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Spoilers TP: Rough Beasts of Empire by DRGIII Review Thread

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Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

Uh huh. You never watched Babylon 5?
If that "uh huh," is intended as disbelief or sarcasm, perhaps you should check your manners.

As far as Babylon 5 is concerned, I started to watch the very first episode of the series, but I couldn't get through it. Since then, I have never seen another moment of the show, nor do I know virtually anything about it.

I've also never seen a single moment of Doctor Who, Firefly, The 4400, Caprica, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Event, Heroes, Andromeda, or Torchwood. Once, at 2:30 in the morning, I saw half of an episode of the new Battlestar Galactica.

I watch almost no science fiction (and in fact, I had to peruse a list of modern science-fiction television shows just to come up with the list above). I occasionally read science fiction, but when I do, I almost always read that which is considered classic SF (The Stars My Destination, for example, or The Martian Chronicles). Most of my reading is divided among contemporary mainstream fiction and classic novels, with some nonfiction from time to time.

I just looked up Vorlons on the Internet, and from what I read, I don't really see the connection you aver.

The Tzenkethi are not cephalopods, nor do they employ telepathy to force individuals of other species to "see" them in a pleasing way.
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

^Well...in BrotherBenny's defense, David...it's often hard to know how one's written words may come across on the Net.

I could tell a horror story about my brilliantly ending a point some time ago with the immortal words, "so there". *sigh*
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

^ Which is why I wrote "If that 'uh huh,' is intended as disbelief or sarcasm," as opposed to just assuming his intentions. However, his post certainly read to me as sarcastic disbelief, which paints me as either a liar or an imbecile, something I do not appreciate.
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

David, the "uh huh" was meant merely as disbelief and I apologize for any inadvertent offence taken.

I suppose it is hard for me to see a science fiction writer who does not keep up with modern science fiction either in TV or literature, though I can certainly understand your doing so since many begin well and do not hold up for their full run.

My initial reaction at seeing the Tzenkethi described as they were was similar to the Vorlons, because they are pleasing to see aesthetically and their ships described as seamless teardrops is very similar to that of Vorlon vessels in Babylon 5.

Could I ask why you don't read or watch much modern science fiction?
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

^ Okay. I appreciate the apology, though I still don't care for the disbelief. I'm not a liar.

As for the Tzenkethi and the Vorlons, what I just read about the latter really doesn't seem to jibe with my description of the former.

I mean, the Vorlons telepathically project to individuals who see them, pleasing images culled from the minds of those individuals. That's not the case with the Tzenkethi.

As for the Tzenkethi vessels, I did not create them. James Swallow did so in his Day of the Vipers, and I aimed to remain true to his descriptions.

As for why I don't read or watch much modern science fiction, there are several reasons. First of all, I don't watch much television, so committing to a TV series of any ilk is not something I do readily. I've actually had a couple of friends trying for years to convince me to view several genre series on DVD, in particular Lost and Battlestar Galactica. After much gnashing of teeth, I finally did give in and gave Lost a go, and I must admit to enjoying that show very much (though I cannot imagine seeing the series from week to week, and from season to season, being more enjoyable than it would be maddening). Second, I am pretty demanding when it comes to my entertainment, and I want high production values to accompany good, sophisticated writing, acting, directing, and editing. Frankly, from what little I've seen (even in commercials), plenty of modern television series, particularly science fiction shows, fail to meet my desires.

Third, and perhaps of most importance, I don't like science fiction as much as I do mainstream fiction. There are exceptions, of course, but I gravitate not to SF, but to straight drama. I do read more modern SF than I do watch it, but I more often select something in the mainstream. At the moment, I am reading two books: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, and On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life by Charles Darwin.

You might find it interesting to learn that I do not consider myself a science-fiction writer. I characterize myself simply as a writer. To the extent that some of my work has been popular, I have a suspicion (and I very well could be wrong about this) that readers have liked it not because I have strived to pen good science fiction, or even good Star Trek, but good drama.
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Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

To the extent that some of my work has been popular, I have a suspicion (and I very well could be wrong about this) that readers have liked it not because I have strived to pen good science fiction, or even good Star Trek, but good drama.

I think that is accurate where RBoE is concerned (it doesn't read like a sci-fi novel, but more like a drama that happens to be set in the ST universe).
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

Unfortunately a lot of people have never seen Babylon 5, which is a shame, because it is an amazing show.
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

^ No, it's a terrible terrible awful show. It just happens to tell an amazing story.

It's really hard to argue that any other individual component of the show is above barely serviceable.
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

^ I wouldn't call B5 "terrible terrible awful", but I do think that it was a little over-rated. Three seasons of excellent story-telling (2-4), one season of so-so (1), and one that I wish I could scrub out of my brain (5). But even the storytelling couldn't cover up the cheesy dialogue and bad acting.

I had a friend that used to tell me that DS9 ripped-off B5, but when I finally saw B5 on DVD, I found the similarities to DS9 to be superficial at best. The bits that JMS ripped-off from (or payed homage to) LOTR however were, to my mind, far more blatent and, even at times, distracting.
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

The bits that JMS ripped-off from (or payed homage to) LOTR however were, to my mind, far more blatent and, even at times, distracting.

As a big fan of the LotR from before I watched B5, I have to agree. There are so many similarities and borrowed ideas that it is distracting and even a bit irritating at times.

It is interesting to note that the shape of Tzenkethi vessels was established in a prior novel. It is possible that this aspect was Vorlon-inspired originally, though "tear-drop shaped" is not an especially outlandish shape to choose for a space-faring vessel.
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

Just finished this and I think that all in all it was pretty good. I've enjoyed the entries thus far, and although I found it interesting that the Romulan Empire was sewn back together in this book, I have to wonder how Donatra managed to crack/break the padd. I'm glad Tal'Aura's gone though. I'm looking forward to see what Sela does as Chairwoman of the Tal Shiar.
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

I read it as someone ELSE broke the pad & killed Donatra. Could be wrong tho....
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

Well David I'm enjoying your book. I had gotten both ZSG and STF first and only read ZSG first. After I finished and found out the actually chrono order, I started your book.

I'm just happy you showed what happened to Vaughn from what was mentioned in ZSG.
After reading some of the reviews on here about Sisko, I can see what they ment but honestly we never saw him in the show ever face the Borg again. He's dealing with death again and then him wanting to leave his Emissary role behind is something he wants done for good as well.
Just to get away from Kasidy and Rebecca, he had to find out on his own what he needed.

Also enjoying the other plots involved as well. I'm kind of surprised you didn't have one small part of Ezri contacting Sisko at some point through. Overall good work.
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

I'm kind of surprised you didn't have one small part of Ezri contacting Sisko at some point through.

(Reads post. Mental wheels starts spinning.... Jots furiously in notebook....)
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

I suspect Ezri as Sisko's old friend Dax would kick his ass for being all mopey & crap. *lol*

Minor thought: Sisko asks Kira to check in on Kasdy. Wouldn't Kas still be kinda annoyed at Kira over releasing the prophecies that named her baby the Avatar and presumably triggered the kidnapping?
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

I just finished the novel and rated it "above average". It was VERY enjoyable; there were moments where the story would start to get a little boring...and then BAM, something exciting really happend.

The situation with Donatra really makes me wonder...
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

Sooooo......question I guess.

I just finished up Seize the Fire and Rough Beasts of Empire, and was wondering a bit about Rough Beasts of Empire.

I have a really hard time with political books in Star Trek, and usually am unable to finish, but did find enough enjoyment in this to finish.

So at the end of the book

Did the Tzenkethi plot both murders of the Empress and Preator to seat who they wanted in power so that they had more control in the Typhon Pact?
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

Pretty much.

They wanted a united Romulan Empire ruled by someone who wasn't as aggressive or forceful, so they killed the Empress & Preator. This may blow up in their face later, as the new Preator has a history of being friends with starfleet...
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread


In fact--

I fully expect this new Praetor to break off from the Pact, and join the Khitomer Alliance.

Interestingly enough...that may be what the Tzenkethi want. Knowledgeable as they probably are of the Romulan predilection for scheming...they may want to get them out of the way, so as to have no competition.

On another note...

Perhaps that the Romulans are part of the Alliance gives further credence to Nero's rage at the Federation. It furthers the "betrayal" (in Nero's eyes) if they're allies.