3D interiors in Blender

Captain Hoffman has a nice sized office. I suspect she was a naval historian ;) To play up the theme you could add a naval officer sword

those chairs fit in very well actually.

Ok, next question: when are you building a holodeck so we can walk through this delightful set? :D
@philbob: Heh, I considered that, or a bell or something like that, but I don't want to go overboard with it. Plus I already have a sword on the Potemkin Captain's office, so I don't want a repeat. :p

@Praetor: Thanks!

@Jedman67: lol, I'll get back to you on that one :p

I finally bit the bullet and modeled the DS9-style desktop monitor. This thing looks so cumbersome and cheap when compared even to the TNG monitor, let alone the First Contact one I have right next to it...


@philbob: Heh, I considered that, or a bell or something like that, but I don't want to go overboard with it. Plus I already have a sword on the Potemkin Captain's office, so I don't want a repeat. :p

@Praetor: Thanks!

@Jedman67: lol, I'll get back to you on that one :p

I finally bit the bullet and modeled the DS9-style desktop monitor. This thing looks so cumbersome and cheap when compared even to the TNG monitor, let alone the First Contact one I have right next to it...


This makes me think of the tricorders from TWOK. Sure, they're clunky, but maybe they're that way because they're being used in an environment where their exteriors may not keep looking so pretty.
while the Akira and Defiant were developed along with each other, I wonder if the Akira was also supposed to be a tender in support of the Defiant as well. We might of only seen one example of the fleet concept of operations in Voyagers "Message in a Bottle" Maybe some sort of logistics or support charts on the ready room monitor or heck even crates to empahises the ships combat support role? just some thoughts about expanding the ships role and lore.
@BK613: Yeah I meant a ship's bell like that, I considered it but like on my previous comment it might have been too much, another time or maybe in the mess hall hahaha.

@philbob: If anything I see the Akira as a sort of "squadron leader", given its 15 or so torpedo launchers it's certainly not a support craft, but I do imagine a tender like an older Nebula or Olympic supporting such a squadron during the Dominion War.

Finished the screen display for the side wall. I wanted to go with the Defiant-style one rather than the Starbase 375 one, but my god was this thing a pain to do in comparison. Just like the original prop this isn't an illuminated display, but just a silk-screened graphic (like the doorbells).


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I wish I had your talent for modeling these interiors, @Rekkert! It would make it so much easier to flesh out some concepts for sets I'm working on for my fic.
Yeah I meant a ship's bell like that, I considered it but like on my previous comment it might have been too much, another time or maybe in the mess hall hahaha.
FWIW Ship's bells have a long history of naval tradition going back centuries. In the US Navy, it is one the artifacts that is removed and kept when the ship is decommissioned.

@Firebird: lol, thanks! I really suggest you give SketchUp a try, it's super easy to grab and learn, and perfect for architectural concepts.

@BK613: I know :)

@philbob: Hahaha, cool idea but I'd dread to have to model food. :p

Been having some busy weeks but I finally had some time today to put the finishing touches on the ready room. I sculpted the details on the sofa, finished the desktop monitor, did the Defiant-style coffee carafe, and created a Starfleet Academy diploma for our good Captain. Plus I added some PADDs all over, as ever they're great for set dressing.


