What do older fans think?

TOS fan since the early days, poss first/second run here in the UK.

Loved TNG even though we got it months after the US and a lot of it I watched on VHS (ask your dad kids).

...and I like it. Right now I'd rank DSC in the top 4 Trek series and climbing. Season 1 was the best first season of any Trek show....


Agreed. But truthfully I watch every new season desperate for it to be the best ever, I find it hard to understand the trek Taliban who are just waiting for the writers to make a canon error.

Season 1 had most of the things you want, new characters, nods to TOS, very interesting plot ideas that could have worked amazingly well and interesting production values. Loved Stamets/Wilson, Doug Jones, strong female leads.

It had faults though. Characterisation was weak, as was the general ability to tell a story. Some developments just didn't work and I felt that they had missed the opportunity they had been given.
S2 lost it for me, when they start to introduce people flying about in time you know they've not come up with any sensible plot lines.

I managed to make it to the end of s2 and will watch s3 with an open mind.

At the moment tho it's a missed opportunity and sits third behind TNG and TOS.