What are your controversial Star Trek opinions?

Controversial opinion: William Shatner is the second best director of the TOS films and number one is NOT Nicholas Meyer. (Robert Wise is the best one.)

Note: best direction DOES NOT mean best story/script. Nor does it mean best special effects.
Wise, Shatner, David Whothisface on Generations, then Frakes. Meyer/Nimoy jostle for mid-tier, and Baird is def last.

Edit to add: Shatner also cast *extremely* well, with not one dud.
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Controversial opinion: I like when other people like things. Whether I like them or not.
I wish that wasn't controversial! I used to get snobby when people liked things I didn't, but I got better. :D Half the fun of geekdom is hearing people talk about what they like.

I just dislike when I'm told I should like them.
I can dig that. I do like when people recommend something they think I'll like though. I appreciate that, even if I don't end up liking it.
GEN has some of the best cinematography in the franchise. The mood lighting in Picard's Ready Room and main quarters as well as that of Ten Forward are sumptuous and first class.
Since we don't have a multiplier button...
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I don't think I've had such an experience of "Ohhhh! So that's what it REALLY looked like!" like that outside of Rogue One.
Controversial opinion: William Shatner is the second best director of the TOS films and number one is NOT Nicholas Meyer. (Robert Wise is the best one.)

I can agree that Shatner was the second best director of the TOS films, and he certainly took the top spot in playing into the strengths of the Kirk/Spock/McCoy brotherhood in TFF, but Wise...no. Its the strange thing about TMP: Wise was a legendary director without question, while Goldsmith is easily in the rotating top three film/tv composers in history, but their work on TMP is not among their best. Meyer (and all involved in the development of TWOK) knew where a ST film needed to go in handling the characters--making them move their world in a earthy, realistic manner, and it was not in the static, soulless walk through drying concrete that Roddenberry actually believed would continue the spirit of TOS.

Goldsmith moved through the 1970s composing one masterful, innovative score after another (the best of any composer in that decade), but he seemed to fall into the same trap as Stu Phillips when the latter created the score for Battlestar Galactica: after Star Wars, some got into their heads that movie sci-fi music had to be some psuedo-regal anthem full of bombast, and that was the polar opposite of the moving Courage theme to TOS, or the wonderful cues written by many throughout the run of the TV series. Perhaps its fitting that TMP's was used as the main title of TNG*, as so much of that Roddenberry-helmed series was just as stiff, soulless and giving new meaning to the idea of abusing technobabble.

*Yes, I know Goldsmith re-purposed his TMP main title music for TFF, but that was one of the film's true creative shortcomings.
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Compared side by side, the Enterprise-E is better-looking than the Enterprise-D.

Depends on your point of view of course. I think the Sovereign-class is a fine-looking ship, albeit in a somewhat soulless, corporate way, but then it was deliberately designed to be "pretty", and it has a lot of Eaves's trademark unnecessary fussiness (though thank god it avoided his obsession with negative spaces). But the Galaxy-class has a certain grandeur and vision to it that really no other starship class has, including the Sovereign.
Depends on your point of view of course. I think the Sovereign-class is a fine-looking ship, albeit in a somewhat soulless, corporate way, but then it was deliberately designed to be "pretty", and it has a lot of Eaves's trademark unnecessary fussiness (though thank god it avoided his obsession with negative spaces). But the Galaxy-class has a certain grandeur and vision to it that really no other starship class has, including the Sovereign.

I also like the E interior colors better, as well. The D has way too much beige, in my opinion.
Controversial opinion: I like when other people like things. Whether I like them or not.

I just don't like it when people make things that I want to like and I don't like them. But I guess it's OK if other people like them.
The problem is, if the people that make the things you don't like see many people liking he things they make, they'll make more things like that, and not the things you like.
Compared side by side, the Enterprise-E is better-looking than the Enterprise-D.
Hard disagree.

I think the Enterprise-E is indicative of John Eaves's design philosophy when it comes to Federation starships, which squashes/flattens Matt Jefferies's general saucer/drive-section template, and I'm not a fan. The ships lose their necks, the saucer becomes more and more an arrowhead instead of a saucer, and overall become elongated and angular.

It just screams they were going for a more aggressive warship in the 90s X-treme era, but to me it comes off as more generic looking.

There's a lot of things that can be said about the Enterprise-D's design, but it doesn't look generic. I'll take the Enterprise D's curves any day and twice on Sunday over the E's angled flatness. And even the interior is more memorable to me. The D's bridge is two levels with the horseshoe, where the E's is a single level and more closed-in.
Speaking of the Enterprise-D, I don't know if this is controversial or not...

But I think the majority of the shots of her in season 1 and 2 were the best ones during the series' run. Especially shots like the one from "Q Who" after she's thrown back into Federation space after Q's finger snap. The way the light and angles are shown really make her look beautiful.