Agents of SHIELD season 5


There is sure to be a lot of news and relevations coming out of NYCC this weekend, so it seemed like a good time to start a thread for the fifth (and final?) season of Agents of SHIELD.

What we know so far, the show will premiere after Inhumans wraps up and is reported to run straight though it's full 22-episode season without long storybreaks.

We know that the story will start off with our crew out in space, we know that Natalia Cordova-Buckley has been promoted series regular as "Yo-Yo" and that Nick Blood will be returning as Lance Hunter.

We also know that the show was only renewed by ABC under duress from Disney, which is why I believe this to be the final year. And I'm actually cool with that. I love this show. Agent Phil Coulson is one of my very favorite Marvel characters in any medium. I HAVEN'T CHANGED MY AVATAR SINCE THE SECOND EPISODE OF SEASON ONE!:lol: But, I'm cool with it. Five years is a good run and is pretty much what I envisioned when the show premiered. I just hope we get a proper wrap-up and not a cliffhanger that will never be resolved.

Anyway, bring your thoughts, speculations and news here!
Hopefully we'll finally get an exact premiere date from the convention.

I've predicted a final season since before the end of season four, so I'm really hoping that if that is the case, the show runners will game plan the season with a solid conclusion for all of the characters and storylines.
This is one of my favorite shows, and I can't wait for the new season. It's had a good run, so I won't be to disappointed if this is the final season.
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I'm always up for more SHIELD. I hope the Mouse keeps Coulson away from Tahiti indefinitely, but five years is about the best one can hope for these days.
Yeah, this show has been great and 5 seasons IS a good run. But still can't help hoping Disney keeps up the pressure and we get a 6th.
I think we probably should all just assume that this will be the last season. If we get another, great, but it should surprise no one if this is the end.

I suspect part of the pressure from Disney/Marvel is that they wanted to have a Marvel show airing regularly, and with Inhumans being limited and Most Wanted being passed up, it fell to AOS to go another season.

If Marvel has other shows ready to air for the 2018-19 tv season, like the mystery one from John Ridley, or Damage Control, or She-Hulk or whatever, that may finally remove the "need" for AOS. Of course Marvel would have to be confident enough in this new show that they'd expect it to last the full season, and not be cancelled after 6 episodes.
I suspect part of the pressure from Disney/Marvel is that they wanted to have a Marvel show airing regularly, and with Inhumans being limited and Most Wanted being passed up, it fell to AOS to go another season.
That, and this will push the show above the 100-episode mark, which may not be as big a deal (for syndication purposes) as it used to be, but is still significant.

Anyhow, I too am looking forward to S5. Watched the first four seasons on my trusty laptop, but now I've got a projector set up on a 100-inch screen in the living room with Bose speakers. The Phil Coulson Power Hour™ is about to get a whole lot bigger, louder, and more Power-y.

Is December and January still so barren for television in this day and age of DVRs and streaming? Far less people watch television live anymore, which makes the timing of when shows air less critical.
Is December and January still so barren for television in this day and age of DVRs and streaming? Far less people watch television live anymore, which makes the timing of when shows air less critical.
Yep, TV is pretty much 365 these days. There's always something new somewhere.
Is December and January still so barren for television in this day and age of DVRs and streaming? Far less people watch television live anymore, which makes the timing of when shows air less critical.
Perhaps, but network shows still tend to go on hiatus in those months.
Yeah, but a lot of the cable channels start their new episodes while the network shows are on break.
Two hour season premiere on December 1st!

I'm glad that it's coming sooner rather than later, but if they are running it through the otherwise TV barren months of December and January, then that's more evidence that ABC just wants to be done with the show.
It has more to do with what day of the week Christmas & New Years falls on. This year, both are on Monday. Shows that start their season during the (back in the old days) third week of September -like The Orville was launched this season, would usually get preempted by holiday specials or sports. Shows that start later (mid Oct/early November) would normally continue for at least 3 episodes in December.

So AoS returning in December should not be taken as a sign of ABC's disinterest. The plan seemed to have been for both shows to run one after another rather than AoS having a split season
I absolutely hope they ask her back. When I heard the news of Hunter coming back the first thing I thought was, "Why not Bobbie!'

I cannot wait for s5. I also wouldn't mind if this was the final season, but there's no way I won't be excited if they get renewed again for s6. SHIELD is one of those shows I try my hardest to get people to watch. It's way too under appreciated in the world of Marvel shows.