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Tiny Trek Adventures (ongoing comic)

A P.O.? That sounds very Soviet..

In the 80's the Soviet "Bear" bomber used to fly into NATO airspace "accidently" so NATO would send fighter jets to intercept, here in the Netherlands and also in Germany we had US F-15's stationed who also would do an intercept mission.
On board every Soviet bomber they had a political officer who would make sure that the crew would behave, the NATO fighters however would play a little with the Soviets, putting on masks, waving and just making fun.
Of course the Soviet pilots would wave back, and that's when they would get an ear full from the political officer, the bear has a tail gunner and to get to the tail you'll have to lie down on your belly on top of a cart on rails and roll to the tail gunner position, so REALLY troublesome.
The NATO fighter jets would offten slow down and then wave and make fun with the tail gunner and in one instance it was reported that the political officer would move all the way through the crawl tube to give the tail gunner an ear full as well, the jet would accelerate again and mess around with the pilots until the political officer would show up again, I think they wrote that they made the political officer crawl back and forth six times before the bear turned around to fly back home. :D
LOL that's an awesome story @Santaman

The Political Officer could be someone that is one of the commissioner-types or ambassador-types we've seen before in TOS like "Galactic High Commissioner", "Assistant Federation Commissioner", "Federation High Commissioner" and "Ambassador". They would've likely have been appointed for their role.
That is a great story. Love it!

I pulled the idea, and the character, from the 90s era DC Comics that were out and took place between Final Frontier and Undiscovered Country. Kirk had screwed up so bad at one point that the Council assigned him a Political Officer to basically babysit him and keep things above board because he kept screwing up political situations left and right and causing headaches for the Council back on Earth.

Needless to say the crew didn't like her much. Although Kirk did end up winning her over, well before he blabbed to everyone what R.J. actually stands for. ;)

The Political Officer coming in is the same character, but about 20 years younger, and isn't here to babysit but has her own goals that may or may not work with what the rest of the crew has going on. The Federation desperately wants to win over the Independent worlds in the Triangle because that area is right between the Federation, the Romulans and the Klingons. It's also where Nimbus III is going to end up if I end up using the updated map. ;) (It also seems even more ridiculous that they send the crippled Enterprise out there when there are a ton of outposts, starships and starbases ALREADY THERE to handle it, Jim Kirk or not) If they can get the bulk of the Independents to agree they can stop sending in smaller ships and send in the big guns to help secure the borders.

R.J. Blaise is definitely not going to yell at the crew like the Political Officer on the Bear for infractions like that but she's also going to get into things she probably shouldn't be getting into for such a small ship and crew.

Yes Mr. Worf. Tiny. Even by TOS standards lol

It's only 5 decks! And they only have 40 people on board right now. But I did take my sets and did a rough layout for some internals so there's room for 50 crew plus a VIP cabin, unless they double up on some rooms. ;) Wait I did a breakdown! One sec...

Deck 1
System Interfaces
Ready Room
Life Support
Head x2
Communications - Sensor Suite

Deck 2
Crew Quarters x22 (The Loft)
Life Support

Deck 3
Transporter Room
Life Support
Matter Converting Food Processor
Briefing Room
Coffee Lounge
Auxiliary Engineering
Upper Arboretum
Arboretum HVAC and water system
Jr Quarters x5
Sr Quarters x6
Captain's Cabin
VIP Cabin
Escape Pod 15 Capactity (x2)
Shield Generator (Upper)
XO Cabin

Deck 4
Mess Hall
Life Support
Brig and Security Office
Matter Converting Food Processor
Main Engineering Access
Science Lab
Sr Quarters x11
Jr Quarters x4
Lower Arboretum
Computer Core Access
Deflector Control
Shield Generator (Lower)
Transporter Machinery Access
Waste Reclamation
Escape Pod 15 Capactity (x2)

Deck 5
Cargo Bay
Sensor Suite
Weapons Bay

Sounds promising! @ashleytinger, I think this is going to be an interesting situation and storyline. :mallory::techman:

Oh I had fun writing it. lol
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they only have 40 people on board right now
I won't go into detail here, but having drafted crew rosters, I find it hard to accept that you can run 24/7/365 ops with a crew that small. True, I set my ships in TOS/pre-TOS era, so there's far less automation. Even so, I feel that a minimum crew of 55-60 allows for more flexibility in the duty schedule for long-term missions. But what the hey, it's your world, not mine, so if you can make it work logically, I'll buy it. The story/plot & art are just too darned good not to.
I won't go into detail here, but having drafted crew rosters, I find it hard to accept that you can run 24/7/365 ops with a crew that small. True, I set my ships in TOS/pre-TOS era, so there's far less automation. Even so, I feel that a minimum crew of 55-60 allows for more flexibility in the duty schedule for long-term missions. But what the hey, it's your world, not mine, so if you can make it work logically, I'll buy it. The story/plot & art are just too darned good not to.

The crew only being 40 strong does come up later on. Although I admit that was an arbitrary number I came up with early on but working through some plots and ship stuff I realized they'd need more for a longer term haul like this ship is doing. You can actually see some of the stress that this puts the crew under in this storyline. One of the science people that isn't going on planet rotation ends up manning the tactical console while the XO is on planet and the actual science station is going unmanned while they're tracking the good doctor down and the Chief Science Officer is taking a turn at the big chair. And we have our chief engineer helping to offload supplies? Yeah, the automation is a neat idea but there's practicalities some bean counter didn't account for. I mean they're testing out a lot of the automation on the Zodiac ships so they do need fewer bodies manning things, but it's still stretching the crew a lot thinner than it should be. I am planning on adding more crew later on. Gotta get those Caitians in at some point! ;)
FWIW, I had estimated out a crew of 53 on my version of the ship and it was going to be a bit more cramped. I do see what you're doing in your story so looking forward to the next parts. :techman: (Steps back to reading mode.) :D
FWIW, I had estimated out a crew of 53 on my version of the ship and it was going to be a bit more cramped. I do see what you're doing in your story so looking forward to the next parts. :techman: (Steps back to reading mode.) :D

When I get some of the set load-ins and decks mapped out a bit better I'll share the internals. Right now it looks a bit of a mess because when I built a bunch of the sets I'd tacked on a small chunk of hallway so I could just load up that set and shoot someone walking in or out and not have it be an empty area I'd have to fill in later and I wouldn't have to load in the corridor set. Saves on memory and render time that way too!

That and I really need to build the Aux Engineering set which sits in between main engineering and the rest of the ship on deck 3. It'll actually see a nice chunk in what I've got planned for the fourth story. I'm just amazed I was able to fit everything in the way I kind of haphazardly built the sets. Course I built them based off the TOS stage 9 layout a bit though too. That probably helped a tad lol
No Tiny Trek this week. I'm harboring some kind of evil in the form of a cold virus and I am just not up to doing much of anything.
I hope you are getting better. I'm a big fan of your work. FYI, I just reread the entire story from the beginning to refresh my memory; wow, it's been 2-1/2 fun years. Keep on going. :)

When I get some of the set load-ins and decks mapped out a bit better I'll share the internals. Right now it looks a bit of a mess because when I built a bunch of the sets I'd tacked on a small chunk of hallway so I could just load up that set and shoot someone walking in or out and not have it be an empty area I'd have to fill in later and I wouldn't have to load in the corridor set. Saves on memory and render time that way too!

That and I really need to build the Aux Engineering set which sits in between main engineering and the rest of the ship on deck 3. It'll actually see a nice chunk in what I've got planned for the fourth story. I'm just amazed I was able to fit everything in the way I kind of haphazardly built the sets. Course I built them based off the TOS stage 9 layout a bit though too. That probably helped a tad lol
I'm looking forward to the deck plans. You've done a great job in matching the ship internals to the external ship. A TOS-style Aux Engineering is appropriate. Thanks.
^^ Feel better soon. :)

Thank you! Ended up being a weird case of Covid and not a cold after all that. >_<

Doh! Wishing you a speedy recovery and lots of rest.

Had the rest. Doctor's orders. Was just a really long cold, or so I thought. Covid test said otherwise.

I hope you are getting better. I'm a big fan of your work. FYI, I just reread the entire story from the beginning to refresh my memory; wow, it's been 2-1/2 fun years. Keep on going. :)

I'm looking forward to the deck plans. You've done a great job in matching the ship internals to the external ship. A TOS-style Aux Engineering is appropriate. Thanks.

Thank you! Yup I'm getting there! I have a LONG list of stories for the Aries crew. Definitely going to keep going with it as I'm having fun. And yeah the Deck Plans are actually part of me refurbishing my sets as well. I built them with Truespace 3 and had far less control over things like edge smoothing and placement and other things just because of the age of the software. I've started it over in Blender as a side project. When I actually do it I'll just replace everything all at once like I did with the character models. Although the Auxiliary Engineering set I'm planning is going to be all Blender so it's going to look a bit cleaner anyway.

Well now that I'm mostly back to 'operating within spec' it's time to get back to it!

Thanks again for all the well wishes everyone, and please don't tell the Captain I put my feet up on her helm. :P