Spoilers TP: Rough Beasts of Empire by DRGIII Review Thread

Rate Rough Beasts Of Empire

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    Votes: 38 25.0%
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    Votes: 65 42.8%
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    Votes: 25 16.4%
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    Votes: 14 9.2%
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    Votes: 10 6.6%

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Rear Admiral
Premium Member
I've seen posts saying people are getting it in the mail, so here we go!

Gotta admit - I'm extremely excited for this one. The excerpt was excellent.
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Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

Like I said on the other thread mine in the other thread, mine is already paid for and I am anxiously awaiting next tuesday when I can pop it open.

Does the order we read these matter? After the reviews for Seize the Fire, I'm thinking of saving it for my last TP book.
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

Does the order we read these matter? After the reviews for Seize the Fire, I'm thinking of saving it for my last TP book.

The order shouldn't matter, but I believe Seize the Fire is chronologically first. There's a bit of inconsistency, but the bulk of the chronological references indicate it's about a year after Destiny and several months after Synthesis, which suggests February 2382. Zero Sum Game is in April and August '82, and I know from what Dayton has told me that Paths of Disharmony is chronologically the latest of the four. I don't know the timing for Rough Beasts.
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

Amazon sent me an email today:

We have received new release date information related to the order you placed on December 14 2010 (Order# 1701-E). The item(s) listed below will actually ship sooner than we originally expected based on the new release date:

David R. George III "Star Trek: Typhon Pact #3: Rough Beasts of Empire (Star Trek: All)"
Previous estimated arrival date: January 04 2011 - January 10 2011
New estimated arrival date: December 28 2010 - January 03 2011

Guess I'd better get cracking on Seize the Fire. :lol: I've been meaning to read it, but read Losing the Peace this past week and intend to read The Romulan War this week.
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

Does the order we read these matter? After the reviews for Seize the Fire, I'm thinking of saving it for my last TP book.
The writers devised the tales as standalone works, though they are all linked, obviously, by the Typhon Pact. Chronologically, the stories overlap to some degree, but considering the dates at which they begin and end, Rough Beasts of Empire occurs first, followed by Seize the Fire, Zero Sum Game, and Paths of Disharmony.
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

Amazon sent me an email today:

We have received new release date information related to the order you placed on December 14 2010 (Order# 1701-E). The item(s) listed below will actually ship sooner than we originally expected based on the new release date:

David R. George III "Star Trek: Typhon Pact #3: Rough Beasts of Empire (Star Trek: All)"
Previous estimated arrival date: January 04 2011 - January 10 2011
New estimated arrival date: December 28 2010 - January 03 2011

Guess I'd better get cracking on Seize the Fire. :lol: I've been meaning to read it, but read Losing the Peace this past week and intend to read The Romulan War this week.

Order 1701-E? Is that just a coincidence? :lol:
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

Mine has been on its way since Saturday, according to amazon. In normal weather conditions I'd already have it. But given that it's winter - unexpectedly, like every year, of course - there's no telling when it will arrive here. :)
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

^ I guess wherever you live in Germany the weather is even worse than in NRW. Mine was shipped Monday and was here a day later, although even Amazon thought it would take at least two.
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

^Is there some reason you're incapable of reading the book and finding out for yourself? I can't imagine you'd find spoilers on an Internet bulletin board to be more satisfying than reading the actual story.
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

As I wrote above I haven't read it yet, and I doubt DRG III would appreciate me spouting out random spoiler anyway. Sorry.
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

^Is there some reason you're incapable of reading the book and finding out for yourself? I can't imagine you'd find spoilers on an Internet bulletin board to be more satisfying than reading the actual story.

Some people have more money than others and when you have kids and a limited budget and its Christmas time, even 8-9 dollars of discretionary spending isn't part of it. I personally don't believe in buying on credit and think any responsible person, especially with a family should have a 6 month rainy day fund and quite honestly with the economy where it is, as much as possible we try to add even to that. Maybe in a few months picking up the book for myself will happen but quite honestly, I think I would still enjoy it but wouldn't mind finding a few things out now.
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

^ I guess wherever you live in Germany the weather is even worse than in NRW. Mine was shipped Monday and was here a day later, although even Amazon thought it would take at least two.

I live in Berlin and I haven't kept tabs on the weather situation elsewhere so I can't really compare. However, normally, I get the books a day after the shipping announcement, two at the most. But none of the three packages from amazon I'm expecting has arrived, yet, so I blame it on the weather. ;)

Alternatively, I could blame it on Westerwelle, which seems to be en vogue right now... :p
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Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

I've been looking forward to the Typhon Pact books all year, but in truth, this is the volume I've most wanted to read. I know it's not strictly a DS9 book, but having a story that is partly centered on Sisko is a huge deal for me in these times where DS9 books seem to be so rare. I'm also looking forward to the DS9 elements of Zero Sum Game & Paths of Disharmony, but I'm most excited about this one and while I've put off the other titles until I'm caught up on some older novels, I'll be reading this one as soon as it arrives.
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

Apparently, complaining helps. It just arrived. Poor post guy, having to work until the evening, though.
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

Amazon sent me an email today:

We have received new release date information related to the order you placed on December 14 2010 (Order# 1701-E). The item(s) listed below will actually ship sooner than we originally expected based on the new release date:

David R. George III "Star Trek: Typhon Pact #3: Rough Beasts of Empire (Star Trek: All)"
Previous estimated arrival date: January 04 2011 - January 10 2011
New estimated arrival date: December 28 2010 - January 03 2011

Order 1701-E? Is that just a coincidence? :lol:

I may have edited the order number just a bit for my own safety and amusement. :lol: (I don't know what mischief someone could do with an order number, but better safe than sorry, eh?)

Edit: Well, mine is on the way as of this morning!
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Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

Mine came in yesterday at my local B&N. I wasn't suspecting it til next week. Now I gotta order the last book. I'm currently reading Zero Sum Game right now. Wanted to read the books together.
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

Got my copy this morning. Did a skim and love what happens. We get to see what happens to Vaughan and also David uses the Akira class USS James T. Kirk again like in the recent Myriad Universe story he did.
Re: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts Of Empire review thread

Picked it up Christmas Eve and finished it late in the evening on Boxing Day (I had plenty of time to read in between several Xmas dinners and family events.)

I really liked the Romulan/Spock portions of the book. Very engaging stuff.

The Sisko parts didn't work as well for me. I felt that several of his actions (e.g. how he left Kassidy) didn't align with his character. He also came off as whiny and more than a bit of a jerk (this element continued through to his command of the Robinson). I also felt that the flashbacks to the earlier Tzenekthi War didn't meld effectively (or at all) with the present-day story.

My major beef with the book is that it is really two books in one --- the Sisko and Spock stories never come together (except for Sisko's meeting with Donatra). This could very easily have been two separate books --- with each story being fleshed out in more detail and receiving more comprehensive treatment.

I rated the book "Above Average" due to the excellent Spock story. The Siskso plot, in my opinion, was Below Average.

There just seems to be something missing from these Typhon Pact books --- like each book just never really comes together in the end...