3D interiors in Blender

Did the same treatment to my old Farpoint, Parallels v1, and Parallels v2 bridges (follow the links for all the images), with tweaked lighting to each one to match those specific episodes, so Farpoint has a neutral light while the Parallels one has a slight blue tint. Again, these are older models, those Farpoint chairs in particular look terrible, I know. Can't wait to replace them with the sculpted ones I did for the Archive in the future :lol:



Did the same treatment to my old Farpoint, Parallels v1, and Parallels v2 bridges (follow the links for all the images), with tweaked lighting to each one to match those specific episodes, so Farpoint has a neutral light while the Parallels one has a slight blue tint. Again, these are older models, those Farpoint chairs in particular look terrible, I know. Can't wait to replace them with the sculpted ones I did for the Archive in the future :lol:



Beautiful stuff! Your colors are soooo soft and the lighting is just… liquid smooth. I don’t know how to describe it. I have always loved how you do your lighting.
Great job. I'd love to see the Parallels version from where [Riker]THE BORG ARE EVERYWHERE[/Riker]!
Hope you all had a nice start to 2024, mine wasn't great but what can you do... Anyway, today I had the idea for a small sickbay for the USS Lalo and decided to go ahead and do it. This is only after a few hours of work, given I'm reusing stuff from other sickbays, just recoloring and detailing differently.

The idea's in place already, essentially the ship's small and only intended to travel within Federation space, so no need for a large sickbay or even a surgical bed. In case of any real emergency, the ship can either dispatch a shuttle or travel itself to a nearby starbase or planet.

I intend to rework the area above the little working desk to make it somewhat more interesting, though I have no idea what I'll put there yet. Same with the space behind the beds. In an attempt to make said beds more distinct, I removed the headrest display, as the bio-signs are instead shown on the screen on the opposite wall.

I went back and forth with that screen, thinking it's too big or not. Given the size of the room I thought it would have a smaller screen than the Enterprise-D, but then I was left with way too much empty space on that wall. Instead I chose to divide the screen up with the late-TNG layout and silk-screened elements, so it's not just one screen, rather 3 smaller screens.

Let me know what you think of it so far!



Hope you all had a nice start to 2024, mine wasn't great but what can you do... Anyway, today I had the idea for a small sickbay for the USS Lalo and decided to go ahead and do it. This is only after a few hours of work, given I'm reusing stuff from other sickbays, just recoloring and detailing differently.

The idea's in place already, essentially the ship's small and only intended to travel within Federation space, so no need for a large sickbay or even a surgical bed. In case of any real emergency, the ship can either dispatch a shuttle or travel itself to a nearby starbase or planet.

I intend to rework the area above the little working desk to make it somewhat more interesting, though I have no idea what I'll put there yet. Same with the space behind the beds. In an attempt to make said beds more distinct, I removed the headrest display, as the bio-signs are instead shown on the screen on the opposite wall.

I went back and forth with that screen, thinking it's too big or not. Given the size of the room I thought it would have a smaller screen than the Enterprise-D, but then I was left with way too much empty space on that wall. Instead I chose to divide the screen up with the late-TNG layout and silk-screened elements, so it's not just one screen, rather 3 smaller screens.

Let me know what you think of it so far!




Happy New Year! Sorry your year hasn’t started off well - but there is always tomorrow. Good to see you back on the forum.

These renders are nice. Your lighting is so smooth. I can’t get over it. How are your rendering these?

Above the table - maybe a diagnostic readout of both beds? You do have that on the other wall, but maybe continued out somehow? I don’t know - just babbling.

What ever you come up with it will look awesome, you do you.
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Nice. Maybe a trash bin, with TOS movie era Starfleet logo and some wear and tear by the desk. and a "My parents went to Risa and all I got was this" coffee mug.
@Mr. Phreez: Thanks! Nothing special as far as rendering, Cycles with AgX, 'Punchy' look, 1.0 exposure and 1.0 gamma. Then just some AO and bloom on the compositor. Blender does most of the work really lol

@C-Dub: That's a good point I hadn't considered, so thanks for pointing it out! As you can see below, I decided to modify the screen anyway, so the headrest displays are back on :)

@ashleytinger: Thanks!

@Finn: Our good Doctor taking his trash bin from one assignment to the other :lol:

I couldn't leave that screen alone, lol, I ended up making it smaller and leaving just one of the displays on it, I think it now works better for the small room. To balance it out a bit I added back the little keypads at each side of it, just as on the Enterprise-D sickbay.

Given the removal of the bio-sign displays on said screen, the monitors are back at the head of the beds. I also did a simple pattern with black tape behind the beds, which I think fits as they usually did this sort of thing on TNG. Finally for this update, I added an X-ray light box on top of the desk area, similar but smaller to the one on TNG's sickbay.


I was going to suggest doing something with that wall above the desk — maybe add some supply cabinets — but the X-ray light box definitely helps.
Is there an in-universe explanation for why they had an X-ray lightbox in the Enterprise sickbay? Seems like a crazy anachronism... unless it's actually a Z-ray lightbox, or something...
Is there an in-universe explanation for why they had an X-ray lightbox in the Enterprise sickbay? Seems like a crazy anachronism... unless it's actually a Z-ray lightbox, or something...

The NX-01 had a "neutron microscope", it's probably better not to think about these things too closely.
To be fair I just called it an X-ray light box because that's what it reminds me of, it wasn't ever used as one or even referenced that way in any material. In early TNG that space was occupied by three light fixtures with a similar colored light, one of which was later placed next to the entrance to Crusher's office and stood there until the end of the show.

I've added some props all over and some final details on the walls. At one point I added paneling all over in the same style as on the bridge's side walls, but I ended up removing it. Sickbay was rather sparingly detailed on TNG and I want to keep a similar feel, rather than overdoing it. I think I'm about ready to call this one done.

Yeah, that bed was still the TMP examination bed after all, the padding was just placed on top rather than attached in any way.

The only change I did since yesterday was the make the bottom edge of the screen flat, to match the sickbay screen on TNG; and to raise the panels where the keypads on each side of said screen are a little bit, again to mirror those panels in TNG.


And here are the other finished renders!





