3D interiors in Blender

The video is stunning, but is anyone else finding also a little mournful? The ship in pristine condition with red alert sounding but completely deserted whilst the Borg Cube right outside is ignoring them. What horrendous fate has befallen the brave officers and crew of the U.S.S. Thunderchild? Are the Borg behind it? Are they victims as well?

Excellent work all around!
I found this on Flickr:

Sidebar request: Can we set up a (new) separate thread for DS9 Ops starting with this image?
The video is stunning, but is anyone else finding also a little mournful? The ship in pristine condition with red alert sounding but completely deserted whilst the Borg Cube right outside is ignoring them. What horrendous fate has befallen the brave officers and crew of the U.S.S. Thunderchild? Are the Borg behind it? Are they victims as well?

The Langoliers got them.
The video is stunning, but is anyone else finding also a little mournful? The ship in pristine condition with red alert sounding but completely deserted whilst the Borg Cube right outside is ignoring them. What horrendous fate has befallen the brave officers and crew of the U.S.S. Thunderchild? Are the Borg behind it? Are they victims as well?

Excellent work all around!
It reminds me of a car advert. I almost expected a guy in a dinner suit and a woman in a fancy dress to walk across the bridge :rofl:

@Bry_Sinclair: lol, Scragnog wanted to showcase the ship in red alert, so I suggested adding the cube there on the screen given that the Thunderchild appeared in the battle against the Borg in First Contact. As to the crew, that's of course simply a matter of lacking assets for crew members, if we'd have access to good looking character models with the proper uniforms they'd be there.

I really don't understand why we went full circle on that DS9 Ops cutaway image. The very first comment about it by @cardinal biggles mentions that the image comes from EAS and was originally from the Fact Files, then that appears to come again and again...? Feels like I missed something lol. Also I fully understand why Bernd added the EAS logo on that image, considering how that version was not only the first to be digitized but also how much he edited it to look better, including removing the text elements from the main cutaway and sharpening the image. This is the original from the Fact Files for comparison:
@Bry_Sinclair: lol, Scragnog wanted to showcase the ship in red alert, so I suggested adding the cube there on the screen given that the Thunderchild appeared in the battle against the Borg in First Contact. As to the crew, that's of course simply a matter of lacking assets for crew members, if we'd have access to good looking character models with the proper uniforms they'd be there.
Love it!
I really don't understand why we went full circle on that DS9 Ops cutaway image. The very first comment about it by @cardinal biggles mentions that the image comes from EAS and was originally from the Fact Files, then that appears to come again and again...? Feels like I missed something lol. Also I fully understand why Bernd added the EAS logo on that image, considering how that version was not only the first to be digitized but also how much he edited it to look better, including removing the text elements from the main cutaway and sharpening the image. This is the original from the Fact Files for comparison:
And here I was hoping that you were going to build the OPS set. :)
Feels like I missed something lol.
I don't think you did. If anything, I missed that the original Fact Files source was already named when I made my comment. :)

As for adding the EAS logo to it … yeah, I think I just see it a bit differently. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that Bernd is scanning all that stuff and cleaning it up for all of us to see, but putting his logo on there just adds confusion as to the original source of the image. But yeah, it's not a big deal. :)
Maybe I'm misremembering this, but I think Ex Astris had issues with people hotlinking to images, and if anything, watermarking an image might have cut down on that, or at least helped people figure out where they can find (at least one of) the origins of the image.
Oh wow it's been a while since I posted. Summer came around these parts and as pretty much always that means power outages. And when it doesn't mean power outages, it means internet outages because other parts of the city don't have power. So, yeah, December and now January are proving extremely slow because of this.

Someone who's been firing on all cylinders though is @scragnog, who's produced a few other flybys of interiors. First is a VHS filtered showcase of the USS Ross bridge, with some LCARS replaced by animated versions provided by Adge's lcars.org.uk:

He also did an alternate, "clean" version for people who couldn't watch the VHS filtered one due to epilepsy or other conditions:

And finally my favorite of his yet, a showcase of the USS Potemkin shuttlebay:

As for myself, the only thing in general I was able to produce, simply due to how quick it was to do, was a redress of the Thunderchild bridge for @Rory1707, which uses the colors of the Emmett Till bridge and thus ends up looking a lot darker and more battleship-like; despite this, in-universe the Athena is meant mainly as an exploratory vessel. Here are a couple renders of the Athena bridge, a lot more are on my portfolio.


Oh my god, that's brilliant! Bravo, @Rekkert and @scragnog! I've never seen someone do this and now I'm not sure why this kind of thing isn't done more often. It's incredible just how much realism this adds to the footage. It's like someone sneaked on the set in the after hours and filmed with their Video 8 camera. Does it only feel like that or is the virtual camera actually hand operated? Is this some Oculus Rift magic or something like that?