3D interiors in Blender

When I'm in a hospital room/bed, the most important thing is the remote control for the TV . :lol: Gary Mitchell agrees:

<I edited the photo above to highlight the remote.>
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Didn't he control it with his mind?
He's seen on-screen clicking the remote control with his thumb, not telepathically.
<I edited the photo above to highlight the remote.>
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Let's keep the sickbays rolling...

A long time ago I started converting the Enterprise-B-style biobeds I had into the Voyager-style ones, as IRL the latter were a modified version of the former. I never really finished the conversion, nor did I have any immediate plans to use them for anything, I just knew I would sooner or later. Today I finally started to do something with them: the USS Cerberus sickbay.

Very early stages so far as you can see, and as with the Lalo sickbay I'm reusing a ton of stuff from previous sets. I originally considered a more separated surgical area like that on Prometheus' sickbay, but I just couldn't figure out an elegant way to connect the it to the rest of the set and still feel like it belonged.


@Finn: Those seemed to have fell out of fashion after the 2360's :p

@Rory1707: Thanks!

Added proper lights on top of the beds and entrance, plus the carpet pattern for the main room, among other bits.

An update that's making me pause is that I've added work stations at each side of the door, and modeled the little boat seats used in the Enterprise-E engineering, as I thought they'd be good fit. I think this layout however might be too similar to Voyager's sickbay, so I might change one of the stations to something different. Perhaps a storage space like this on the left on Voy's junior officer's quarters?

Other than that, I'm also finding it difficult to address the quite large empty space at the center of the room (first image). One alternative is to add a freestanding console like that from Voyager (second image), though I really dislike that design. Another one might be to add a small table coming out of the wall, to mirror the Prometheus sickbay (third image). Or something else entirely I haven't considered yet, thoughts?


I think the layout and color scheme will always make one think of Voyager. For a central console, what about a sitdown style like in TMP? And for entrance doors, how about something more unique like the ENT sickbay?

In fact, it might be cool to see a TNG/VOY era sickbay that's laid out like the one from ENT.
Perhaps the glass wall to the office could also be used as a large medical display, and could change between transparent and opaque depending on the need, and possible have a desk or terminal in front of it?
Ok, after some more playing around with the layout, I still wasn't entirely happy with it so I decided to go in a different direction. I kept a copy of the old one and I'll most likely be using it with heavy modifications for the Emmett Till sickbay down the line, as for that one I had some ideas that would make better use of the space while also making the whole thing look less like Voyager's sickbay.

For Cerberus, I went with a mirrored layout with two biobeds at each side of the surgical bed. I played with having a bigger door at the center, but to me that starts becoming too much like the Victory sickbay at that point, so I wanted to avoid it (plus I have a concept for the USS Ross sickbay down the line that also uses a symetrical layout with a central door, so that's another reason to avoid using it here).

I'll probably move the doors from their current position to have them flanking the central screen, with the wall at the left-end of the set having a bunch of work stations, and the one on the right-end having the CMO's office and a large glass window.


I moved the doors as mentioned in my last post, plus finished the ceiling structure of this new layout.

I've also added the work stations on one end, and the start of the CMO's office on the other. For some variation, and given that this is a Nemesis-era design, I went with an almost entirely glass wall to divide the office from the main ward, inspired on this piece of Voyager concept art. This lets the CMO have a pretty full view of the entire sickbay, and it could be made opaque if needed.

Finally, I started work on some era appropriate props, including a cart and the Voyager version of the hypospray station.




Did a lot of small but necessary stuff today, so the ceilings are now finished, the carpet pattern's back in place, and I've added a bunch of props, among some other tweaks. I've also started adding a pattern on the glass partition for the office, but it's still rather basic at this point, I intend to make it more intricate eventually.



Generally I like it. You did an excellent job blending some of the features seen in the Nemesis sickbay set with what was seen in Voyager. If this was used in a production, I could see them easily redressing this set to double as a science lab by adding in a few sliding walls.

The center of the room between the surgical bay and the central display feels empty. A nurses desk could work there?
@batboy853: Yeah, I went back and forth with the nurse station because as I said before, I didn't want this to be too similar to previous designs of mine.

That being said, now that you mention it, with this new layout the nurse desk kinda evokes the Prometheus sickbay from "Message in a Bottle". The central portion has the same layout with the surgical bed, the desk in front of it and the screen/controls behind the desk. So it does tie back with the class prototype; plus with Cerberus being an Admiral's ship it would make sense to have sickbay more staffed than in any generic ship. Thoughts?

Also, keep in mind I still got to add more props all around to make the set more busy, storage shelves by the doors, that sort of thing.

