Spoilers What is the connection between Doctor Soong and Khan Singh?

If the Supermen were smart enough to anticipate Time Travel, then they were smart enough to not keep historical records, and leave behind fake historical records that are traps intended to murder any intervention from the future.
Well, they have always mentioned Eugenics WarS. Plural.

So given that "Space Seed" and TWOK mentioned Eugenics Wars taking place from 1992 to 1996 - and, apparently, SNW mentions wars taking place in the 21st century - therefore, they can be both true.
Except again, in Space Seed Spock said Eugenics Wars was the last word war in the mid-1990s.

So was Spock lying?
^ But weren't you the one who was just saying we're just supposed to write it off? At least I'm still trying to fit "Space Seed" into continuity without decanonizing it. :shrug:
^ But weren't you the one who was just saying we're just supposed to write it off? At least I'm still trying to fit "Space Seed" into continuity without decanonizing it. :shrug:
I wasn't trying to decanonize the episode. Changing one fact doesn't decanonize the episode, it just retcons that line, and what Khan said in WoK.

I was just following your own rules you seemed to have set previously.

TNG onwards moved the last World War into the 21st Century, contradicting what Spock said in Space Seed.

How is that any different from what SNW and PIC Season 2's creators did with the Eugenics War(s)?
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TNG onwards moved the last World War into the 21st Century, contradicting what Spock said in Space Seed.

Here's how I rationalized that: Perhaps there was a debate over whether or not the Eugenics Wars 'counted' as World War III or not.

Meaning: There were those who DID consider them a World War (from 1992 to 1996), and therefore the war in 2053 would be called World War IV.

Conversely, there could also be a faction which (just roll with me on this) did NOT consider the 1992-96 conflicts to be a true 'world war', and thus only counted the 2053 war as WW III.

It's a stretch, I fully admit it. But it's not like it doesn't have SOME precedent; for example, some poeple IRL count the Cold War as World War III, and others obviously do not...
Here's how I rationalized that: Perhaps there was a debate over whether or not the Eugenics Wars 'counted' as World War III or not.

Meaning: There were those who DID consider them a World War (from 1992 to 1996), and therefore the war in 2053 would be called World War IV.

Conversely, there could also be a faction which (just roll with me on this) did NOT consider the 1992-96 conflicts to be a true 'world war', and thus only counted the 2053 war as WW III.

It's a stretch, I fully admit it. But it's not like it doesn't have SOME precedent; for example, some poeple IRL count the Cold War as World War III, and others obviously do not...
Spock said the last World War was in the 90s. Saying there was 4th one in 21st Century would still contradict that.

There's no way to spin that to make it make sense. It's just a retcon. That's fine, not everything has to make sense. It's a fictional TV show, not a documentary.
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Spock said the last World War was in the 90s. Saying there was 4th one in 21st Century would still contradict that.

There's no way to spin that to make it make sense. It's just a retcon. That's fine, not everything has to make sense. It's a fictional TV show, not a documentary.
Exactly. Spock makes a declarative statement and then TNG changes it and VOY adds to it. Fans can reconcile however they want but let's not grasp pearls over SNW.
Spock said the last World War was in the 90s. Saying there was 4th one in 21st Century would still contradict that.

Not if Spock was a member of the faction which claimed that the 1992-96 Eugenics Wars were WW3 and the one in 2053 was WW4. It would just be an example of his personal beliefs.

There's no way to spin that to make it make sense. It's just a retcon. That's fine, not everything has to make sense. It's a fictional TV show, not a documentary.

Just trying to salvage the situation. :sigh:
Not if Spock was a member of the faction which claimed that the 1992-96 Eugenics Wars were WW3 and the one in 2053 was WW4. It would just be an example of his personal beliefs.
If he believed that than he's contradicting himself by saying the 1990s was the era of the last World War.

Just trying to salvage the situation. :sigh:
It doesn't need salvaging.
So this is what it's come to, then? We've given up all hope of a single, consistent, unified timeline?

Does the phrase "prime timeline" even have any fucking MEANING anymore? :(
So this is what it's come to, then? We've given up all hope of a single, consistent, unified timeline?

Does the phrase "prime timeline" even have any fucking MEANING anymore? :(
Hasn't since TMP and TWOK.

I gave up a while ago, I think around Encounter at Farpoint.