Tim Russ Hints At A Voyager Movie!

Sure there is not enough of a fan base to warrent a theatrical movie. However, I do believe they could make money on a low budget TV movie or even a mini series, say for a couple of million. I'm sure there would be plenty of broadcasters around the globe interested in showing that and I'm sure they could make some decent money from the DVD/BluRay release.

What I'm not fond of is the idea of an independent non profit fan movie. 'Of Gods and Men' was an absolute disaster, worse than the worst of episodes ever produced for TV. The script, acting and directing was just all terrible. I have huge respect for most of the actors who participated in it, but somehow without a real film studio behind them their efforts fell apart and amounted to nothing. In my opinion, when it comes to Star Trek, fan productions have not at any point managed to produce anything that could live up to the quality of an authentic Star Trek episode in terms of writing, directing, production values or acting. This judgment must seem harsh and unfair but in end I won't cut these productions any slack just because they don't have a proper budget. You want to call something Star Trek then at least try to do better than "The Way to Eden" or "Profit and Lace".
Hmm... I not sure I could watch a Voyager movie that didn't have Captain Janeway in it.

If they could get Angelina Jolie or Nicole Kidman to play the Captain Janeway role; and get Jeri Ryan back, or Scarlett Johansson for the Seven role, I'm there.
There's a million ways they could have Janeway without Kate.

Much like all Trek, I consider the corner stone of a series to be the captain. I can't imagine a TNG movie without Picard or a DS9 without Sisko.

I think not having the captain there detracts. All I would be thinking is, "What's going on with the Captain?"
I can imagine a DS9 movie without Sisko. It would be just like most of the relaunch novels. DS9 was a real ensemble show, with many interesting characters that could carry a good storyline, and a loss of any one character could be overcome.
I'd prefer DS9 without Sisko. He was the worst one.

Is that genuinely Tim Russ' Facebook page? I'm tempted to add him.
I would love to see it, but it would have to have Kate Mulgrew as Captain Janeway, and the rest of the major players. However in the case of Seven of Nine, I would really love a new outfit, that didnt shout SEX all the time. Shes a good enough actress not to be used as that kind of object.

Im rather tired of a lot of films coming out of certain makers, who have titilation as the obvious attraction, when its supposed to be Sci Fi, Murder, etc.
I doubt that there will be a Voyager movie.

But if they decide to do one, then all the main characters from the show must be involved, otherwise they just can forget the whole thing.

And no more character destruction, please.
However in the case of Seven of Nine, I would really love a new outfit, that didnt shout SEX all the time. Shes a good enough actress not to be used as that kind of object.

But Purdy, can't we have both? Let not go back to the times before Philip Jose Farmer when sex was taboo in sci fi.
Hmm... I not sure I could watch a Voyager movie that didn't have Captain Janeway in it.

If they could get Angelina Jolie or Nicole Kidman to play the Captain Janeway role; and get Jeri Ryan back, or Scarlett Johansson for the Seven role, I'm there.

I would never watch a Voyager movie without the original actors. I hate re-makes.

Not even with my proposed cast? You're tough. Come on, what one character could we replace with anybody you'd like and still get you to watch?
If they could get Angelina Jolie or Nicole Kidman to play the Captain Janeway role; and get Jeri Ryan back, or Scarlett Johansson for the Seven role, I'm there.

I would never watch a Voyager movie without the original actors. I hate re-makes.

Not even with my proposed cast? You're tough. Come on, what one character could we replace with anybody you'd like and still get you to watch?

Sorry, I just can't stand the thought of it. Kidman is one of my favorites but I could never imagine her as Janeway. Jolie is OK but the same there. I don't know so much about Scarlett Johansson but still I can't imagine anyone of thhse mentioned as Voyager characters.
I would never watch a Voyager movie without the original actors. I hate re-makes.

Not even with my proposed cast? You're tough. Come on, what one character could we replace with anybody you'd like and still get you to watch?

Sorry, I just can't stand the thought of it. Kidman is one of my favorites but I could never imagine her as Janeway. Jolie is OK but the same there. I don't know so much about Scarlett Johansson but still I can't imagine anyone of thhse mentioned as Voyager characters.

OK, then, you're off the hook. I realize I'm in a very small minority (if not the only one), but with a good script, I could enjoy a completely recast Voyager.
There is only one Janeway and that is Mulgrew. Udat has spoken.

Anything is better than nothing, so I`m all for a movie, a TV movie would be great.
On Trekmovie.com today they said they asked Tim Russ about this and he said the FB page is not really his and the whole thing is just a hoax. Trekmovie's pretty reputable, I think, so it appears we may have been had, too bad. (Was a nice idea, though.)
Yup, Trekmovie has de-bunked the story. You can always trust Anthony from TM to get the real story. Kinda mad, as I thought it was Tim Russ page since other notable people like James Cawely were freinds on it. Ah well case closed.
There's a million ways they could have Janeway without Kate.

Much like all Trek, I consider the corner stone of a series to be the captain. I can't imagine a TNG movie without Picard or a DS9 without Sisko.

I think not having the captain there detracts. All I would be thinking is, "What's going on with the Captain?"
I can imagine a DS9 movie without Sisko. It would be just like most of the relaunch novels. DS9 was a real ensemble show, with many interesting characters that could carry a good storyline, and a loss of any one character could be overcome.

TNG, on the other hand, I cannot imagine without Picard, because he dominates the show and is head and shoulders above the rest of the cast. Only Data and Worf come close as stronger characters, but nobody has Picard's presence.

I'm not sure where VOY falls. Janeway doesn't dominate the cast the way Picard does on TNG, but it did not work as an ensemble show the way DS9 did, either. Some of the characters were very weak (Chakotay, Kim), and most of them got sidelined too much. But maybe this kind of movie could help in that respect, by giving disregarded characters something to do.

TNG can most definitely survive without Picard.

Even though I haven't gotten into the relaunch, DS9 has the potential to survive without Sisko, and I'm looking forward to reading about Eden and the crew of Voyager.
TNG can most definitely survive without Picard.

Even though I haven't gotten into the relaunch, DS9 has the potential to survive without Sisko, and I'm looking forward to reading about Eden and the crew of Voyager.

The only member of Voyager that I think comes close to being irreplaceable is Robert Picardo. Kate Mulgrew could and should be replaced if a new movie were to be made.

It would be harder to replace most of the crew of TNG.

It would be harder still to replace the crew of TOS.
Yet another example of bad juju at Facebook. That stinks, especially if you are a Voyager fan,who, as we all have, been deprived of any new filmed material of our beloved crew. Something would have been nice, even if only three were there under Tim's co-star and directing., but, certainly,having Kate involved would for me have been a preference in such a hypothetical project-or somehow in the vast arena of 'possibilities', not necessarily probabilities, another adventure with the gang...No, I don't see a theatrical project, ever. Much as I love the show, I'm far more realistic than to expect a big-budget production.
Let's see... what kind of a premise would such a film have?

Voyager was lost in space for 7 years, then returned home.

So a feature film would be about... what? Would they get lost in space again?

Here's my pitch for a Voyager reunion... Neelix returns to the alpha quadrant to start a cover band doing Bob Seger covers. Janeway and the crew of Voyager try and stop them. They learn a little about life and love along the way.