Spoilers Where should Star Trek go next?

Yeah, even if Federation ships themselves haven't mapped that much of it there must be scores of Klingon and Romulan exploratory vessel and probe data on what's there. The Beta Quadrant even contains pieces of Federation territory.
But, with Romulan territory opening up there could be more to explore beyond just known races. Or, go back to Journey to Babel and Puck other races shown but not explored.
New Romulan territory might be interesting. But I don't really see much appeal in those one off races when they could create a new design without any baggage
New Romulan territory might be interesting. But I don't really see much appeal in those one off races when they could create a new design without any baggage
I don't see the appeal of revisiting the Klingons, Cardassians, etc.

Expanding lore of previously seen aliens is a compromise in my mind.
Why not make a new alien in a new region of space though?

Plus the cardassians and co. J
have been mostly ignored since 99
Why good? I don't think it's good. I don't understand this whole cold turkey business here. People would actually rather reboot?
Why good? I don't think it's good. I don't understand this whole cold turkey business here. People would actually rather reboot?
There becomes a point were I feel it is too limiting, too insular, and not willing to go new places. It's like people would rather know how the Klingons are than somewhere new. It's strange to me.

It's not cold turkey; it's looking for new.

I wouldn't mind a reboot, sure, if the stories are quality.
Why good? I don't think it's good. I don't understand this whole cold turkey business here. People would actually rather reboot?
We've had something like 100 episodes featuring Cardassians. We've visited Cardassia Prime on multiple occasions and we've learned a great deal about their race and culture. I'm ready to learn about something different.

Take away the Humans, Vulcans, Andorians and Tellarites and we've got a whole bunch of races and cultures just waiting to be explored if we were to go with an early Federation series. You could have a real sense of adventure and exploration!
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There becomes a point were I feel it is too limiting, too insular, and not willing to go new places. It's like people would rather know how the Klingons are than somewhere new. It's strange to me.

It's not cold turkey; it's looking for new.

I wouldn't mind a reboot, sure, if the stories are quality.

Seems cold turkey to me. At that point why not just have a new series? I've personally had enough reboots. I'm invested because of existing lore

We've had something like 100 episodes featuring Cardassians. We've visited Cardassia Prime on multiple occasions and we've learned a great deal about their race and culture. I'm ready to learn about something different.

Take away the Humans, Vulcans, Andorians and Tellarites and we've got a whole bunch of races and cultures just waiting to be explored if we were to go with an early Federation series. You could have a real sense of adventure and exploration!

I still don't get early Federation = exploration. Going away from Federation space would be actual exploration

Plus that's what makes Cardassians interesting
Seems cold turkey to me. At that point why not just have a new series? I've personally had enough reboots. I'm invested because of existing lore
Having lore doesn't mean revisiting the same aliens.

I like the lore fine but it's bring used repetively.
Having lore doesn't mean revisiting the same aliens.

I like the lore fine but it's bring used repetively.

A lot of the lore has barely returned in 20+ years. Plus no one's saying reuse every single thing. I don't see how a reboot is the only way to do something new especially at the same time wanting to rehash the most visited areas of Federation space. I don't really get jt
I still don't get early Federation = exploration. Going away from Federation space would be actual exploration

Let me put it this way: What would be more interesting and adventurous?

Sailing around the globe on a mission of exploration during the great age of sail. Technology is primitive. Supplies are limited. Danger could lurk just beyond the horizon. Any kind of help is unlikely. Geopolitical matters are tense. New alliances can come and go on a whim.


Exploration in the present with modern ship. You've got gps satellite navigation. Help is just a radio call away. Lets say you're backed by the United States Navy, so no one will dare fuck with you. You get the idea.

I want to visit an age where the Federation isn't some massive entity with hundreds of members and thousands of ships across thousands of lightyears. I want to feel vulnerable. I want a healthy amount of fear of the unknown mixed with a pioneering attitude. I want a Federation that feels like it's hanging together by a thread, but it's worth fighting for.

Plus that's what makes Cardassians interesting

Interesting? Sure. But why don't we expand on other species? For all we know, the Bolians could have been just as interesting in 2164. Or hell, if you like the Cardassians so mush, we could witness first contact with them. Though again, I'd rather expand on species we currently know little about.
Let me put it this way: What would be more interesting and adventurous?

Sailing around the globe on a mission of exploration during the great age of sail. Technology is primitive. Supplies are limited. Danger could lurk just beyond the horizon. Any kind of help is unlikely. Geopolitical matters are tense. New alliances can come and go on a whim.


Exploration in the present with modern ship. You've got gps satellite navigation. Help is just a radio call away. Lets say you're backed by the United States Navy, so no one will dare fuck with you. You get the idea.

I want to visit an age where the Federation isn't some massive entity with hundreds of members and thousands of ships across thousands of lightyears. I want to feel vulnerable. I want a healthy amount of fear of the unknown mixed with a pioneering attitude. I want a Federation that feels like it's hanging together by a thread, but it's worth fighting for.

I'd feel more interested in the latter. The geopolitics were a lot more interesting and the unknown was a lot scarier in the TNG/DS9 era.

The Federation was never all powerful either. They held their own against the Klingons and Romulans in the TOS era. Meanwhile the Borg and the Dominion devastated the Federation, and even all its power couldn't easily resolve the Cardassian/Bajoran conflict.

The old age of exploration era has been done. If I want new exploration, I want it to be in an unknown area, not the past version of a known area.

Interesting? Sure. But why don't we expand on other species? For all we know, the Bolians could have been just as interesting in 2164. Or hell, if you like the Cardassians so mush, we could witness first contact with them. Though again, I'd rather expand on species we currently know little about.

I want both new and old. The return of a few well fleshed out species to see where they are and new species in a new part of the galaxy to also get fleshed out.

Just seeing the past of the species we already know in apace we already know doesn't interest me as much. I'd definitely like to see proto-Bajor in the TOS era, for example, but mainly if they're already doing a prequel

The bolians could use expansion though. But I prefer if new lore expanded new aliens rather than barely done old aliens. If there was a Bolian character on ENT or SNW that would be more interesting to me
I'd feel more interested in the latter. The geopolitics were a lot more interesting and the unknown was a lot scarier in the TNG/DS9 era.

Well I guess that's where we'll have to respectfully disagree. Especially on the unknown being scarier during TNG/DS9. Hard to be that scared when you've got 150+ member worlds and fleets that number in the thousands.

The old age of exploration era has been done.

If you're referring to Enterprise, I can see where your aiming. But just imagine a show similar to Enterprise, but without the network interference. Without the killer B's and their tired old approach. Imagine a show with the guts to be different from what came before.

What it all boils down to for me, again, is that I'm tired of the 24th century. The 25th being just an extention of that. We've had over 600 hours of it, and if I want something set beyond that, we have Discovery.
Well I guess that's where we'll have to respectfully disagree. Especially on the unknown being scarier during TNG/DS9. Hard to be that scared when you've got 150+ member worlds and fleets that number in the thousands.

Imo the unknown never was that scary in TOS. The Federation had their biggest losses during the TNG/DS9 era and that seemed scarier to me

If you're referring to Enterprise, I can see where your aiming. But just imagine a show similar to Enterprise, but without the network interference. Without the killer B's and their tired old approach. Imagine a show with the guts to be different from what came before.

What it all boils down to for me, again, is that I'm tired of the 24th century. The 25th being just an extention of that. We've had over 600 hours of it, and if I want something set beyond that, we have Discovery.

I don't really understand that tbh. Being set right after Picard doesn't equal everything being exactly the same as we just saw