What was the first ST movie you ever saw in theaters?

Discussion in 'Star Trek Movies I-X' started by HarryCanyon1982, May 28, 2015.

  1. RAMA

    RAMA Admiral Admiral

    Dec 13, 1999
    I've answered this one before, and it comes with a caveat..The first ST movie I saw first-run in a theater was STIII in 1984. I did however see both STTMP and STII projected onto movie screens before that, but not in a theater.

  2. GulBahana

    GulBahana Commander Red Shirt

    May 11, 2015
    Generations. I couldn't resist reading the script that had leaked before watching the movie. Big mistake.
  3. Nyotarules

    Nyotarules Vice Admiral Moderator

    Jan 20, 2016
    The Voyage Home
    HarryCanyon1982 likes this.
  4. Vorpal_Blade

    Vorpal_Blade Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    May 29, 2016
    Star Trek: The Motion Picture
  5. mattman8907

    mattman8907 Commodore Commodore

    Apr 25, 2013
    damn near 20 years ago but if i remember right it was Insurrection.
  6. Hugo Rune

    Hugo Rune Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jan 7, 2005
    On the rocks
    Though I have been told I was taken to see TSFS I have no memory of it. Following that money was tight so films were seen on VHS rentals 12-18 months after the fact.

    So it would be Generations - Leicester Square, UK Premiere in 1995

    Taken by my mother, who I only later realised, spent every penny she had to give me my "big" Trek experience combining this with my very first weekend-long convention (named "Generations" also) at the Royal Albert Hall.

    Poor lady almost bankrupted herself to spend the weekend lamenting the death of her childhood hero.

    So little money did we have that I still hold dear to the memory of eating chicken pot noodles with our toothbrushes in some terrible, dingy London hotel room watching Casualty on a barely colour 4-station TV. There wasn't even a spoon in the room - why would there have been? There was no tea/coffee service.

    Awesome lady.

    Hugo - Got a little tearful recounting that one. Thanks mother!!
    Nyotarules, -SS-, ItIsGreen and 3 others like this.
  7. Seven of Five

    Seven of Five Stupid Sexy Flanders! Premium Member

    May 1, 2001
    Staffordshire, UK
    That's brilliant. :D

    My first film at the cinema was Insurrection. I laughed so much, though I think that was because I was 14 at the time, and my newly-converted Trek friend was there too. Young and over-excited? :devil:

    My second was Nemesis, which I actually saw twice. D'oh! That time I was alone but living away from anyone I knew, so I think I clung on to anything that was familiar. Really doesn't hold up, kind of like Insurrection.

    My favourite experience was Star Trek (2009). The wave of nostalgia swept me up right in the beginning, and the film was fun, action-packed and tense. Similar feelings to watching the new Star Wars.
  8. USS Belmont

    USS Belmont Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Aug 14, 2016
    My first was Undiscovered Country. Watched every one in the theatre since...
  9. Galactic Alignment

    Galactic Alignment Captain Captain

    Aug 22, 2001
    Same here. :)

    Very quite young when I saw TUC, and all the Cold War analogies and references in the film went straight over my head...
    Jedman67 likes this.
  10. ItIsGreen

    ItIsGreen Captain Captain

    Oct 29, 2015
    Coventry, UK
    I answered this when I first joined the board last year, but here it is again for the new folks and those that haven't seen it. There's a little twist/update too, just so as I'm not rehashing an old post.

    The first Trek movie I ever saw at the cinema was TUC, I remember we all went as a family even though it was only really me and my dad that were into Star Trek. It was '91 so I would have been 8 years old and I remember we went just after I got out of school, and my dad came home from work early especially for it so it felt like a special occasion.

    My mum and brother never bothered coming to any more, but it's become a tradition that me and my dad go and see the new Trek film together whenever one comes out. We've been to every one since... except Beyond. He's hurt his back quite badly and had to have a lot of time off work, can't stand or sit in the same position for long periods of time. We've waited weeks to see if he recovers enough to be able to go but it doesn't look like he will before Beyond comes out of the theatres. I'm genuinely in two minds whether to go and see it or not, I've never been to see a Star Trek film without him before, it'll just feel weird.
    Galactic Alignment likes this.
  11. BJ Wagner

    BJ Wagner Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Aug 4, 2016
    Calgary, Canada, Sol III
    The Motion Picture. In 1979 I was 8 and thought it was even better than Star Wars... I guess it was because I grew up watching Trek and Kirk was my first hero.
  12. HarryCanyon1982

    HarryCanyon1982 Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    May 20, 2015
    Albuquerque, NM
    Me too i was thrilled by that
  13. Red Shirt

    Red Shirt Captain Captain

    Jan 1, 2016
    ST:TMP. Really exciting watching ST on the big screen as a young teen. :techman:
    Galileo7 likes this.
  14. locutus101

    locutus101 Vice Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 11, 2015
    Fist Contact: I remember thinking that the opening sequence was chilling.
  15. -SS-

    -SS- Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    May 29, 2010
    I saw Generations in the theater when I was 4. I was already a rabid trekkie by that age in a family of trekkies, and it's been my favorite TNG movie since then.

    I recently found some old Mac floppies that had some photos my older brother had downloaded from the Generations website, and some related pictures he had drawn in ClarisWorks or Flying Colors.

    The only other Trek I've seen in the theater was Nemesis.
  16. ItIsGreen

    ItIsGreen Captain Captain

    Oct 29, 2015
    Coventry, UK
    I think that's a different type of movie, Locutus...
  17. locutus101

    locutus101 Vice Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 11, 2015
    So you're against mixing the genres.
  18. Jedman67

    Jedman67 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 18, 2015
    I saw TUC in theaters, must have been around 7 or 8. My late father was fond of watching star trek - he wasn't a trekkie, he just enjoyed the entertainment. TNG and DS9 used to run in our locale around 6-6:30 pm; he'd be watching Star Trek in his office, we would go sit on the floor next to his chair and watch with him; when it was over my mother would come into the room and shut off the tv and make us do homework! :)
    Since TUC i've only seen ST09 in theaters.
  19. ItIsGreen

    ItIsGreen Captain Captain

    Oct 29, 2015
    Coventry, UK
    No, no problem with it at all fella. Different strokes for different folks and all that ;)
  20. Balok's Decoy

    Balok's Decoy Commodore Commodore

    Aug 13, 2016
    Balok's Decoy in Baltimore, MD
    I want to say Generations, but it could've been First Contact.