You know what? Let's do it again. Predict the number of seasons Strange New Worlds will run.

How many seasons will STAR TREK: STRANGE NEW WORLDS run?

  • Two. Doomcock dines on ashes. Or something.

    Votes: 3 2.5%
  • Three. There's reason to believe it's going behind the camera again soon, but alas, this is it.

    Votes: 19 15.7%
  • Four. There. Are. Four. Seasons.

    Votes: 12 9.9%
  • Five. Just call it the new seven.

    Votes: 66 54.5%
  • Six. Just shy of the old seven.

    Votes: 9 7.4%
  • Seven. Call it... er, the old seven.

    Votes: 7 5.8%
  • Eight or more. Strange New Worlds forever.

    Votes: 5 4.1%

  • Total voters
I think SNW2 will be VERY good. With Pucard over and Disco ending, SNW will be the only established live action Trek show by mid-next year.

I do not see any way in the world S4 does not get green-lit shortly, as long as Mount & Romjin & Peck want to keep going.

I guessed 5. But I think that is on the short end of the range.
I don't mean to be a jerk or anything, but from your replies, I don't think you understand what that word means. If you did, you would realize the statement is false.

Something only sets a precedent if subsequent decisions (of a kind) follow the initial one. For example, George Washington did not run for a 3rd term as US President. Neither did Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Grant, Cleveland, or Wilson. Washington set a precedent that held until FDR, 130+ years later.

But you cannot say it was precedent setting BEFORE Jefferson's decision not to run for a 3rd term. That is where we are here. Sort of.

For a fact, no subsequent show has been cancelled after 3 seasons. So no precedent has been set.

In fact, factually, one can argue it DIDN'T set a precedent. The decision for Picard to run only 3 seasons was made at the outset. I may be confused on the dates, but it premiered in 2020, the decision had to be 2019 (or sooner). Disco was renewed for S4 in August of 2021. After they knew Picard was 3 seasons. Disco was renewed for season 5 in Jan of 2022. They were CONFIRMING S3 as the last for Picard the same week (decision made earlier).

Further, LD was also renewed for S4 in Jan of 2022. And for S5 in March of 2023.

That's 4 renewals, 2 DISCO and 2 LD, of 2 different series, both going beyond S3, since the decision to end Picard at S3 was made. And the number of series that have been stopped at 3 since? Zero.

That is the opposite of precedent.

Thank you for this condescending post about something I don’t even remember talking about.

But since you jogged my memory, let me clarify: TNG set a precedent when they decided to end the series after seven years. Subsequently, both DS9 and VOY chose to follow this by ending their respective series after seven years as well. I would also bet good money that had ENT not been cancelled, it too would have lasted seven years. So by PIC deciding to end after three years (which also happens to be the average amount of time most streaming series last, with many lasting even less), I can see SNW, Starfleet Academy, and whatever future shows Paramount+ decides to produce lasting that long as well. I will concede that I don’t think this applies to animated series, as they are a whole different animal from live-action.

But we’ll see. I’ll be happy to be proven wrong of SNW lasts five years instead of three. But the way things are going with streaming revenue, I’m not optimistic.
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. So by PIC deciding to end after three years
It was always the plan to run 3 seasons, we've known this since before the series aired it had to do with Patrick Stewart's age IIRC. So you can't use that to judge other live action series

Besides Discovery will end after Picard with 5 seasons.
It was always the plan to run 3 seasons, we've known this since before the series aired it had to do with Patrick Stewart's age IIRC. So you can't use that to judge other live action series

Was it? I seem to recall that the decision to end the series at three seasons was made at the end of the second season. When PIC originally premiered there was no statement saying it was just a three-season show.

Besides Discovery will end after Picard with 5 seasons.

DSC doesn't count. It was CBS All Access's flagship show when the streaming service was created. Things have changed in six years.
I say 4 seasons is a safe bet. They've already committed to three seasons, and I could see it lasting to a fourth season. Considering the current streaming landscape, 5 would be ideal, but is not a sure thing. No way it would last 6-7 seasons, even though SNW is probably the most deserving of all new Trek for a "Berman Run".
I seem to recall that the decision to end the series at three seasons was made at the end of the second season.

"Oh lord, we are set up for possibly three years of this show, so if there is a film, it’s a long way off."

"“I mean, I think we have discussed it as both a 3 season show, a 5 season show, a “let’s just keep going forever” show… But we certainly… Star Trek: Picard in my view will go as long as Patrick Stewart wants to do it… As I’m sure you know, he was not interested in coming back. And we did a lot of… really good collaborative story breaking and talking and you know and I think he’s particularly delighted in a good way about having come back. And we will rely on that good will until he feels he’s done.”"

"Oh lord, we are set up for possibly three years of this show, so if there is a film, it’s a long way off."

"“I mean, I think we have discussed it as both a 3 season show, a 5 season show, a “let’s just keep going forever” show… But we certainly… Star Trek: Picard in my view will go as long as Patrick Stewart wants to do it… As I’m sure you know, he was not interested in coming back. And we did a lot of… really good collaborative story breaking and talking and you know and I think he’s particularly delighted in a good way about having come back. And we will rely on that good will until he feels he’s done.”"

So…it was never stated to be a three year show from the get-go.
I think Star Trek has been put in a bit of a weird situation because of it being streaming online. P+ isn't that popular, thus limiting the potential audience for new Trek shows, but Star Trek is probably one of the most popular things on P+, otherwise they wouldn't have kept on making a bunch of it. So it's a bit of a wash.
I think Star Trek has been put in a bit of a weird situation because of it being streaming online. P+ isn't that popular, thus limiting the potential audience for new Trek shows, but Star Trek is probably one of the most popular things on P+, otherwise they wouldn't have kept on making a bunch of it. So it's a bit of a wash.
It's trap between a horta and a hard place.
With the news about Prodigy’s cancellation, I’m firmly sticking to my belief about SNW ending after season 3. And somehow I doubt that SFA or the Section 31 movie are ever going to get made either. Not that I’m actually worried about those, since I think they’re dumb ideas anyway.
Lower Decks is about to release Season 4 and they put in an order for a Season 5. Not to mention they're doing a crossover with SNW so I think the recent Season 5 order is secure. I'm not sure what the deal is with Prodigy as that entire show is being taken off Paramount Plus after just one season.

I'm sticking with my prediction of Five Seasons for SNW. Clearly the powers that be feel SNW and Lower Decks are their flagship series for live action and animation.
5 Seasons total.

Paramount have invested too much into this show and the studios they've built for it up here in Ontario. They may not be seeing a profit just yet, but they're doing what many streaming networks do... throw money into these projects and plan to eventually see a turnaround perhaps a decade down the line.

I could totally see them reducing the per-episode budgets as the seasons progress. However, 5 seasons are a safe bet.

If not for the Writers Strike, S4 would be being in early planning right now.
5 Seasons total.

Paramount have invested too much into this show and the studios they've built for it up here in Ontario. They may not be seeing a profit just yet, but they're doing what many streaming networks do... throw money into these projects and plan to eventually see a turnaround perhaps a decade down the line.

I could totally see them reducing the per-episode budgets as the seasons progress. However, 5 seasons are a safe bet.

If not for the Writers Strike, S4 would be being in early planning right now.
Jesus, that's twice in one day we've agreed on something...
Considering the news of Prodigy yesterday, I still think it will get a third season, but it might be a short third season (That, and the writers strike). If they do have a short season planned, I want them to do a Torchwood: Children of Earth type season and extend the episodes.
Jesus, that's twice in one day we've agreed on something...