Your fav Season 2 episode(s)?

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Enterprise' started by Captain Zog, Jan 2, 2009.

  1. commodore64

    commodore64 Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 28, 2003
    Communist Portland
    First Flight
    The Expanse
    Dead Stop
    Carbon Creek
  2. The Sneeze Police

    The Sneeze Police Captain Captain

    Mar 9, 2005
    East Coast of the US
    Probably my favorites are The Catwalk, ANIS, Vox Sola, and the Crossing...

    Really the only putrid episode was Precious Cargo and it had some redeeming moments with Archer & T'Pol.

    In retrospect, I think I may have liked Season 2 better than I thought...
  3. Piper

    Piper Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 19, 2008
    Dead Stop
    The Crossing
    First Flight
    The Expanse
  4. Lady Conqueror

    Lady Conqueror Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Aug 14, 2002
    Carbon Creek
    Dead Stop
    The Catwalk
    Cease Fire
    Future Tense
    First Flight
    The Expanse

    I'll also put my hand up as enjoying both ANIS & Precious Cargo though neither are favourites they were entertaining to me.
  5. frenchman

    frenchman Commander Red Shirt

    Jan 7, 2009
    my fav :

    dead stop : very interesting and travis is used for one time

    singularity : hoshi and his "CAROTTS!!!", trip ans the captain chair, reed and his security protocol, phlox who want to operate the travis'brain. its was very funny.

    precious cargo : ok, i like it, this episod is not written to be fun, but it was so ridiculous that i laugh. we can see the things coming from further.

    dawn : good performance of connor trinneer

    canamar : very cool. and the alien next to trip is great.

    the crossing : i like a lot. but i think dominic keating was out his acting (just my opinion). and phlox who save everybody, it's nice.

    cogenitor : ok, bakula and trinneer at their best. big star trek show.

    first flight : that was nice to see a young archer and a young trip before the warp five programm. and keith carradine is great, too bad that his character is not reutilized after that show.

    the expanse : the fx in the opening was great. the scene between archer and trip, before the ship go trough in the expanse is great.
  6. Bluejay

    Bluejay Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Jan 18, 2009
    Currently wandering Middle Earth
    Dead Stop
    A Night In Sickbay <- I had a good laugh over it
    The Catwalk
    Cease Fire
    Future Tense
    The Expanse
  7. Lashmore

    Lashmore Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Jun 6, 2008
    Horizon, by far the best episode of all the not very good at all episodes of Enterprise. (my opinion)
  8. Kalen Archer

    Kalen Archer Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 19, 2004
    Dublin, Ireland
    I have a bit of a confession to make regarding Precious Cargo. I had always thought it was an awful episode, but I watched it recently and I have to say, going into it not taking it seriously, it actually wasn't that bad. Sure the actress playing the princess was awful, but I was amused.

    I'm either mellowing in my old age or I've lost it completely.
  9. Middleman

    Middleman Captain Captain

    May 20, 2008
    New York City ... Fuhgeddaboudit!
    Carbon Creek
    The Expanse
    Regeneration (and I mean it!)
    Minefield or Cease Fire
  10. Odyssey1319

    Odyssey1319 Cadet Newbie

    Sep 29, 2008
    Carbon Creek - A humorous and light-hearted look at how first contact played out in a 1950's setting.

    Minefield - The tension pervading this episode made it fun to watch, and the introduction of the Romulans was a nice touch.

    The Expanse - Introduced the Xindi arc, which was one of my favorite parts of Enterprise.

    The Catwalk - Seeing the crew get cooped up in close-quarters for an extended period was interesting to watch.
  11. Plomeek Broth

    Plomeek Broth Commander Red Shirt

    Nov 28, 2008
    Quark's Holosuites
    Why no love for Marauders? I must be in the minority in enjoying that episode.
  12. JiNX-01

    JiNX-01 Admiral Admiral

    Dec 29, 2002
    Archer got his plan from the movie night showing of the Magnificient Seven.

    T'Pol kicked a Klingon's butt and he never laid a glove on her?! :wtf:

    The Klingons were turned into wusses. :klingon: If they had been real Klingons, they would have returned to their ship after the "uprising" and blasted the mining colony to dust.
  13. Bluejay

    Bluejay Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Jan 18, 2009
    Currently wandering Middle Earth
    :lol: Well, I guess they're not real Klingons. Rode over by "cowboys", stomped into the dust by a Vulcan female and consoling themselves with the thought that there are other places they could raid.

    If they were real Klingons, they would be in the military. Not going from place to place bullying and robbing miners so they could enrich themselves. :p I guess the mining colonists could count themselves lucky those Klingons were wimps and had no taste for bloodsport. All bark and no bite.