Tiny Trek Adventures (ongoing comic)

Who lives? Who dies? Tune in for the next episode of Redshirt Roulette! ;):D

Mwa ha ha ha. Smaller ship. Can't afford to send too many redshirts to their demise!

Kehoe....that was from a UFO report, right?

Not sure. A lot of the crew had their names come from a name generator that I then edited from there. Can't tell you which one he came from or what the criteria was other than Human and male.
I just noticed the frame of the "off-road" vehicle is a shuttle. Very clever :)

It was the first thing I noticed when Ashley revealed it. Before reading, I thought it was a shuttle that had been stripped down for some reason. The silly part of my brain imagined one of the characters exclaiming, "Hey! Some &^%$ just jacked our hull plating!"
She's not wrong.

Tellarite's speak the brutal truth. Always ;)

Dial S for smartass.. ;) good one. :D

She's going with the 'never lie to a superior officer' lol

I just noticed the frame of the "off-road" vehicle is a shuttle. Very clever :)

I went with the spacing of the Argo (ground) from Nemesis, but then made it anti-grav and decided the outer-frame/roll cage should look like the TOS shuttle. ;)

It was the first thing I noticed when Ashley revealed it. Before reading, I thought it was a shuttle that had been stripped down for some reason. The silly part of my brain imagined one of the characters exclaiming, "Hey! Some &^%$ just jacked our hull plating!"

LOL! They parked it on the wrong side of the Orion Trading post ;)
In my own fiction writing, I might mix things up and have one of the characters be a not-rude/not-gruff Tellarite.