What is your personal head canon?

My #1 headcanon right now is that Discovery Post Season 2 didn't just travel in time, they went to another timeline completely, just one that was closer to their original then, say, the Mirrorverse is. The Burn, the Federation collapsing, etc is all in that universe.

For bonus head canon points, although admittedly this part is hard to fit with everything, the DSC Season 3+ timeline is the timeline created when Strange New Worlds fucked up the Eugenics Wars, and its also the universe SNW takes place in post that time travel episode. Also, the butterfly effect of that change turned the Gorn of that timeline into Xenomorphs, and made the SNW Enterprise 1701 a completely different design then the ship seen in TOS through ENT and Picard. This also makes the SNW/Lower decks crossover a dimension jumping crossover, which is fine because Prime Trek crossed over with the Mirrorverse enough to prove universe/timeline crossovers are possible.
There is of course nothing wrong with imagining your own Lynxverse, but I think 'the real Star Trek Universe' is the universe (or plural: universes, e.g. 'nu-trek') as depicted in canon series by definition. Whether you and I like what is shown there, or not.

I don't like Fury any more than you do (though perhaps I don't hate it quite as fiercely as you), but since it's canon, it happened. Unfortunately.

For now, at least. Later 'canon' series still might retcon it by giving the explanation you gave ('not the real Kes').

Yes, it happened. An evil being showed up disguised as Kes (or was it a Kes from a mirror universe).

It actually makes way more sense that the "Fury" Kes was not the real one, given her fate in "The Gift". I'd rather consider that canon (sorry, @Lynx ) and declare that there was some other explanation for "Fury".

And until Janeway declared otherwise in PRO, my head canon regarding "Threshold" was the same as Lynx's, the only difference being that I specifically said that the bad dream was the result of Neelix's leola root enchiladas.

And yes, I used that "canon" to create the Lynxverse in which Q restores Kes after she became some sort of energy being.
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Everything after Picard entered the Nexus is an illusion created by the Nexus for Picard.

How do you know it's not everything after Kirk entered the Nexus, the Nexus just being very thorough and even giving the 'NPC'(and in fact non-existent) Picard and his own crew their own backstories?
You need help.

Also what was wrong with Gowron dying? He was always a jerk who put his own political needs above the needs of others.
With that attitude and such comments, I wonder which one of us who needs help.
And Gowron was an interesting character. That sort of character you don't know if they are good or bad. A waste to kill him off.

I'm with Lynx regarding Gowron. The Gowron we knew was certainly not perfect, but he was politically savvy, and in general honorable. The end he came to was one of DS9's few missteps. Plus, it bothered me that any Klingon could come to power via being installed by someone else.

And definitely, "Fury" and "Threshold" deserve to be deleted from canon, and I can think of a few others as well.
I find Gowron very interesting. I mean, he could be both friend and foe. He was also a shrewd politician and as such more interesting to write about in possible future scenarios than Martok, who was a great war leader but not a politician which he also often admitted.

I found it unnecessary to kill off Gowron when he could have been used much better both in the end episodes of DS9 and in future series, movies and books. I mean, no one did know back then that Berman and his gang should do the stupid move to come up with a retro series when DS9 and VOY were finished. There were a lot of other options mentioned and a Gowron still in chage of the Klingons could be a very interesting character in future series, movies or books.
and made the SNW Enterprise 1701 a completely different design then the ship seen in TOS through ENT and Picard.

A handy image to break out when someone makes this ridiculous statement.

A "completely different design" would be if she looked like a Star Destroyer or something. The design has been updated or modernized, not completely changed.

This also makes the SNW/Lower decks crossover a dimension jumping crossover

And yet Boimler, clearly a fan of history and would absolutely know what the Enterprise looked like, didn't bat an eye at any supposed differences in the 1701.
And even that can be explained away as the way she looks during the 2256-60 period and how she appears every other time is the Kirk Era look. At the end of the day it's all fiction anyways and Kirk's TOS Enterprise alone undergoes multiple mutations over 80 episodes.
In a society with nigh-infinite resources, I don't really have a problem with the idea that the Constitution class ships were all given a refit circa 2265. If we need a more detailed explanation than that? Maybe the research surrounding the spore drive in the late 2250s led to Starfleet developing new subspace bubble geometries that led to the classic Matt Jeffries-era look, and then maybe further research prompted by Scotty's and Spock's work led to the 2272 TMP-era look. Just disregard the look of the ship in "The Cage" (which is easy, because a lot of details from "The Cage" is already nullified by subsequent canon).

You do that? Boom, you get to reconcile everything. You get a broadly consistent aesthetic through-line from the NX class to the Einstein class (the Kelvin) to the Walker class (the Shenzhou) to the DIS/SNW-era Constitution class to the Crossfield class (the Discovery); the Jeffries era becomes an aesthetic detour that leads to the quantum leap that is the "Art Deco" aesthetic of the 2270s/2280s-era Constitution, Miranda, Excelsior, and Oberth classes, and then those lead fairly linearly into the Ambassador, New Orleans, Galaxy, Nebula, Olympic, Defiant, Intrepid, Akira, Sovereign, Prometheus era, and them from there into the Odyssey, Inquiry, Sagan, and Constitution III era.
Not sure what the point is of that graphic. It shows that the TOS Enterprise got refit into the TMP Enterprise. DSC/SNW treats their version of the ship as how it allegedly always looked (i.e. it never looked like the TOS version, nor will it be 'refit' into it.) Two completely different things going on here.

How do you know it's not everything after Kirk entered the Nexus, the Nexus just being very thorough and even giving the 'NPC'(and in fact non-existent) Picard and his own crew their own backstories?

Because Kirk never entered the Nexus. He died on the Enterprise-B when he got sucked out into space. The 'Kirk" that Picard met was just another fantasy concocted by the Nexus to keep him there.
Not sure what the point is of that graphic. It shows that the TOS Enterprise got refit into the TMP Enterprise. DSC/SNW treats their version of the ship as how it allegedly always looked (i.e. it never looked like the TOS version, nor will it be 'refit' into it.) Two completely different things going on here.
I can treat it as a refit if as I see fit. A, head canon if you will.
Head canon has nothing to do with it. Either the DSC/SNW version will get refit into the TOS version or it won't.
I will expect it to become so and imagine it will be any way.

That's the fun part for me. The imaginations of exploring how it all connects together. It's fun, interesting to see these characters grow, move, and demonstrate how they can change. That's the beauty of Star Trek. The thrill of character growth.
Head canon has nothing to do with it. Either the DSC/SNW version will get refit into the TOS version or it won't.
I'm doing no such thing, dude.
I have no idea what you're going on about, nor do I care.

You're coming across as kind of hostile right now. This is the "head canon" thread, so people can imagine whatever they like.

For instance I could not care less about a "refit" for the SNW Enterprise. I don't need an explanation or rationalization. It's the same ship, updated by 60 years of technology development in television.

Different strokes...