You know what? Let's do it again. Predict the number of seasons Strange New Worlds will run.

How many seasons will STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS run?

  • Two. Doomcock dines on ashes. Or something.

    Votes: 3 2.5%
  • Three. There's reason to believe it's going behind the camera again soon, but alas, this is it.

    Votes: 19 15.7%
  • Four. There. Are. Four. Seasons.

    Votes: 12 9.9%
  • Five. Just call it the new seven.

    Votes: 66 54.5%
  • Six. Just shy of the old seven.

    Votes: 9 7.4%
  • Seven. Call it... er, the old seven.

    Votes: 7 5.8%
  • Eight or more. Strange New Worlds forever.

    Votes: 5 4.1%

  • Total voters
Again Hollywood has always looking for a way to reduce costs. But that doesn't mean they are starting to openly slash the production budget for a series. Kurtzman streaming Trek has a certain look and a cinematic feel that they're not going to drop because it's now part of what's expected by audiences when they watch a Star Trek streaming production.
I'm not really seeing his point either. If the show is successful and renewed what difference does it make?
I'm not really seeing his point either. If the show is successful and renewed what difference does it make?

When did I ever say it would make a difference? I said that SNW will most likely last three seasons. That is the point of this topic, you know. If SNW lasts ten seasons, more power to them. But I don't think that will happen.
I’m hoping for seven, but I am not sure if this will mean that there will be a partial overlap with the TOS timeline or not, or if the intention is for the series final to be the ‘passing of the torch’ to the original series crew?
Which is why Mount’s interest (or not) in continuing to do the show has no bearing on how long it will last.
That is inaccurate. If Anson Mount decides that he no longer wants to play Captain Kirk and decides to leave the show for better opportunities that pay more and increase his profile in Hollywood, SNW will pretty much be done.
That is inaccurate. If Anson Mount decides that he no longer wants to play Captain Kirk and decides to leave the show for better opportunities that pay more and increase his profile in Hollywood, SNW will pretty much be done.
I guess it's good Anson Mount isn't playing Captain Kirk then. ;)
That is inaccurate. If Anson Mount decides that he no longer wants to play Captain Kirk and decides to leave the show for better opportunities that pay more and increase his profile in Hollywood, SNW will pretty much be done.

First, you meant Pike, not Kirk. And no, if Mount leaves, they bring in Wesley.
That is inaccurate. If Anson Mount decides that he no longer wants to play Captain Kirk and decides to leave the show for better opportunities that pay more and increase his profile in Hollywood, SNW will pretty much be done.
I went with 3. Paramount+ isn’t doing that well, and outside of Trek circles there isn’t much buzz about SNW (I really like it) or Trek in general. Just like with Star Wars and the MCU right now, better to slim down the output and focus on quality.
I said 5 and stand by it, though I think 6 is possible (60 episodes to DISCO's 65).

Paramount+ have already cut costs. DISCO & Picard are both done. The animated shows are cheaper. DISCO will live on via Starfleet Academy show (Tilly + others in the 32nd) + Yeoh's movie (Tyler?).
I hope the Legacy series gets to be an actual thing .Trek alumni with a cast of legacy and new characters has the potential to attract the.... best of both worlds ;).
I'm looking at four right now. It's not an issue of ratings or popularity, but I wonder how long Paramount Plus will be around. If it gets shuttered, SNW could be a casualty. If Paramount Plus stays around, I could see it going six seasons.
I'm looking at four right now. It's not an issue of ratings or popularity, but I wonder how long Paramount Plus will be around. If it gets shuttered, SNW could be a casualty. If Paramount Plus stays around, I could see it going six seasons.
Right now Paramount Plus and Pluto TV are both expanding their catalog of available material. Unless there's a major seismic shift financially in the wrong direction; P+ won't go belly up before SNW has finished its run. They are still expanding into new markets and they're not going to do that, and then just close up shop.

We're talking probably a maximum of four more seasons (including season 3 which has already been greenlit and was ready to go into full production when's the strike started) the WGA (and any other Hollywood Union) strike is concluded.
At the present rate of 10 episodes per season, I want SNW to run for 8 seasons- one more season than the Berman "standard" and one more episode than TOS.
That works for me. It would send a message of its own to do that, and it would be a message I like the thought of.
It still set a precedent.

I don't mean to be a jerk or anything, but from your replies, I don't think you understand what that word means. If you did, you would realize the statement is false.

Something only sets a precedent if subsequent decisions (of a kind) follow the initial one. For example, George Washington did not run for a 3rd term as US President. Neither did Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Grant, Cleveland, or Wilson. Washington set a precedent that held until FDR, 130+ years later.

But you cannot say it was precedent setting BEFORE Jefferson's decision not to run for a 3rd term. That is where we are here. Sort of.

For a fact, no subsequent show has been cancelled after 3 seasons. So no precedent has been set.

In fact, factually, one can argue it DIDN'T set a precedent. The decision for Picard to run only 3 seasons was made at the outset. I may be confused on the dates, but it premiered in 2020, the decision had to be 2019 (or sooner). Disco was renewed for S4 in August of 2021. After they knew Picard was 3 seasons. Disco was renewed for season 5 in Jan of 2022. They were CONFIRMING S3 as the last for Picard the same week (decision made earlier).

Further, LD was also renewed for S4 in Jan of 2022. And for S5 in March of 2023.

That's 4 renewals, 2 DISCO and 2 LD, of 2 different series, both going beyond S3, since the decision to end Picard at S3 was made. And the number of series that have been stopped at 3 since? Zero.

That is the opposite of precedent.
Well its 7 years from the "Incident" so it could go that long, or 6, and do a time jump, doesn't necessarily have to be told in linear time where 1 season equals 1 year. But Anson is at the heart of the series, so if he decides to go, it'll probably stop, unless there's a ground swell of support for the new Kirk, which there isn't so far.