3D interiors in Blender

@Rory1707: Thanks! Yeah, that was my idea with them, mostly, some more color and uniqueness :)

@DEWLine: Those are meant to be similar to the light columns on the Enterprise-E bridge, and I also used them on the Cerberus bridge, so I don't see them doubling as displays.

Not a huge update, finished arranging things in the office, with the plants now further apart on the back wall, and the bonsai placed near the entrance to balance all the green.

On the ward, I've done more work on the biobeds, but I have yet to finish the base and the surgical bed. I went for the Insurrection look for the biobeds, so they have larger pillows and a blanket over them (tested several colors for the blankets, I liked them white the most). I did keep two pill labels near the LCARS panel at the feet of them though, which were only there in First Contact.

Also, I added the rectangular greebles at the bottom of the dividers between beds, among other small changes.


Looks great!
I'm not convinced about the plants, but I don't really have any other suggestions other than make like a couple of small wall mounted planters :D
@Finn: Thanks!

@Jedman67: I mean there are small planters in there, where the plants are on.

Added spotlights on each of the ceiling rectangle lights (above the beds and side walls), so overall lighting is much higher which I think helps with the room being less depressive. Also, finished all the biobeds, with the bases and the surgical arms now in place (and yes, they do rotate properly into place).
The light fixture above the surgical bed now sports the same pattern as on the Cerberus bridge (and Prometheus), rather than the Enterprise-E inspired pattern I had used for previous ships, as this is more fitting.

Finally, after many different takes I went with a rather simple stripe for the office glass divider, with the medical symbol at the center and two vertical dividing lines.

Other than some LCARS and final touch ups on the carpet, I think we're done.






Finally, after many different takes I went with a rather simple stripe for the office glass divider, with the medical symbol at the center and two vertical dividing lines.

I just remembered when I started a job, I guess they'd done some remodeling recently and the breakroom had these huge glass walls setting it off from the hallway. I don't know if they were taking their time or there'd been an actual accident, but a month or two later they started adding in some frosted decorative patterns in the glass. I thought they disrupted the effect but, then, I'd never broken my nose on my way to order a bag of chips from the machine.

On the other hand, if you're going to accidentally walk into a glass wall, sickbay is probably the place to do it.
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Absolutely fantastic, I love it!

Even though the colour scheme is much darker than the Ent-D, the whole sickbay has a much warmer feel to it - I guess 80's beige isn't very comforting!
@David cgc: Hehe, totally, with this being fully glass rather than a window like in TNG/Voyager's sickbay, a pattern was needed.

@Jedman67: Thanks!

@batboy853: lol, totally! Or one of these, for maximum awkwardness :p

@TOMFAN: Haha, yeah I tried to incorporate some warm colors to help with that.

Final bits are in, I created a new LCARS screen, and added the last curves on the carpet pattern. I'll be rendering the final renders tomorrow!


I just spent way too much time looking into that panel. I was wrong I thought it was from the episode where Geordi was transformed into the alien of the week. But it was a background graphic from True Q.
So I'm big into Virtual Pinball. Especially in VR and wondered if anyone has a model of the Enterprise bridge from the Kelvin Timeline? (The 2009 Abrams film version) I like to take my virtual pinball table and place it inside a 3D room space. Anyone able to point me in the right direction?
So I'm big into Virtual Pinball. Especially in VR and wondered if anyone has a model of the Enterprise bridge from the Kelvin Timeline? (The 2009 Abrams film version) I like to take my virtual pinball table and place it inside a 3D room space. Anyone able to point me in the right direction?
If you are up to 3D modelling it yourself, we have the some of the Bridge blueprints on the Set Blueprint Archive http://archive.frogland.co.uk/index.html
Folder with the kelvin timeline (also has sub folders for Bridge, Transporter etc.) : http://archive.frogland.co.uk/Set Blueprints/Enterprise Reboot (Kelvin Timeline)/index.html