What do you think of the new Sherlock Holmes?

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by AnyStar, Nov 19, 2009.

  1. Broccoli

    Broccoli Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 3, 2001
    Without A Clue is hilarious.
  2. Captaindemotion

    Captaindemotion Admiral Admiral

    May 26, 2001
    Looks like a fun popcorn movie but it doesn't feel like SH to me. Nor does RDJ strike me as being like the Conan Doyle character. If they wanted a younger, sexier actor in the role, I would have said Hugh Jackman was the obvious choice. But I'd rather have seen Alan Rickman, Jeremy Irons or Gabriel Byrne in the part.
  3. Kegg

    Kegg Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 24, 2009
    It is pretty funny, though.
  4. God Magnus

    God Magnus Commodore Commodore

    Jul 10, 2001
    A world where criminals operate above the law...
    I was skeptical when I first heard about the casting, however after seeing the trailer and reading a bit about the film here and there I'm looking forward to it. I've only read a handful of Holmes stories, but I've seen a lot of Holmes shows/movies (I even watched Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd century) so I'm very used to separating portrayals of the character from one "universe" to the other.

    The new Holmes trailer portrays most of the action, but almost none of the detective skills that we want to see, but that's hardly surprising. They picked scenes that would grab the most amount of attention, but I trust the film will ultimately be a mystery that needs solving. While Brett is my favorite Holmes to date, I am interested in RDJ's take on the character.
  5. S. Gomez

    S. Gomez Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Sep 9, 2005
    Vancouver, BC
    Not for me, but I can certainly understand how others would find it so.
  6. Count Zero

    Count Zero No nation but procrastination Moderator

    Mar 19, 2005
    European Union
    I'm a bit skeptical about the many action scenes in the trailer. Otherwise, it does look and sound intriguing. There's a possibility they've put all the action scenes in the trailer, so they might spread out nicely over the whole length of the film.
  7. AnyStar

    AnyStar Captain Captain

    Sep 28, 2009
    Orbiting Planet Plastic
    good point, happens more often than not
  8. Piper

    Piper Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 19, 2008
    I'll probably wait until I've seen it before I pass judgment.
  9. Prydonian

    Prydonian Lieutenant Red Shirt

    Apr 22, 2006
    Cork, Ireland
    RDJ is 44 (according to Wikipedia), so he's hardly too young for the role.
  10. diankra

    diankra Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jun 22, 2005
    Holmes being capable of action, fine by me, that's in the stories. Holmes as action hero, no, please no.
    Holmes taking drugs while bored betwen cases, spot on. But while he's on a case, the case is the only drug he needs.
    Holmes as young? Well, he and Watson seem to be a bit short of 30 when they meet, if I remember the various annotated Holmes books (and didn't he retire in his mid 40s?). Young Holmes is fine, so long as he's an oddly focused young man who hasn't had a real friend until Watson takes the trouble to try and understand him.
    Etc etc.. there are a lot of things that could work in a new interpretation, and I'll have to see the film to see if it works. It sounds like it could be good, but Guy Ritchie's back catalogue doesn't fill me with hope. Nor does the inclusion of Irene Idler, who is ALWAYS dragged in by poor Holmes movies which miss the point - she is not the love interest, she's just the closest thing to a love interest there ever was, and the proof that Holmes will definitely never be a conventional romantic hero (but can still be more popular than the tick-box creations of the studio suits).
  11. Gaith

    Gaith Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 11, 2008
    I totally agree... with the caveat that Adler was wonderfully used in Nicholas Meyer's The Canary Trainer. She basically gives Holmes marching orders, calling upon her power over him, and he assents in a very understated, low-key way. There's definitely an interpersonal connection, but it's definitely not romantic in any conventional sense.
  12. jbny67

    jbny67 Captain Captain

    Jun 22, 2008
    NY - The Real Gotham
    Same here. I wore out my copies of the Doyle books.

    I agree wholeheartedly with both of the above statements.
  13. Captaindemotion

    Captaindemotion Admiral Admiral

    May 26, 2001
    Re-read my post and show me where I said he was too young. Have fun looking for it.

    What I did say was that RDJ didn't strike me as being like the Conan Doyle character. I don't see him having the authority, severity or intensity, not to mention the height, hawklike profile or lean face. But I might change my mind when I see him.

    He is, however, younger than many of the actors to play Holmes; eg Jeremy Brett was in his 50s, as was Peter Cushing, while Christopher Lee was pushing 70. And with the shots of him topless and showing off his 6 pack and pecs, it's clear that they want a sexed-up Sherlock. Which is why I said that if they wanted a younger sexier take on the character - and I think they do - Hugh Jackman was the obvious choice, as he's much more in keeping with the traditional profile and appearance for Holmes.
  14. Temis the Vorta

    Temis the Vorta Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Oct 30, 1999
    I'll see it. And if it has nothing particular to do with the Sherlock Holmes novels or the character in those novels, fine & dandy. I love Robert Downey Jr in anything but I really don't want to see him performing that particular role faithfully. For starters, I'd find it far too familiar and unexciting to see for the umpteenth time. Jeremy Brett did the definitive take anyway.
  15. archeryguy1701

    archeryguy1701 Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Nov 1, 2007
    Cheyenne, WY
    As someone who hasn't read any Sherlock Holmes, I am very interested in seeing this movie after watching the trailers. It looks very entertaining.
  16. Kibbin

    Kibbin Commodore Commodore

    Oct 10, 2009
    Personally I have no problem with Downey as SH and thought it was a good bit of casting when I first heard it, maybe not who would have cast or indeed the perfect man to cast but a good choice between someone who can pull it off and drawn in the crowd with a big name.
    Judging the movie from it’s trailer I can say it looks like a fun summer movie. It does not look like a Sherlock Holmes movie however but I could be wrong. Trailers are often aiming for a particular market, male/female, young/old etc etc, It is possible that this trailer is trying to lure in those that would normally consider SH too boring and bland for a summer movie, lets hope.
  17. McCoy

    McCoy Commodore Commodore

    Mar 23, 2004
    Toronto, Canada
    jadcox, of course I don't mind you asking.

    Others have already stated reasons similar to mine. As a Victorian action-adventure film I'm sure it's fine. But it's not Sherlock Holmes. If the Law portrayal were Holmes and RDJ was Watson, it would be more palatable to me. I too loved Without a Clue.

    It doesn't help that I don't really like RDJ. I would have liked to see Rickman in the role as well.
  18. Alidar Jarok

    Alidar Jarok Everything in moderation but moderation Moderator

    Apr 14, 2003
    Norfolk, VA
    I've basically only read excerpts of Sherlock Holmes and one of them was where he "dies" when fighting Moriarty. In that story, he doesn't really solve a mystery, he knows where Moriarty is and then runs at him and knocks him off a cliff (more or less).

    My thoughts on this movie is this, I'm glad he's not wearing his hound of the baskervilles outfit. As long as there is a mystery to solve, I'll enjoy this film. It looks like it'll be fun.
  19. Captain Craig

    Captain Craig Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 7, 2003
    Very good point. It causes me to remember all those people here and about the net that thought V for Vendetta was going to be this great all out action film. When in reality they showed clips from all the few action moments in the film. Vendetta was still a great movie it just caused some to think those parts would comprise the sum and they didn't. The SH trailers could be doing the same thing.

    Having read the article in Entertainment Weekly this week I can say I'm even more excited for the film. Much moreso than Avatar that is for certain. If I see Avatar at all.
  20. Saul

    Saul Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 27, 2002
    I don't think Holmes was ever about action. Certainly there were points but I don't consider this a faithful adaptation as AICN seems to keep spouting. However I'm really looking forward to it and hope that the film consists of more than just action. I still think Jeremy Brett is the best.