Agents of SHIELD season 5

That being said, people have pointed out he was apparently taking a shower, which seems unnecessary for a robot.

Machines get dirty too. And if watches and smartphones can be waterproof, surely an advanced alien AI could be as well. Plus, sometimes advanced alien technology is organic.
I was actually taken a bit aback by what happened to Tess. I actually found myself having said "Whoa." out loud without intending to.
Yeah, that surprised me too. She was actually one I was thinking might end up coming back to the present if/when they team found a way to get back
I had definitely thought he might be Recorder. I just wish he was from Rigel, not Cygnus. That being said, people have pointed out he was apparently taking a shower, which seems unnecessary for a robot.
That does sound pretty similar.
When he was in the shower, I think I remember his silhouette morphing into a less human shape.
It's makeup. Recall Ronan's first scene in Guardians of the Galaxy, which showed his face being painted with the black war paint he wore through the rest of the film. The makers of AoS have presumably extrapolated from that -- apparently wearing black or white face paint/makeup in an individualized pattern is a custom of the Kree nobility in the MCU. In, I believe, the second episode of the season, there's a shot near the start where one of Kasius's slaves is brushing the white makeup onto his face before he shoos her away.
I forgot about those scenes.
Whoa, Howard Hamlin on Agents of Shield! Love it.

Thanks for the reminder that she was Julie Mao. I think I had read about that months before the season started, but then I've spent the past few weeks wondering who she was. Damn memory.

Kasius is still alive, right? At first I thought Simmons slashed his throat, but I thought I saw him standing up right before Daisy's inhibitor was re-activated.

Tess was definitely a big surprise. I hope they're not going to stick us with Flint. I don't want to start the whole new Inhumans-hate thing again, but I really hope Marvel tv gives up on the Inhumans. Flint did seem like a nice kid though. You're allowed to take orphans through time right?

And like others here, I had also been thinking Recorder for Enoch. I don't think so, but it was the best my comics brain could come up with.
Kasius is still alive, right? At first I thought Simmons slashed his throat, but I thought I saw him standing up right before Daisy's inhibitor was re-activated.

Was going to ask about that because I thought she also slashed his throat (there was was a spray of red). Stood out because it seemed an un-Jemma thing to do but then she has been treated as a slave and seen how others have been treated by Kasius.
I saw on Wikipedia yesterday that Flint is a very different version of a character from the comics.
I was unclear on whether Kasius was killed, although I suppose he's expendable now that his big brother has arrived . . ..
IMDb lists the actors for Kasius and Sinara in the next two episodes. IMDb isn't always reliable, but it suggests they both survived.
Well, okay, this episode had a high body count-- but I don't think our people ended up in a very good place, despite an apparently successful escape.

Let's see, who died? Junkyard Guy, Tess, Telepath Dude, Ball Girl, Kasius, plus various and sundry guards. It was particularly nice to see Kasius get his reward, especially after he sent Ball Girl, who was clearly devoted to him, to certain death. At least she finally got a line. For a moment, I thought Junkyard Guy was going to be a True Believer, but that was the shortest red herring ever. So now chaos has erupted and our people are on the run, with Daisy's powers inhibited again-- they should have made more of an effort to grab that remote. Although I did get a kick out of her dramatic levitation to the box seats and brief moment of triumph, interrupted by a sudden flump back to the floor.

And poor Fitz got to pour his heart out and propose to a stone deaf Gemma, only to have Gemma propose to him at the end. "By the way, I proposed before when you were deaf." "Of course you did." :rommie:

And I'm wondering about Fitz's Helper's line at the end when he got into the elevator. "I'm not a person." Clearly he's some kind of android or something, since he can survive hundreds or thousands of years unchanged, but was that just a quip or foreshadowing that there is something specific to be revealed about him-- perhaps he's been helping Fitz only because it supports his own hidden agenda, and will abandon him and the SHIELD crew when the opportunity arises to get what he really wants. Wouldn't that just figure?
^ I'm pretty sure "Ball Girl" is still alive but I was pretty sure Kasius bit it at Gemma's hand but people are saying otherwise so I guess we'll see.
It would be a nice trick to survive getting your throat slit, but I hope they are both alive. It would be nice to see Ball Girl get her revenge for being thrown under the bus.
Kasius was still alive as Fitz, Jemma and Daisy escaped. He didn't look too happy, though.
Nah, it's just their blood (or some bodily fluid) was modified to have healing properties. They themselves can't heal. But they are supposed to be super strong and durable, so who knows.
The Inhumans/AOS winter renewal update stuff was picked up by a site or two last week, but it seems they may have looked past the key quotes:

We made the move [to Friday] pretty much intact; our ratings are essentially the same as they were. Delayed viewing continues to be strong, so we're feeling optimistic about that show.

Obviously only 5 or so episodes into the season, it may be too early for ABC to make a final decision on renewal, but the numbers they saw from the first few episodes seem to be getting the thumbs up from the boss, so season 6 seems to be a realistic possibility for now.
Marvel has posted make-up time lapse videos for Dominic Rains as Kasius and Florence Faivre as Sinara.
Interesting. Rains gets a full base coat of blue before the white goes on, which makes sense given that it's apparently meant to be white makeup over blue skin, and they want to have the right undertones for it. Yet Faivre gets her white "racoon stripe" put on over her natural skin tone instead. I wonder why.
Anyone else think that 3+ hours for their makeup seems 'long' compared to other TV and cable shows? I mean White Walkers and Zombies take less time! :D ;)
It might be quicker now, but I believe some of the makeup for the TNG-ENT era Trek alien took 5 or 6 hours to apply. It seems to be pretty standard for these kind of things, although I was bit surprised that something as simple as the Kree took so long.

New Episode tonight
Together or Not At All (5x07)
Just as the team reunites, they become prey to an undefeated Kree warrior who is bent on killing them all.
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Keep in mind that this is the era of HD, so the make-up really need to have a level of detail and hold up to scrutiny in a way that it never used to back in the old days. Continuity and durability are probably also something that needs a little extra work since not only do they have to be able to shoot in that get-up all day, it also has to *exactly* match the job they did previously. Not an easy task when airbrushing by hand from reference photos.