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Trip & T'Pol Appreciation Society, 2010 Edition

Happy Valentine's Day Trip and T'Pol and all their fans! Here's to THE most romantic couple in all of Trekdom.

Here's some beauty for you all.. truly wonderful video.

Happy Valentine's Day, y'all.


A few wallpapers for your viewing pleasure.

:techman:Thanks Miss Lemon I really Mu TnT in that picture also the ones from the xindi and Extinction and Carpenter street.:)
Here you go. ;)


I have a soft spot for MuTrip. :D
He is all up in her bidness right here, isn't he. I have always wondered what she was going to say to him after he asked her when her pon farr was coming around again at the end of this scene.
poundpuppy, while I appreciate your enthusiasm, your post isn't really on topic in this thread. It seems better suited for the lounges. And I noticed that you posted the same thing across several forums; that's considered spamming. Next time, if you're not sure where to post, ask a moderator for guidance. Thanks.
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