Trip & T'Pol Appreciation Society, 2010 Edition

I meant something more like the two of them crashing on a random planet and being stranded for a few days. Just imagine the bickering.

That's Precious Cargo - but without that terrible character/actress ;) Plus see no reason why couldn't have kept sexual tension up for another season. Though poor old Trip...
I just wanted to see more of them being happy together. Those two have gone through hell and back, they deserve to have something work out just fine for once.
Post-Hallowe'en zombie resurrection after recent North Star chat in S/UA's thread.
So, I made a little wallpaper for myself based off of how nice they look together in this episode, and I think I might do another one too. Here's a smaller version of the one I put together:


I don't know, maybe we could make Trip/T'Pol holiday art like wallpapers, sig banners, or icons. That could be nice.
Sweet. Good to know that, and it'll be nice to see it when it comes out. :)

Well, that's if she does it. I mixed up your "Is it," with "It is." Lol.
So, I made a little wallpaper for myself based off of how nice they look together in this episode...
Lovely wallpaper! "North Star" is one of my favorites.

I don't know, maybe we could make Trip/T'Pol holiday art like wallpapers, sig banners, or icons. That could be nice.
I like this idea. Whoever wants to contribute, just post your pretties in here. :)

Is it Hopeful Romantic that does the yearly calendar?
I'm happy to hear people are still using the calendars. :biggrin:

Well 2012 is beautiful. It will be nice to see 2013. Thanks. :)
Thank you! RL will be pretty insane the rest of the year, so I might do what I did last year and put up January while I build the rest.
So, I made a little wallpaper for myself based off of how nice they look together in this episode...
Lovely wallpaper! "North Star" is one of my favorites.

Thank you very much. :)

I don't know, maybe we could make Trip/T'Pol holiday art like wallpapers, sig banners, or icons. That could be nice.
I like this idea. Whoever wants to contribute, just post your pretties in here. :)
Sounds good. :)

Is it Hopeful Romantic that does the yearly calendar?
I'm happy to hear people are still using the calendars. :biggrin:

Well 2012 is beautiful. It will be nice to see 2013. Thanks. :)
Thank you! RL will be pretty insane the rest of the year, so I might do what I did last year and put up January while I build the rest.

Take your time. Going one month at a time is just fine. :)
VOY really should have had a Western episode, even a holodeck one (instead of that crappy Fair Haven thing).
How do you TnT shippers feel about the fact that

death finally caught up with Trip in that Romulan escape pod that blew up at the end of battle of Cheron, and that T'Pol ended up marrying that Wraith baddie from Stargate Atlantis... Whom she then dumped for Koss? :lol:

Oh boy, Mike Martin is so awesome. :lol: