3D interiors in Blender

Thanks for all the good wishes everyone, it's really an exciting thing to be a part of! :D

While I'm certainly quite busy and haven't been able to work on anything that I could show from the Roddenberry Archive, I am now able to show another project I worked on at the end of last year, as it's been publicly announced (even though it isn't "Fan Art" this time haha).

The people at EXO-6 contacted me about creating a 3D background for a replica of the Enterprise-E Captain's chair they were working on. Their idea is to sell the 3D background I did printed on foldable cardboard, so that you can place it behind the chair for display. It's certainly a cool idea if you ask me so I jumped at the opportunity. They are planning more chairs though I won't be working on those, mainly once again due to my commitments to the Roddenberry Archive.


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Well, it's been a while...

Slowly getting the hang of managing my times with the Archive work, I'm starting to get back into doing some personal projects during the weekends when I have the motivation to do so. Nothing major planned or anything, just some quick redresses for the time being to see how I'm able to handle it.

I'm tackling the Potemkin transporter room first, which is just a redress of the TNG transporter room I already modeled. I actually started this one years ago, doing stuff like the new raised platform for the transporter console and the color choices back then, but I hit a wall in trying to making it unique enough and left it there. I tried again this past week with a fresh perspective and ended up doing some substantial changes: I rotated the little side room 90°, making it slightly smaller and removing the side corridor entirely; I added some handrails between said side room and the transporter pad, to make accessing the side controls harder unless you're doing so from the transporter console area); I changed said transporter console stand to the bulkier "cargo bay" version, as I think it fits better with an older ship (plus it's a callback to the protective alcove of the 23rd century transporter rooms).

Finally, the transporter itself got a new color and pattern for the wall lights. I tried a ton of variations on the theme, and originally I had the lights pink rather than the purplish hue I ended up going for. It was hard to come up with something that still felt TNG while not just being the same pattern yet again.

Let me know your thoughts on it, I'm happy with how it's looking, but I'll give it a day or two to see if anything jumps out at me as needing changing.



Thanks for the comments everyone! I did end up making one change to the room: I made the forward section of the transporter interior itself the same dark grey color as the exterior, instead of the light grey it was before. I think it works better this way. Here are the finished renders:







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Hello all! These are beyond words!

Can anyone tell me the lengths and angles of the LCARS separation columns in Sovereign class? I'm building a Trek themed home theater and need this so I can make them "for real". TIA

Not the tall white ones, the ones in this image:

Happy you all liked how the Potemkin transporter room turned out!

Had a couple ideas for Steamrunner-Class interiors during the weekend, inspired by the shape the aft windows on the bridge module have. I imagined these could be the standard TNG conference lounge set but without the central window, and then I though about splitting the room in two equal parts, with one side being the briefing room and the other side being the ready room.

So, I decided to create these two sets for the USS Appalachia, using the same basic structure for both. I started with the conference room but as you can see it's still very early; I just did the basic layout and a first pass at the table, which following my tradition I decided to shape as an abstract take on the ship itself. I intend on having a central screen on the wall between the two doors, while the sides of the room will have some light sconces, a replicator, maybe some plants. I might change the chair design to the Enterprise-E one, in keeping with the bridge using the Ent-E chairs.

Also, excuse the fireflies on these renders, no idea why they suddenly started appearing, might be a Blender update issue.


Really nice work, as for the fireflies, they kinda look like the stars in the windows, maybe something lensflare-ish going on there?
@danellis: So long as they don't go around impregnating crew members without their consent like in "The Child"...

@Santaman: Nah, they were caused by the glass windows, which didn't happen before, hence my suspicion of a Blender update breaking something. For now I removed the windows (so remember, no breathing in the briefing room), I'll deal with it later.

Did another pass at the table, I simplified the shape and ended up with a more usable design IMO. Not to mention it was way too big before, now it's smaller in every axis so the room becomes more walkable.

I also added a step to the door going to the bridge, while the door to the ready room is on the same level as the table. This is mostly to set the groundwork for the ready room set, as I'm planning a more interesting layout regarding its elevation that I need to replicate here given the two rooms will be connected. Plus work started on the main screen wall, which will have some geometric wall panels at each side similar to those from the late TNG observation lounge.

I'll probably remove the big replicator from the wall, I wanted to have it there to mirror where it'll be on the ready room, but I don't like how much it dominates this set right now, a smaller replicator in one of the angled walls (like both the TNG and VOY conference rooms had) will be more fitting.

