Spoilers Where should Star Trek go next?


Never seen them justified, save in their own eyes. A show about the organization doesn't gives it credence.
Maybe justification is the wrong word but it seems to veer too far into ends justify means imo
Of course it does. That is the modus operandi of the organization. That is their approach to things is that extremist take on "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one." So, to quote Janeway, "You can use logic to justify anything."

There is nothing in the show thus far that legitimizes what Section 31 does.. They operate on the fringes, people don't know about them, or limited information yet they believe that they are doing the right thing. It's a Star Trek version of Daredevil or Batman; the legal system failed so he must become a vigilante. That doesn't make it right, or positive, or something to be celebrated. It does make it something to explore in drama.
Sure, but when is it a failure of the system and when is it just people abusing their power?
Probably a combination of both. Section 31 exists because it doesn't trust the externalize processes of negotiation, diplomacy, believing that they must do this. Vigilantes exist because they don't trust or believe in the system. The reasonable approach would be work to change the system. The dramatic idea is to explore it with things like Batman, Section 31, Seven Samurai, etc. It's a storytelling archetype for a reason; it appeals in some dramatic way to us.

Now, because I like Daredevil or Batman does that mean I go out and engage in the same actions? If the answer is no, then I fail to see the harm in a show about Section 31 exploring inside a space that Trek hints at, and explores occasionally, but not with much real depth. But, Georgiou is set up in a unique way to explore this darker facet of humanity, closer a bit to TOS but not exact.

In TOS, the Mirror universe humans are interestingly described at the end of the episode: SPOCK: Indeed, gentlemen. May I point out that I had an opportunity to observe your counterparts here quite closely. They were brutal, savage, unprincipled, uncivilised, treacherous, In every way, splendid examples of homo sapiens, the very flower of humanity. I found them quite refreshing.

So you have this idea that Mirror Humans are not so different than Prime humans, but we see the relationships and how they are forged in cooperation rather than competition. Now, you have a human who has come to the Prime universe in some shape, built on cooperation, and a opportunity to learn and grow and evolve as a human while still dealing with the environmental forces that shaped her. And that's the drama I want to see because it isn't about justification but about drama, and how humans can actually try to become better despite challenges.
Much as I'm a fan of Batman and Daredevil, I think vigilante fiction rarely ever actually depicts how broken systems actually are
Maybe not everyone is entertained the same way
Of course not, which is why variety is considered one of the many spices of life.

That's why I don't mind things like Picard, or Legacy or other such projects that don't initially appeal to me coming down the Trek pipeline. Not all Trek can entertain me all the time. Eventually, something will happen that I don't like.

Thankfully, for me, that happened when I first watched TNG and TMP and I learned that differences are OK. It was a weird time in my life though :)
In TOS, the Mirror universe humans are interestingly described at the end of the episode: SPOCK: Indeed, gentlemen. May I point out that I had an opportunity to observe your counterparts here quite closely. They were brutal, savage, unprincipled, uncivilised, treacherous, In every way, splendid examples of homo sapiens, the very flower of humanity. I found them quite refreshing.

So you have this idea that Mirror Humans are not so different than Prime humans, but we see the relationships and how they are forged in cooperation rather than competition.

Humans that were being, quite ironically, honestly dishonest, transparently corrupt instead of covered over with a thin veneer of civility, morality, and decency. Spock finds that to be more authentic than prime Humans, who pretend to be without sin, or to try.
Whenever they "go forward," it sucks.

Whenever it's discussed that people want a Trek series in the 25th Century or beyond, I'm always reminded of an interview I saw with Berman and Braga.

They mentioned that when Enterprise was first being considered, the studio wanted a show set in the 26th century or something. Their response was.....

"So the spandex is a little tighter, the ships will go warp 14, and the phasers will be smaller."

Braga followed this up with....

"What is more future than the 24th century?"

I've always thought they were right about this. What does moving so far into the future really get us? Just look at Discovery. It's the 32nd century, but what has really changed? Not much.

I'd rather fill out the spaces we have between the 21st and 25th century than needlessly go further into the future for no apparent good reason.

Granted, we have the 32nd century now to contend with. What's done is done.
Whenever it's discussed that people want a Trek series in the 25th Century or beyond, I'm always reminded of an interview I saw with Berman and Braga.

They mentioned that when Enterprise was first being considered, the studio wanted a show set in the 26th century or something. Their response was.....

"So the spandex is a little tighter, the ships will go warp 14, and the phasers will be smaller."

Braga followed this up with....

"What is more future than the 24th century?"

I've always thought they were right about this. What does moving so far into the future really get us? Just look at Discovery. It's the 32nd century, but what has really changed? Not much.

I'd rather fill out the spaces we have between the 21st and 25th century than needlessly go further into the future for no apparent good reason.

Granted, we have the 32nd century now to contend with. What's done is done.
Exactly so. They were prescient.