Tiny Trek Adventures (ongoing comic)

She seems to be saved now.. plot twist? The arrival of tons of anarchy? Double trouble dino dissaster? ;)
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She seems to be saved now.. plot twist? The arrival of tons of anarchy? Double trouble dino dissaster? ;)

MMmaaybe. I mean, pulling her out from under a MULE that's been trashed while the dino was trying to eat her surely can be the worst that can happen, right?

Worst case they can call in an orbital phaser strike to prevent getting overrun by dinos... :whistle:

I say we beam up, fire off a low yield tactical torpedo from orbit. Only way to be sure ;)
Run, run!

Driving away might be faster in the long run ;) I'll show myself out...

Must... go... faster! :D

God creates Dinosaurs. God Destroys Dinosaurs. God creates Man. Man destroys God. Man creates Starfleet, finds Dinosaurs...

Phaser down a tree! either so it falls on its toes or to make the dino trip over it! :D
Good work!:mallory::techman:

Thanks! That might count as interference in the environment, although they might think that's an option lol

Yeah, now would be very good!

Well they're definitely going to find out what the max speed of their little MULE is...

Prepare a large tranquilizer, now!

Just make sure you don't inject yourself with it. You'll be dead before you realize you've had an accident.