Trip & T'Pol Appreciation Society, 2010 Edition

How do you TnT shippers feel about the fact that

death finally caught up with Trip in that Romulan escape pod that blew up at the end of battle of Cheron, and that T'Pol ended up marrying that Wraith baddie from Stargate Atlantis... Whom she then dumped for Koss? :lol:

Oh boy, Mike Martin is so awesome. :lol:

Is this actually true??

That's.. well I regret reading it.
Trip didn't die in the escape pod he was injured and survives.He and T'Pol have a happy ending they're still together at the end of the book.
Next July there's going to be a new Enterpise novel coming out written by Christopher Bennett.
Trip didn't die in the escape pod he was injured and survives.
Does he? It was never explicitly stated in the book. :devil:

He and T'Pol have a happy ending they're still together at the end of the book.
That was just that journalist chick's wishful thinking. Mike Martin never stated that Michael Kenmore indeed was Trip. Could have been just some random Human guy whose parents watched too much Stargate. :D

K people, I'm just kidding, I'm not a bloody idiot. :)

Next July there's going to be a new Enterpise novel coming out written by Christopher Bennett.
I doubt there's gonna be any mention of TnT in that book, judging by what we've learned from Christopher about it so far. It's not exactly a sequel to ENT. It's more like a standalone series that features certain characters from ENT who were prominent political figures during Federation's early days, like Archer, T'Pau and Shran.

I'm really looking forward to it, though.
You're welcome Teacake.I'm still glad we're going to get another Enterprise novel Next year.
:adore::angel::luvlove:Love the new Trip&T'Pol calendarHopeful Romantic I like the pictures you used for this calendar.:techman: