Trip & T'Pol Appreciation Society, 2010 Edition


Red Shirt
Okay, I confess, I've been gone for several weeks, so it's likely I've missed something, but...

I was looking for the TnT appreciation thread, seeking some wholesome shippery goodness, and it seems to be gone!! :eek:

Were we bad shippers or something?

I'll post this, just in case we need to start over:

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Re: TnT appreciaton thread?

Okay, I confess, I've been gone for several weeks, so it's likely I've missed something, but...

I was looking for the TnT appreciation thread, seeking some wholesome shippery goodness, and it seems to be gone!! :eek:
You might not have looked far enough back. It fell off the front page a while ago. Poor thing's been pretty lonely.

Were we bad shippers or something?
Well, if you don't feed your favorite thread, it gets all sad and wanders away to die. :(

But seeing as how the last TnT thread was begun almost two years ago, I think a shiny new thread is in order. :) Aquarius, you can change the title of this one to reflect that (I'll change it for you, if you're too late to edit), or you're welcome to begin a new thread with appropriate fanfare.

And by all means, fill it up with shippery goodness! Pictures -- we loooove pictures in our TnT thread. :adore: Reminisce about your favorite scenes. Discuss storylines. Have at it!




Re: TnT appreciaton thread?

You might not have looked far enough back. It fell off the front page a while ago. Poor thing's been pretty lonely.

Okay, there's something weird going on here, then. I've been around forums long enough to know that sometimes you have to dig to find what you're looking for, and that's exactly what I did last night. I'm also pretty sure I still know how to read. ;) When I come back to this site, I'm only shown about a page and a half of Enterprise topics, and thinking I was crazy, I went through topic by topic making sure I wasn't missing the original TnT thread.

I'm tellin' ya--it just isn't there. :wtf:

Is there some kind of filter or something that isn't showing me things past a certain date or something? I'm pretty sure I haven't touched anything, since everything was just fine when I was last here in April or so...
Re: TnT appreciaton thread?

.:cool::techman:Nice to have a new thread. More pictures would be wonderful.
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Re: TnT appreciaton thread?

Okay, there's something weird going on here, then. I've been around forums long enough to know that sometimes you have to dig to find what you're looking for, and that's exactly what I did last night. I'm also pretty sure I still know how to read. ;) When I come back to this site, I'm only shown about a page and a half of Enterprise topics, and thinking I was crazy, I went through topic by topic making sure I wasn't missing the original TnT thread.

I'm tellin' ya--it just isn't there. :wtf:

Is there some kind of filter or something that isn't showing me things past a certain date or something? I'm pretty sure I haven't touched anything, since everything was just fine when I was last here in April or so...
At the bottom of the ENT forum main page, you'll see this:


Under "Display Options" at the bottom, the "From the..." dropdown list allows you to show threads from the past week, 2 weeks, month, year, etc. I think the default is 2 weeks.

You can reset this option permanently in your User CP:


Click on "Edit Options," then scroll down to "Thread Display Options." There's a dropdown box for "Default Thread Age Cutoff."

.:cool::techman:Nice to have a new thread. More pictures would be wonderful.
Since you asked... :)



Re: TnT appreciaton thread?

*whew* Okay, cool. For a while there I thought there'd been a mass-pruning or something. I haven't been on a board with that kind of filter before; pages were always visible.

^^ No problem. I live to serve. :)

I've gone ahead and changed the title to make this the new Trip & T'Pol shipper thread. Enjoy!

above is one of the saving graces of one odd episode.
the other is the archer and trip talk back aboard the ship.
I wish we would get some news on the next Romulan war novel or news about a story anthology for Enterpise's 10 anniversary. I'd like to see a story dealing with Trip& T'Pol's relationship.:)
Re: TnT appreciaton thread?

Okay, there's something weird going on here, then. I've been around forums long enough to know that sometimes you have to dig to find what you're looking for, and that's exactly what I did last night. I'm also pretty sure I still know how to read. ;) When I come back to this site, I'm only shown about a page and a half of Enterprise topics, and thinking I was crazy, I went through topic by topic making sure I wasn't missing the original TnT thread.

I'm tellin' ya--it just isn't there. :wtf:

Is there some kind of filter or something that isn't showing me things past a certain date or something? I'm pretty sure I haven't touched anything, since everything was just fine when I was last here in April or so...
At the bottom of the ENT forum main page, you'll see this:


Under "Display Options" at the bottom, the "From the..." dropdown list allows you to show threads from the past week, 2 weeks, month, year, etc. I think the default is 2 weeks.

You can reset this option permanently in your User CP:


Click on "Edit Options," then scroll down to "Thread Display Options." There's a dropdown box for "Default Thread Age Cutoff."

.:cool::techman:Nice to have a new thread. More pictures would be wonderful.
Since you asked... :)




I LOVE that picture in the middle! Where did you get it? I don't remember that POV from the show. Look how she's holding on to his arm - Love it! :drool:
One I used in a "Caption this!" at another site:

T'POL: It certainly appears sturdy enough.
TRIP: Awesome! You lock the door, I'll get the lights.

(Actually, the original caption *doesn't* say "lights", but I didn't know if I could say what it *does* say here. :devil: )
One I used in a "Caption this!" at another site:

T'POL: It certainly appears sturdy enough.
TRIP: Awesome! You lock the door, I'll get the lights.

(Actually, the original caption *doesn't* say "lights", but I didn't know if I could say what it *does* say here. :devil: )


So give us a euphamism for lights then.
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Okay it was actually "lube". :devil:

There. If I *can't* say that, this post gets dinged, not the one with the picture. ;)
Re: TnT appreciaton thread?

Okay it was actually "lube". :devil:

There. If I *can't* say that, this post gets dinged, not the one with the picture. ;)
I've seen a lot worse in the "5 Words Only" thread. :ack: As long as you keep things PG-13, we're fine.

Oh, and I know this is a picture thread, but if you can keep the images closer to 640 pixels wide, that would help our less fortunate members on dialup.

I LOVE that picture in the middle! Where did you get it? I don't remember that POV from the show. Look how she's holding on to his arm - Love it! :drool:
It's a production still taken on the set during filming, at the moment she kisses him on the cheek. The other two are production stills as well.

I found them on a German Trek site a while ago. I went nuts when I first saw them. I just love behind-the-scenes pictures - I have a nice little collection. Speaking of which, if anyone has or knows of new bts pics, please share! I'm always on the lookout for more.

Here's another:

I really need to find someone talented with this graphics stuff to make me a banner for my TnT "epic". I feel like I'm the only kid on the block without one! lol