3D interiors in Blender

@FormerLurker: Oh totally, I kinda designed it with a similar idea in mind. Could totally be adapted as a bridge for a cargo ship, tug, or similar vessel. I wouldn't even have a Captain's chair in such a ship, just like the SS Xhosa or USS Huron didn't have one.

Created a graphic for the large LCARS screen, mostly out of already existing elements. I also did the new lift, which is pretty much the USS Prometheus lift (reuse of the TNG emergency turbolift). Still, it might be a bit too small, I'm not sure if I'll keep it.



@FormerLurker: Oh totally, I kinda designed it with a similar idea in mind. Could totally be adapted as a bridge for a cargo ship, tug, or similar vessel. I wouldn't even have a Captain's chair in such a ship, just like the SS Xhosa or USS Huron didn't have one.
That's why he'd be in folding chair. One of my biggest complaints about the future; a serious lack of portable furniture.
@FormerLurker: Clearly a visionary when it came to foldable furniture :p

Created the turbolift graphic, which is exactly the same as on the Prometheus lift, just using the Cerberus colors. I didn't even recall this graphic existed until a few days ago, but by chance more than anything it fits very well with the vertical lights on the corridors, so it looks like it was all planned from the start. :lol:

Other than that, I've modeled a more detailed handrail with some floor-facing lights, as well as wall panel details for the remaining sections of the corridors. Still gotta do some minor stuff like correcting some UV maps and things of that nature, but other than that I think this is finished?



I know a lot of people that can make amazing designs in terms of starships. And when it to bridges, Rekkert nails it every time.
But I swear to *insert deity*, when you make something that sounds as simple as a corridor, you always hit a homerun. It just feels exactly like a photo of a set from whatever era you're doing.

I'm not sure you quite understand what a talent it is to hit the design ethos of every Starfleet era every single friggin time.
I don't think there are many nearly as good as @Rekkert at extrapolating realistic "unseen" starship interiors using bits and pieces and general "flavor" of this and that. The end result always feels entirely plausible and cohesive.

I'm mildly jealous. :rommie:
@Mage: Thank you so much for the kind words! My impostor syndrome often tells me I don't do that good a job in any of this, so it's very nice to hear people think I do, thank you!

@Praetor: lol, thanks!

As for the bridge toilet, I think each stall has a small replicator that gives you exactly the amount of toilet paper you'll need. Once you flush, it's all converted into energy for that very same replicator. Oh the circle of life... ;)

Looking at the Cerberus MSD up-close again after so long for the corridor I realized how empty and basic it was looking, so just like others before it updated it a bit. Still not at the level of detail some other artists go for, but for my purposes it now works a lot better. Here's a before-and-after, and the necessary renders of both the bridge and corridor were redone with this new version.

I'll probably do the same for the USS Ross soon, I'm embarrassed by that MSD!


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