Trip & T'Pol Appreciation Society, 2010 Edition

Found this lovely instrumental vid:
Well, as long as everyone is posting their favorite TnT video, here is my personal favorite. This video complied by Enterprisescribe and is set to "Wherever You Will Go" by The Calling. The quality of the video she used was not so hot and the sound quality is a little off, but the selection of the music, the selection of the clips and the timing of the clips to the music is impeccable. I think if she re-did this video today it would totally blow people away.


(OK, I can't figure out how to embed the video, so here is the link.)

Magic embedding code added. ~HR
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That IS a very nice video. :bolian:
All three of those videos were great. Also the blooper videos that came up in the links after the end of the first video. Loved watching Jolene's face change from the stoic Vulcan to the goofy human when there's a screwup or joke played.
Middleman I've watched that 3 times now! Really got to me, sniff..

Oh and I noticed something I never noticed before. At 37 seconds when Trip is walking behind T'Pol on Vulcan he looks at her butt. Yes, he does. The seconds might be slightly different for other people, seems to work that way.
Yes he does. I've never noticed that before. I wish this show got a 5th season, there was supposed to be more TNT. They're such an adorable couple.
At 37 seconds when Trip is walking behind T'Pol on Vulcan he looks at her butt. Yes, he does.
I never noticed that! (not that I blame him, of course). Anyway, as someone once said: "She's got an awfully nice bum."

(HR: We need a "Like" button here. Can the management do anything?)
At 37 seconds when Trip is walking behind T'Pol on Vulcan he looks at her butt. Yes, he does.
I never noticed that! (not that I blame him, of course). Anyway, as someone once said: "She's got an awfully nice bum."

(HR: We need a "Like" button here. Can the management do anything?)

Yep, he's certainly fond of how she dresses. It's funny to watch him gawk at her.

I'm pretty sure he looks up her shirt in Similitude as well.
I'm with Malcolm, "She's got an awfully nice bum!"

I can't blame Trip at all.

Though it really is a shame the two never got the romantic get away they thought they would.
I'm just teasing you.. Trip is one of the few males I never feel like slashing with his own gender. Can't say the same for Malcolm though..

And yes Trip and T'Pol need a very long romantic getaway without any pesky dramas.
Yeah they deserve a vacation, though it would be amusing to see them trapped or stranded together. Like a "Shuttle Pod One" with Trip and T'pol.
I'm pretty sure there's some hot shuttlepod sex in the books. Well it was supposed to be hot, I didn't find the books very much of anything other than meh.
I'm still reading the books, haven't gotten to the shuttle pod scene yet but I've heard about it.

I meant something more like the two of them crashing on a random planet and being stranded for a few days. Just imagine the bickering.
I was just watching the vid I posted in this thread for Valentines day..


And a question came to me. We've all heard about the plans for the 5th season that never came to be.. T'Pol's possible father, visiting Denobula, Shran a permanent character (it kills me just thinking about all this great stuff). So what were the plans for Trip and T'Pol?? Where they going to get together again or was it going to be an entire season of tension and half conversations?