Spoilers Captain America: Civil War - Grading & Discussion

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by Commander Richard, Apr 27, 2016.


Grade the movie...

  1. A+

  2. A

  3. A-

  4. B+

  5. B

  6. B-

  7. C+

  8. C

  9. C-

    0 vote(s)
  10. D+

  11. D

    0 vote(s)
  12. D-

    0 vote(s)
  13. F

    0 vote(s)
  1. FPAlpha

    FPAlpha Vice Admiral Premium Member

    Nov 7, 2004
    Mannheim, Germany
    Pretty much agree with you (may be the first time :D )

    I gave it a B and it adapted the awesome Civil War storyline very well to the MCU (they couldn't obviously include the whole Marvel lineup in the movie so they made the second best thing).

    Chadwick Bozeman was awesome as T'Challa and his fighting skill is impressive, very fast and fluid.. like a Panther (see what i did there? No? Whatever!). Small easter egg was his suit effortlessly withstanding heavy machine gun fire and him not budging an inch.. guess what the suit incorporates ;)

    Spidey.. for the comparately short time he was in there he was awesome. Tom Holland is a remarkable good fit for the role, even after Tobey Maguire who really brought the role to life in the movies (at least the first two). I'll be definitely seeing his solo movie and have high expectations now.. more proof that all Marvel characters should be returned to Marvel because they obviously get their own characters and seemingly effortlesly make them better what other have tried in multiple movies (imagine their take on the Fantastic Four if they had the chance and would be willing).

    Civil War itself.. a seamless continuation of the entire MCU story and it was so integrated that it felt more like Avengers 2.5 than a pure Cap movie which may be the reason i "only" gave it a B but when you use the Civil War storyline you can't make it Cap only but it's not too bad because it is a Cap centric storyline and the crumbling friendship with Tony was quite well done i think (nice "I could do this all day" throwback but i would have even liked the scene from the comics better where Cap is standing all torn up yelling "I'm not going down to a pampered punk like you" but MCU Steve is not that crass).

    The other detractors are minor.. as Gaith has said Black Panther and Spiderman are really not essential to the story but have obviously been included as setup for future movies which is ok but it kinda also distracts needlessly.. i think Cap 3 is the longest movie and could have used some more editing but then again i know jack shit about the realities of movie making and movie decisions :)

    All considered it is a very good and entertaining movie, full of easter eggs for comic book fans and for the general audience and engaging storyline however it kind of still won't make it to my Top 3 MCU movies (The Avengers, Cap 2, Guardians of the Galaxy in that order) but it may be a contender for Top 5 at least.
  2. Kemaiku

    Kemaiku Admiral Admiral

    Dec 23, 2004
    Northern Ireland
    Don't have to, the dialogue establishes that it's vibranium. How they managed to make a metallic thread weave that fine is another matter.

    And those claw marks in Cap's shield are there to stay as well.

    Looks like it's Adamantium all over again.
  3. kirk55555

    kirk55555 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 22, 2011
    Washington State, USA
    Forgot to post about this earlier. This was an awesome movie. Not quite my favorite MCU movie (that's probably still the first Avengers movie), but its close. This is how you make a good hero vs hero movie. Unlike what some reviews said I was never on Tony's side, and not because I was on Cap's side in the comics. I just felt he was wrong. Still, at the end when Stark went "He killed my Mom", even if I didn't agree with him, I felt for him (although the line wasn't really related to the accords, so I still wasn't on his side with that). That one line was powerful. I liked how all the characters got time for themselves, but it still felt like a Captain America movie. They struck a good balance with that.

    The action in the movie was also great. The airport fight was my favorite, but all the action scenes were mind blowing. As for the new characters, both Black Panther and Spider-Man were good. I'm even more hyped for BP's movie. When it comes to spider-Man, I'll never like Teen Peter as much as adult Peter, so I still think Toby Macquire is the best Spider-Man. Still, the new guy is pretty good, and is a great teen Peter (much better than Andrew Garfield). I'm definitely more interested in his movie after this, even if the title is bad.

    Overall, I think this is another hit for Marvel. They're still THE superhero movie franchise, with FOX's X-Men a distant second and DC not even remotely close to either.
  4. CorporalCaptain

    CorporalCaptain Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 12, 2011
    astral plane
    I thought that this was basically excellent.

    It was really an Avengers movie. I loved the ending and the new base in Wakanda. Big thumbs up for Spider-Man, Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Falcon, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Ant-Man/Giant-Man, War Machine, Winter Soldier, Agent 13, .... Oh, wait, that's all the supporting characters, with the exception of Iron Man, right? Stan Lee's cameo was hilarious, as it often is.

    I was disappointed to see Tony being so immature and acting like a spoiled brat, but that's Tony core, I suppose. William Hurt was great reprising his roll as Ross.

    As far as the problems I had immediately with the film, it was unclear what Zemo's ultimate purpose is. I suspect that that's for future films to deal with. And War Machine's fall from the sky should have killed him, just as the same was true of Tony's fall from the sky in the first Iron Man. But, again, maybe there's some magic inertial dampener that offers partial protection to the occupant of an Iron Man suit, but I've never picked up any techno-babble about it.

    Once more, I really loved how Spider-Man was handled. Just as I loved how Black Panther, Scarlet Witch, Vision, etc. etc.....

  5. M'rk son of Mogh

    M'rk son of Mogh Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 18, 2001
    Ontario, Canada
    I'm still amazed at the young RDJr effects! Maybe I'm easily pleased, but wow, they've come a long way from X-Men 3!
    BeatleJWOL and Gryffindorian like this.
  6. DEWLine

    DEWLine Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Apr 27, 2003
    Ottawa, Canada
    I'm guessing LOLA did the work on Teen Tony here?
  7. DEWLine

    DEWLine Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Apr 27, 2003
    Ottawa, Canada
    117 nations as charter signatories to the Sokovia Accords. I suspect that shoe-ins for that list include the USA, Nigeria, Wakanda, and Sokovia. Who else?
  8. Star Wolf

    Star Wolf Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 14, 2003
    ciudad de Los Angeles
    I guess the real question is are there more than 193 members of the MCU UN and why did the rest opt out. We already have had SHIELD secret warriors, a Colombian police department had its own enhanced person. And if I interpreted the movie and Aunt May situation correctly Tony Stark has his own secret warrior from Queens
    Last edited: May 8, 2016
  9. DEWLine

    DEWLine Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Apr 27, 2003
    Ottawa, Canada
    That's an interesting question to pursue re: MCU's version of the UN membership roster. The maps we've seen with national borders marked out in Iron Man 2 and Winter Soldier weren't designed with Sokovia and Wakanda included. Probably Sokovia wasn't a firm thing until the final draft of Age of Ultron was locked down, although Wakanda should've been anticipated earlier on.

    How many other established-in-the-comics fictional nations should we anticipate as being "fit for inclusion"? Genosha, Madripoor, Latveria...all off-limits for the time being for assorted contractual reasons...
  10. Velocity

    Velocity Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 19, 2001
    In the back of beyond
    That's what my son said, but no, I tend to avoid a lot of trailers because they usually spoil the best bits.
  11. Star Wolf

    Star Wolf Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Mar 14, 2003
    ciudad de Los Angeles
    Was it just me or when Colonel Zemo first found that Winter Soldier squad in Siberia did the one they focused on look like Superman?
  12. Alidar Jarok

    Alidar Jarok Everything in moderation but moderation Moderator

    Apr 14, 2003
    Norfolk, VA
    I suspect Madripoor is owned by Fox, I can all but guarantee Genosha and Latveria are. I suspect Transia is Marvel-owned, fwiw. Also, Symkaria is probably Sony-owned (which means Marvel has a decent chance of including it if they wanted to).
  13. DEWLine

    DEWLine Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Apr 27, 2003
    Ottawa, Canada
    Transia's been introduced in the MCU as a corporation in AoSHIELD.
  14. Karzak

    Karzak Commodore Commodore

    Aug 1, 2014
    Hollywood, CA
    It's a different take in this trailer also:

    [yt] [/yt]
  15. Set Harth

    Set Harth Admiral Admiral

    Mar 10, 2010
    The icon that's in Africa on the map seen in Iron Man 2 has got to be a reference to Black Panther ( Wakanda ). What else could it be?
  16. Samurai8472

    Samurai8472 Admiral Admiral

    Mar 27, 2007
    Fantastic movie. The beginning started a bit slow

    They're really working that de-aging trick with a now 21 year old Stark. That was amazing

    I have a feeling an Iron Man 4 should at least mend Stark's relationship with Potts.

    They just can't leave it like that.

    I thought Ant-man's "Anyone got Orange Slices?" kinda fell flat but the "Someone just went through me!" got huge laughs

    Winter Soldier and Sam were great

    "Can you put your seat up?


    The running joke with no one knowing Scott Lang was great

    There were a couple "Wooo!" when Sharon Carter kissed Steve

    Everyone got a chance to shine

    Vision has to deal with the consequences of injuring Rhodey

    Rhodey needs physical therapy

    Wanda has to deal with the consequences of killing people in Lagos

    Clint is now a wanted felon with bad blood between Stark now.

    Ant-man is a felon........again. So what's new? lol

    Reintroducing Spider-man was a big task. I'd say this did a better job than Affleck as Batman.

    We find out he's only been Spider-man for 6 months with a raggedy suit

    He's even poorer than the other Peter Parker's we've known in the last 14 years

    Dumpster diving for computer parts and using an old Mac

    He lives in an apartment with his aunt may

    I think Stark helping him out too much with all his gear might end up being a crutch later on

    Now that Stark's around why not just give them a bit of money to buy a house?

    I think Daniel Bruhl was the best villain yet.

    He was the most down to earth one yet

    He wasn't a Megalomaniac

    Dark Elf
    Kree warrior Ronon
    CGI Robot with homicidal tendencies

    He was just a man who lost his family who wanted revenge

    Black Panther was awesome. They nailed his character pretty well. They demonstrated Wakanda's advanced tech pretty well.

    I might have missed something but what was Winter Soldier's mission in 1991?

    Steal some blue liquid?

    I don't think we even got an explanation for that
  17. Set Harth

    Set Harth Admiral Admiral

    Mar 10, 2010
    Super soldier serum used to create the other Winter Soldiers.
  18. Xerxes82

    Xerxes82 Captain Captain

    May 10, 2007
    Steal the counterfeit super soldier serum. That's how Hydra created the copycat Winter Soldiers.
  19. davejames

    davejames Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 6, 2001
    Sac, Ca
    Thought the movie was pretty good overall, and loved the airport battle... but there was still a certain freshness that seemed to be lacking somehow. We've seen these characters in action so many times by now that I just don't find it nearly as thrilling to watch as I used to, and after sitting through a similar storyline with BvS (albeit much more clumsily told), I had a hard time working up much interest in it again.

    It also suffered from the same fundamental issue I had with BvS in that I didn't really buy the conflict escalating as much as it did. No matter how many different ways the movie tried to justify it, I just didn't buy Tony's side being as stubborn and thick-headed as they were and deciding to completely capitulate to the government's wishes and not trust in Cap or listen to what he was trying to say with regard to Bucky. And while there has certainly been some collateral damage over the years, the idea that the people and governments of the world wouldn't recognize the tremendous good the Avengers have done or the massive threats they've helped stop, seems like a stretch as well.
  20. FPAlpha

    FPAlpha Vice Admiral Premium Member

    Nov 7, 2004
    Mannheim, Germany
    Did you walk out before the end?

    Zemo was a Sokovian Black Ops operative whose family was killed in that battle (the same with the black kid that Tony gets confronted with early in the movie).

    Realizing that her personally can't fight the Avengers he comes up with a plan to have them fight each other by striking at their weakness. He impersonates Winter Soldier when he orchestrated the UN bombing that also killed T'Chaka (though he admits he's sorry about that since he had no issue with Wakanda) and used the Sokovia Accords to further rile up the team.

    His ultimate goal may have been the hope that some Avengers would die in the interteam fight but splitting them up and destroying their friendships and trust still counts as a win for him as evident from his interrogation at the end of the movie.