Why Did You Join TBBS?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Kestra, Sep 12, 2010.

  1. GMac

    GMac Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 29, 2002
    The Dales
    Rather a long time ago now, but I seem to remember it was something to do with Trek fiction and the (now long defunct) board I used to help run that led me here.

  2. LitmusDragon

    LitmusDragon Commodore Commodore

    Sep 27, 2002
    The Barmuda Triangle
    If I remember correctly I was looking for somewhere to discuss TNG episodes.
  3. RJDiogenes

    RJDiogenes Idealistic Cynic and Canon Champion Premium Member

    Jun 11, 2003
    RJDiogenes of Boston
    At least you voted correctly. :D

    I participated in a couple of forums on AOL when I first joined the Internet back in 1993, and it took me a while to figure out how to best communicate and how to deal with the odd behaviors that one encounters. By the time I joined TrekBBS, I pretty much knew how to manage. So don't worry about it, it takes everyone a bit to learn how to function in this strange and disturbing world. :D
  4. F. King Daniel

    F. King Daniel Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Nov 5, 2008
    A type 13 planet in it's final stage
    (*waves dirty, bleach-filled syringe in a menacing manner*)
  5. Australis

    Australis Writer - Australis Admiral

    Mar 12, 2005
    The Edge of Reality
  6. Gaseous Anomaly

    Gaseous Anomaly Bonzo Admiral

    Oct 21, 2005
    Hanging out
    When I first joined I made friends rather quick and settled in; I kind of took some time over the last year and posted sparsely but I'm working my way back in to the groove. I should be an Admiral in about 2 years if I can keep up the posting. :D
  7. Alienesse

    Alienesse Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 7, 2010
    In Thorin's company
    I joined because I felt the need to communicate with people who share and understand my passion for Star Trek. And so far I find the TrekBBS to be a very comfortable place to be in. ;)
  8. Thor Damar

    Thor Damar Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 27, 2009
    Thor Damar, God of thunder and monologue..
    Cardassian fanfiction. Googled it, and found a wonderful example of the above. I then went on from there.
  9. Jono

    Jono Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2001
    I was lurking here during the final arc of DS9 and put joined to add my opinion about on of the final episodes, not sure which one.
  10. Holdfast

    Holdfast Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 19, 2000
    17 Cherry Tree Lane
    I joined TBBS to distract me from my life at the time.

    And it worked.

    I haven't come close to having a life again since.

  11. Amaris

    Amaris Guest

    You can't. We're like a Hotel California Star Trek Convention.
  12. Wynterhawk

    Wynterhawk Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Because I like people and I needed a place to get in out of the sun.
  13. RandyS

    RandyS Vice Admiral Admiral

    Nov 9, 2007
    Well, we Star Trek fans are well known albino virgins.;)
  14. Wynterhawk

    Wynterhawk Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

  15. BolianAuthor

    BolianAuthor Writer, Battlestar Urantia Rear Admiral

    Sep 24, 2003
    Torrance, California
    I joined to commit certain deeds...

    SPOCKED Admiral Premium Member

    Dec 25, 2002
    done dirt cheap? :cool:
  17. Teelie

    Teelie Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 1, 1999
    I was on several trek boards at the time because back then boards came and went in a matter of months or even weeks. Occasionally some would and still do stand up past a year or two but a lot of it was people migrating from one board to another. I registered here because it was the newest board and it had some inside information that was legitimate and somewhat exclusive. Nothing stays exclusive for long but at least here it seem to come out first, or at least most easily found.
  18. Samuel T. Cogley

    Samuel T. Cogley Vice Admiral Admiral

    Nov 7, 2001
    Hold still, Jim.
    Old school, baby! Old school. :techman:
  19. BolianAuthor

    BolianAuthor Writer, Battlestar Urantia Rear Admiral

    Sep 24, 2003
    Torrance, California
    The dirt-cheapest... I'll beat anyone's advertised price, or your dirty deeds are FFRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  20. cardinal biggles

    cardinal biggles I AM A GODDAMN DELIGHT Moderator

    Sep 7, 2001
    Ages ago, Ex Astris Scientia used to carry a feed of the TrekToday headlines on the front page. I followed it, found people discussing the news stories on TrekBBS, and I've been here ever since. Wish I could leave, but with all the blackmail T'Bonz has on me... :(

    It sure was a different world back then, too... Christian was still a public and active participant, Lisa was his right hand, Enterpriser was a moderator, some guy called Mr. Stinky Pants was salivating with anticipation over the long-awaited director's cut of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and TNZ denizens were treated to the amusing antics of one Major Barcalow.