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Spoilers Where should Star Trek go next?

So, late to this party but here's what I would like to see happen. Star Trek: Legacy with Captain Seven on the Enterprise G can get corrupted or co-opted or lost in time. It's not beyond them being used by the Temporal Investigations division. Since in the past Star Trek has largely used time travel to completely change a given timeline leaving no Trace of that which came before, perhaps Seven's mission is to clean the timeline. They can travel back and forth to different eras. We can see different crews and events. They can be the unity between disparate timelines and time periods.
So, late to this party but here's what I would like to see happen. Star Trek: Legacy with Captain Seven on the Enterprise G can get corrupted or co-opted or lost in time. It's not beyond them being used by the Temporal Investigations division. Since in the past Star Trek has largely used time travel to completely change a given timeline leaving no Trace of that which came before, perhaps Seven's mission is to clean the timeline. They can travel back and forth to different eras. We can see different crews and events. They can be the unity between disparate timelines and time periods.

More time travel....:ack:
More time travel....:ack:
It would be nice if that wasn't the go too. I think it has become an automatic thing for Star Trek, which would be ok if, big if, it could be used well. But, for me anyway, it's a story writing device that long overstayed it's welcome.
Time travel is certainly more common in the franchise than it used to be, but as I've thought about it it was in TOS kind of a lot...TNG (until FC) and DS9 pretty sparingly, and then we saw a larger presence of it in VOY and ENT. So, it's been a part of Trek for a while with mixed results. P+ Trek definitely has the most I think...maybe the "final frontier" doesn't feel as final so we have frontier inflation and it's time now.
Back to the 24th century.
But with a better show than Picard.
A lot of loose ends in the previous series, like TNG, DS9 and VOY to follow up.
Back to the 24th century.
But with a better show than Picard.
A lot of loose ends in the previous series, like TNG, DS9 and VOY to follow up.

Tie up some but also continue some threads. That era of trek introduced a lot of lore and I want to see some of that continue
Back to the 24th century.
But with a better show than Picard.
A lot of loose ends in the previous series, like TNG, DS9 and VOY to follow up.
Space: the well traveled frontier. These are the voyages of probably another Enterprise. Its 3 to 5 year mission: to continue contrived storylines from 25 years ago; to revist the same old tired characters; to boldly go where we've already gone before!
I'm convinced now more than ever that, when SNW ends (whenever that happens to be), then it's time for a hard reboot.

I would go as far as throw all the most popular elements into a jumble bag and see what pops out. Something like the TOS cast, but with added Seven. Picard as the go-to admiral. And Data a project Spock is working on.

Keep the Rommies, Klingons, and Borg. And ditch everything else.
Tie up some but also continue some threads. That era of trek introduced a lot of lore and I want to see some of that continue

Yes, I totaly agree. There are a lot of interesting loose threads to follow up from an era when Star Trek was at its best.

Space: the well traveled frontier. These are the voyages of probably another Enterprise. Its 3 to 5 year mission: to continue contrived storylines from 25 years ago; to revist the same old tired characters; to boldly go where we've already gone before!

Rather that than the nonsense we have today.

I rather watch season 2 of Voyager for the 25th time than watch a single minute of what we have today.

I'm convinced now more than ever that, when SNW ends (whenever that happens to be), then it's time for a hard reboot.

I would go as far as throw all the most popular elements into a jumble bag and see what pops out. Something like the TOS cast, but with added Seven. Picard as the go-to admiral. And Data a project Spock is working on.

Keep the Rommies, Klingons, and Borg. And ditch everything else.
No, no, never!

A reboot today! In the 2020's!

You must be kidding!

They have already destroyed too much of what was good with Star Trek. A reboot such as you suggest would be to kill it off for good.

It would forever be remembered as Gloom Trek.

Please no reboot

I'd rather see Cardassians, Bajorans and Ferengi than Romulans and Klingons anyways
I would like to see all of them and more of the species from TNG, DS9 and Voyager.

I want a series which continues where TNG, DS9 and Voyager ended but with new, exciting characters.
I rather watch season 2 of Voyager for the 25th time than watch a single minute of what we have today.

Ah yes, Voyager. The series with the most wasted potential and some of the blandest characters in the franchise.

They have already destroyed too much of what was good with Star Trek.

Such as? I feel we have a vastly different opinion on what makes Star Trek good.
Yeah, if I got exactly what I wanted at least half the fanbase would be angry and if anyone else here got precisely what they wanted there's a pretty good chance I'd be unhappy.

The fact that none of us have a direct say over the franchise is a big part of the reason for any degree of happiness and satisfaction we actually experience with modern Trek.
would love for the 22nd century to get some more love. I mean the 23rd century and 24th centuries have been just exploited to its breaking point but the 22nd century still has some stories to tell. like This.
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