouse Fitz and Hunter break into, it's on the top shelf!

Does this means Indiana Jones is part of MCU now? :D
Damn, good eyes! I completely missed that!

I forget, did we ever find out what happened to all those Daisy LMDs? Maybe one of those is somehow the reason Daisy is blamed for the destruction of Earth? I'm not suggesting one of those actually did it mind, just that maybe one was in the right place at the wrong time? Frame job perhaps?
The last episode did make a point of reminding us about them...
There's another Lucasfilm reference in the episode -
The wooden crate from "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is in the warehouse Fitz and Hunter break into, it's on the top shelf!

Does this means Indiana Jones is part of MCU now? :D

This is an Indy reference, but to be pedantic, the Ark was removed from it's Nazi marked crate and put in one with Army Intelligence markings.
I suspect that something's going to happen to Daisy in the future that helps put her in the position to potentially destroy the world in the past. There's still the power level discrepancy to account for.
True, we don't know how far in the future from "now" that the Earth was destroyed. Of course, it can't be too far in the future, given that a couple of generations have passed, but it could be five or ten years.

Take away the kids' smart phones and social media and they'd probably go Lord of the Flies overnight.
That is probably quite true. :rommie:

In two weeks.
That's next year. ;)

I guess once Enoch decided to act to stop the extinction level event the only clue he had was trying to decipher Robin's prophetic drawings. But going all in? It still doesn't explain how he got into position to have a black ops strike team, that act a lot more human than him on call.
Yes, another mystery.

Does this means Indiana Jones is part of MCU now? :D
Disney does own them both.....
I guess once Enoch decided to act to stop the extinction level event the only clue he had was trying to decipher Robin's prophetic drawings. But going all in? It still doesn't explain how he got into position to have a black ops strike team, that act a lot more human than him on call.

Given how long he's been around, it's reasonable to assume he's been Connor MacLeoding his way through history and has probably accumulated more than enough wealth and contacts to run his own private army if he feels the need.
Great episode. I like the future stuff, but this episode just felt very Agents-Of-Shield-y.

Really sad we didn't get to meet Rusty. He was quite a character.

RIP Rusty.

"I love you" "I know" is one of the best lines this show has ever had, and it's had it's share. Whoever came up with that specific line (for this show) must've had a huge grin on their face all day long. This plus the warehouse plus Fitz even called Rusty's rescue vehicle a piece of junk.
One thing about this episode bothered me. Leo and Lance shouldn't have bothered switching from the repairmen coveralls to the Air Force uniforms because they would've been more conspicuous for one simple reason: Both of them had beards (also: no covers!). I know things are lax in the Chair Force, but not that lax. :lol:

That was the first thing I thought of as well. They were willing to jeopardize the entire op simply because they don't like shaving or want to wear a cover. I'd expect that "blending in" would be the very first class taught at SHEILD academy (or whatever it's called).

"I love you."
"I know."

True nerds. :rommie:

This is probably in the top 3 lines of AoS. My favorite is still Coulson warning someone about a large file transfer as he pushes a file cabinet out the window in S1.
As I predicted, Leo's appearance in the future was the simplest explanation, although he didn't travel through white Monolith as I expected, but instead he took an even simpler route: The long way via cryogen[ics].
Aye, Fitz used that very term: "the long way." Which is also how Terminator Pops said he'd reach 2015 in (*shudder*) the horrible, soul-draining Terminator Genysis. Reference, or has that particular phrase been used in that context before?

I guess Fitz's superhuman power is closing his eyes after already being frozen.
Yeah, I wanted to shout: "Damn, man! Close your freakin' eyes!" :p

There's another Lucasfilm reference in the episode -
The wooden crate from "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is in the warehouse Fitz and Hunter break into, it's on the top shelf!
Couldn't miss it - not when projecting the show on a massive living room screen as big as a whiteboard, as it deserves to be seen! :D


And yeah, it wasn't exactly the same crate - no prominent (burnt) swastika, never mind the more discreet Army Intelligence crate - but the intent was clear. (Besides, the Ark is in Area - well, Hangar 51, out in the desert, not some hilly Air Force base. Of course, that was decades ago, so I suppose it could have been moved.) And besides besides, we already got a big Indy shout-out in The First Avenger. ;)