Agents of SHIELD season 5

The whole idea was for the telepath to determine if they were lying, so he couldn't have been suppressed.
He had already done that. Then Kasius had them each tell their story in detail-- standing in front of them so that they couldn't see each other while doing it-- but did not turn on the telepath's suppressor. Unless he was purposely giving the telepath enough rope to hang himself, it doesn't make sense.
He had already done that. Then Kasius had them each tell their story in detail-- standing in front of them so that they couldn't see each other while doing it-- but did not turn on the telepath's suppressor. Unless he was purposely giving the telepath enough rope to hang himself, it doesn't make sense.

I'd imagine he had the telepath check them both to make sure they didn't have a chance to coordinate their stories beforehand. Besides, he didn't know the telepath could transmit; he thought he could only receive. So he would've had no reason to reactivate the suppressor.
"Release the ferrets."

That was one of the best episodes in a good long time.

As I predicted, Leo's appearance in the future was the simplest explanation, although he didn't travel through white Monolith as I expected, but instead he took an even simpler route: The long way via cryogenesis.

Great to see Lance Hunter again as well as Polly and Robin Hinton (although I had to check the wikia for a reminder who they were) along the way, plus finding out what was going on with Enoch. The character seems interesting, although the way he was used seemed a bit flimsy because his sole purpose was a means to push our heroes into a dire situation in the future simply because of "a prophecy" (I'm tired of self-fulfilling prophecies). Still, I hope we see more of him now that Leo has caught up with his friends. I expect Enoch will be part of how all of them get back to the past.

While I was disappointed by the news that Lance would be returning without Bobbi (for obvious scheduling reasons), I actually preferred having just Lance rescue Leo. They've always had a good rapport and they quickly fell back into it as if Lance was never gone. I like their current relationship status: They're a great couple as long as they spend plenty of time apart. I sure hope that he (and Bobbi, too) will continue to appear this season once our heroes return to the past.

Something bothered about the general, so I wasn't surprised when she shot her two subordinates for continuously failing her. The question is who is she actually working for and why was she so keen on acquiring Robin?

One thing about this episode bothered me. Leo and Lance shouldn't have bothered switching from the repairmen coveralls to the Air Force uniforms because they would've been more conspicuous for one simple reason: Both of them had beards (also: no covers!). I know things are lax in the Chair Force, but not that lax. :lol:

"I love you."
"I know."

True nerds. :rommie:
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That was a fun episode and a nice throwback to previous seasons (mostly season 2.) It's impressive how a character that's been gone for what? Almost two seasons? Can stride back on the show without missing a step. A shame they couldn't get Bobbi on too but Hunter and Fitz make a very entertaining double act.

So the name for The Lighthouse turns out to be a bit more literal than we might have thought. Still no clue who built it or why.

Out of curiosity I did a quick search on Enoch to see if he's based off of anything in the comics, but turned up nothing. The weird thing is his story sounds an awful lot like Uatu The Watcher's, but apparently that's nothing to do with this (also, that character has technically already appeared on the show ;))

(I'm tired of self-fulfilling prophecies).
I think in this case it's justified. At least in the previous story surrounding Robin's father they stuck to their guns with how this fourth dimensional stuff works. That this Enoch seems to think Robin's predictions can be both accurate and avoidable is an interesting twist. I'm curious how that part of the plot is going to play out.

The question is who is she actually working for and why was she so keen on acquiring Robin?

The first person to say "Hydra!" gets a clip round the ear. I think we're finally done with those muppets.
Whatever is going on it's probably not a coincidence that this particular base was used to store at least one piece of alien tech, as well as all of SHIELD's toys and to imprison and interrogate the sole remaining SHIELD agent.

"I love you."
"I know."

True nerds. :rommie:
Evidently the person running Lucasfilm's social media accounts is a fan.
I missed the previous episode but sounds like I can catch that one Big one for Fitz and return of Hunter. Wish there was some reference to the Orville. But hilarious Empire Strikes Back reference at the end.

Now I know Agents of Shield has been brutal...but did we REALLY need to see 2 more people shot in the head (or at least so explicitly?)

Can't wait to have the band back together.

Any speculation on a season 6 yet? Things look better or worse than last year?
As I predicted, Leo's appearance in the future was the simplest explanation, although he didn't travel through white Monolith as I expected, but instead he took an even simpler route: The long way via cryogenesis.

"Cryogenesis" is a geological term for the processes involved in freezing the ground or creating permafrost. The word you want is cryogenics, i.e. the creation of extreme low temperatures. When cryogenics is used to preserve living organisms, it's technically called cryopreservation or cryostasis. The term "cryonics" was coined for it in 1965, but that's associated more with the flimsy pseudoscience of freezing the dead based on vague handwavey promises of future resurrection.
That was a really good, fun episode. I didn't even recognize Hunter in the promo last week (and I could tell from the way that they played him up that he was supposed to be recognized).

Who the hell calls him Leo? :lol:

Polly and Robin Hinton (although I had to check the wikia for a reminder who they were)
Guess I should check that, too. I could tell they were referencing a past storyline, but I'm still drawing a blank on the details.

ETA: Ah yes...I vaguely recall that guy now.

"I love you."
"I know."
Most awkward geeky cross-reference ever.

Wish there was some reference to the Orville.
Can I use this in here?

orville jar.jpg
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This one was a blast. Fitz and Hunter together was a lot of fun.
It was nice to get a few answers about why they ended up in the future, and they weren't quite what I expected. I was expecting Fitz to be the one with their method to return to the present, but I guess not since he took the long way there.
We also got a year for the future now, 2091.
I was surprised by who Enoch was and how he knew to send the team to the future. It's starting to look like getting back to the present won't be as simple as getting Fitz or Enoch to send them back.
I always like when shows bring back elements from earlier season, so the stuff with the seer girl was a pleasant surprise.
So the name for The Lighthouse turns out to be a bit more literal than we might have thought. Still no clue who built it or why.
Considering Enoch's unhelpful answers about the actual lighthouse base, I worry the show may ignore the connection, but I hope it's something that's elaborated on before the season ends (especially since I expect this one will be its last).

Out of curiosity I did a quick search on Enoch to see if he's based off of anything in the comics, but turned up nothing. The weird thing is his story sounds an awful lot like Uatu The Watcher's, but apparently that's nothing to do with this (also, that character has technically already appeared on the show ;))
I thought Uatu, too, but the key difference is Enoch decides to help when deemed permissible. Even in the face of reality's destruction during The Infinity Gauntlet mini-series, Uatu did not intervene.

I think in this case it's justified. At least in the previous story surrounding Robin's father they stuck to their guns with how this fourth dimensional stuff works. That this Enoch seems to think Robin's predictions can be both accurate and avoidable is an interesting twist. I'm curious how that part of the plot is going to play out.
Perhaps, but I'm skeptical. The show is on a very short leash in this regard, but I agree they did handle Robin's father well.

The first person to say "Hydra!" gets a clip round the ear. I think we're finally done with those muppets.
Amen. I'm so sick of HYDRA. I'll be very disappointed if it's them.

Whatever is going on it's probably not a coincidence that this particular base was used to store at least one piece of alien tech, as well as all of SHIELD's toys and to imprison and interrogate the sole remaining SHIELD agent.
Indeed. I suspect that she might working with MODAK. We didn't have any resolution with him and he still hates Phil.

Ha! That's awesome. :D

Any speculation on a season 6 yet? Things look better or worse than last year?
The ratings continue to decline, no doubt as a result of the showing being moved to Friday. :scream:

I was surprised the show was renewed for this season, so I'll be really surprised if it gets renewed for another.

Who the hell calls him Leo? :lol:
I do! :p

I still find it very weird that Leo and Jemma refer to each other by their surnames, especially in private or when talking about the other affectionately. On a professional level during work, fine. Same for the rest of the gang. But the two of them alone and they still call each other Fitz and Simmons? Weird.

Most awkward geeky cross-reference ever.
I wouldn't say it was awkward. They clearly loved each other on some level considering their reunion.

Can I use this in here?

View attachment 3543
By all means! I was also hoping for a reference to The Orville.

We also got a year for the future now, 2091.
I was happy to get a concrete answer (and I honestly didn't expect to get one), but I still find it odd that no one thought to ask. But I'll drop that now. :p
I thought Uatu, too, but the key difference is Enoch decides to help when deemed permissible. Even in the face of reality's destruction during The Infinity Gauntlet mini-series, Uatu did not intervene.
Eh, that was after years of "I am forbidden to interfere" always being the preface for a "but..." in FF stories.
Considering Enoch's unhelpful answers about the actual lighthouse base, I worry the show may ignore the connection, but I hope it's something that's elaborated on before the season ends (especially since I expect this one will be its last).
Wild guess: Enoch later goes back in time to build it? A possible extension of Robin's precognition may be that it enables her to at least slightly alter the course of events, just by *seeing* how she wants things to turn out.
It'd have to be very limited in scope though; Say, if every decision exponentially limits further options, so one could potentially become trapped by a maze of causality.

Indeed. I suspect that she might working with MODAK. We didn't have any resolution with him and he still hates Phil.
There's also that anti Inhuman Senator or some such that I think they left in the wind, plus or course Talbot himself.
I still find it very weird that Leo and Jemma refer to each other by their surnames, especially in private or when talking about the other affectionately. On a professional level during work, fine. Same for the rest of the gang. But the two of them alone and they still call each other Fitz and Simmons? Weird.
I'm pretty sure they do sometimes call each other by their given names, though I get the impression he calls her Jemma much more than she calls him Leo. Maybe he just prefers to go by Fitz?
By all means! I was also hoping for a reference to The Orville.
Wouldn't this season have been written before that show even premiered?
I thought Uatu, too, but the key difference is Enoch decides to help when deemed permissible. Even in the face of reality's destruction during The Infinity Gauntlet mini-series, Uatu did not intervene.

As Mixer says, that's the exception to the rule. Uatu's whole deal is saying he can't interfere and then finding a loophole to interfere anyway.

I still find it very weird that Leo and Jemma refer to each other by their surnames, especially in private or when talking about the other affectionately. On a professional level during work, fine. Same for the rest of the gang. But the two of them alone and they still call each other Fitz and Simmons? Weird.

I'm sure I've heard them call each other Leo and Gemma plenty of times since they became a couple.
Eh, that was after years of "I am forbidden to interfere" always being the preface for a "but..." in FF stories.
As Mixer says, that's the exception to the rule. Uatu's whole deal is saying he can't interfere and then finding a loophole to interfere anyway.
Ah, I stand corrected on that notion. I haven't read many Fantastic Four books and most of my experience with Uatu is either the aforementioned mini-series and the "What if...?" stories.

Wild guess: Enoch later goes back in time to build it? A possible extension of Robin's precognition may be that it enables her to at least slightly alter the course of events, just by *seeing* how she wants things to turn out.
It'd have to be very limited in scope though; Say, if every decision exponentially limits further options, so one could potentially become trapped by a maze of causality.
And that's precisely the kind of thing I rather the show avoid. I don't mind it with Doctor Who because that comes with the territory (especially with Moffat), Agents is relatively more grounded.

There's also that anti Inhuman Senator or some such that I think they left in the wind, plus or course Talbot himself.
Ah, right, I forgot about her. That seems so long ago. Plus, we don't know what happened to her son. The implication was he survived.

This isn't Talbot's style. He might back to hating Phil and company, even with all of the facts at hand, but being party of cold-blooded murder? No way.

I'm pretty sure they do sometimes call each other by their given names, though I get the impression he calls her Jemma much more than she calls him Leo. Maybe he just prefers to go by Fitz?
I'm sure I've heard them call each other Leo and Gemma plenty of times since they became a couple.
Hm, maybe I'm recalling incorrectly, but the whole thing has stood out so much to me, I'm fairly certainly most times they refer to each by their surnames. I've certainly noticed specifically in privacy they still call each other that way.

I can see Leo preferring Fitz much like Mack (and a friend and colleague of mine in the Navy also preferred Mac, shortened from Macdonald, over his first name) although I don't recall that being specifically stated as oppose to Mack.

Wouldn't this season have been written before that show even premiered?
Probably, but they also knew Adrianne Palicki wouldn't be available so they knew at least the broad strokes of the show.
Ah, that's right. There's still her son, though, who I'm pretty sure is still alive despite how we last saw him.