Tim Russ Hints At A Voyager Movie!

I can see where one could envision the Journey being the be-all-end-all...but it's not, and the novels-though I don't care for how it's been done-show there is life-pardon the pun-for the characters after the arrival home...IF one will have the good grace to keep a decent semblence of the characters still therein. Voyager is for all her trials hardly a hunk of junk, thanks to Lanna's tireless efforts, and once its disposition is determined, could easily rejoin the fleet, and, as in the books showed as being developed for the fleet, perhaps outfitted with Slipstream, to Boldly Go again...the show wasn't just about a road, and a destination, but, like all the Treks, characters, and their relationships with one another. Those can, and will endure, whatever the developments otherwise....and there's a BIG galaxy of possibilities out there, for creative, inventive minds...
Let's see... what kind of a premise would such a film have?

Voyager was lost in space for 7 years, then returned home.

So a feature film would be about... what? Would they get lost in space again?

Here's my pitch for a Voyager reunion... Neelix returns to the alpha quadrant to start a cover band doing Bob Seger covers. Janeway and the crew of Voyager try and stop them. They learn a little about life and love along the way.


Maybe a prequel-- "Voyager: Ghosts of Yesterday." Janeway is still young and attractive (work with me, it is Sci Fi). She's on the producer's couch, and she gets a ship of her own. (Maybe that should be "admiral's couch.") Anyway, Kim is still in diapers and Seven (on earth with her parents) has no boobs--whoa, never mind. No prequel.

Maybe "Voyager: Back Through the Worm Hole." Janeway follows a little white haired man who keeps looking at his pocket watch, and she falls through a worm hole.
Yeah but Mulgrew is looking Reaaalllyyyy old lately. She looks like a GrandMother.... ewww Shes gotta be approaching her mid 70's or early 80's...
Yeah but Mulgrew is looking Reaaalllyyyy old lately. She looks like a GrandMother.... ewww Shes gotta be approaching her mid 70's or early 80's...


Guys, seriously? It's all in the makeup. Gates looks pretty old IRL, but she looked fine for the movies.

I get it. You don't like Kate or find her attractive. That's fine. It's your opinion to have. I'm just saying, that's pretty harsh.

For the record, she's around 55.
Far as I'm concerned, STOGAM IS "Star Trek XI" and that other Abomination is just some temporary aberration that we have to live with for the next (oh. frakin' hell.) Decade or two.

I'd jump up and down and find some way to put money in Tim Russ's hands if he could do a Voyager film of any sort with original cast members. Hell, I'd buy $25+ photos and everything.
Yay. :)

Though I'm a little cautious with such a plan, since it has been awhile since the show was on TV. Not to mention that I still don't believe this project would ever see the light of a day, even if I would be open to the idea.
Kate is still hot. She looks like an old lady at times but we can't assume that they will start the film where they left off. So all of them would be older. And now that she's an admiral would she be able to captain Voyager???
Kate is still hot. She looks like an old lady at times but we can't assume that they will start the film where they left off. So all of them would be older. And now that she's an admiral would she be able to captain Voyager???

Nope, sorry, I've already recast Elizabeth Shue as Captain Janeway.
Hello, Elisabeth? With the futuristic beauty treatments, a 55 year old could look like you? And you'll even do a nude scene with Chief Rubber Tree? It's a deal--name your price.
I would love Voyager that much more if Elisabeth Shue had been cast as Janeway from the beginning.

I like Kate and I think she's a fine actor... I just can't handle the voice.
Howzabout they recast Janeway? Instead of Mulgrew, she'll be played by Bujold?

No. I wouldn't want to see this. Even professionally made. Plus, it will never get a theatrical release. In fact, the fans would be lucky if it was a straight to DVD movie. But I can't even see that happening. And if it did. What story are they going to tell? Is it going to be how the crew is adapting to their life on Earth now?

The only thing I would like to see is a director's cut of End Game with 20-40 minutes more of newly shot footage (while maintaining the actor's youth at the time). We could see more enhanced visual effects, make up effects, added scenes on Voyager, and a welcome home for Voyager (that so many fans have wished for since the episode aired).
I would love Voyager that much more if Elisabeth Shue had been cast as Janeway from the beginning.

I like Kate and I think she's a fine actor... I just can't handle the voice.

If her voice is sooooo bad why dose she do so many audio recordings??

People pay to hear her talk, I think she sounds sexy like a temptress grrrrr. :drool:

I know opinions are like A-holes... Just saying